
1971 "Is the monster man... fish... or devil?"
2.2| 1h40m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 1971 Released
Producted By: Barton Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A mad scientist unleashes his master plan: to transform himself into a mutated walking catfish, and gain revenge on those who have spurned him. His plans go wrong, and he becomes tempted to kidnap a nubile young woman to similarly transform her so that he can breed.

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Don Barton

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Barton Films


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Zaat Audience Reviews

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
TheLittleSongbird A lot of people were exposed to Blood Waters of Dr Z through MST3K, myself included. The episode wasn't one of the classics, but it was funny and summed up very well what was wrong with the movie. The movie itself is one of the kind that makes your jaw drop just at the thought of it. The underwater photography is not so bad, beautiful is not how I describe it but it is the asset that is the least amateurish regarding Blood Waters of Dr Z. The rest is amateurish through and through, and the flaws are so numerous that the underwater photography is not enough to salvage. The rest of the camera work and editing though is nauseating, it hardly ever is still, and even for a genre movie the movie's colour scheme was much too drab. The monster was very non-threatening and looked ridiculous, not many movies I've seen recently have had a monster that looks like a man masquerading in a monster suit like he's at a fancy dress party but Blood Waters of Dr Z gives off that vibe in a painfully obvious way. The soundtrack is equally monotonous, with a song that is dull and really quite stupid, and it is one of those soundtracks that actually sounds as though it should be somewhere else. The dialogue is laughably cheesy and stilted, made even worse by the vapid and really annoying voice-overs, the attack scenes have no suspense or vitality(they are actually done so badly that I even couldn't deem them as unintentionally hilarious) and the story- the kind that is good concept-wise but badly executed- is senseless, filled with the brim with things left hanging there with no explanation and full of interminably plodding exposition and no sense of dread at all. The characters are annoying and undeveloped, often coming and going with no reason as to doing so, and the acting is just laughable from all involved. Overall, I've seen worse but that's saying a huge amount as Blood Waters of Dr Z is still terrible, one of the lamest monster movies almost certainly brought to celluloid. 1/10 for the underwater photography only. Bethany Cox
urto123 Ever the fan of bad movies, I checked this out recently, and it did not let me down, in the sense that it really let me down. It's a typical low-budget monster movie with a really bad costume, subpar actors, and some shoddy camera-work.The story is about a doctor who is really uppity that the world doesn't like fish as much as he does, so he does the rational thing and turns himself into an amphibious monster in hopes of conquering the world. Somewhere in there, he also wants to prove to some former colleagues of his that he wasn't a maniac after all by maniacally killing them, and he also needs to find a suitable female, turn her into a monster, and breed with her so this monster race can rule the world.Ultimately, it's not a terrible plot idea for a monster movie, but the execution just sucks. You really only have a vague idea of what he's trying to do and why he's trying to do it. Furthermore, the first thirty minutes of the movie seems to be just him randomly going back and forth between his lab to stare at charts and the swamplands of Florida to scare the crap out of people.The worst thing contributing to the concept of a "decent idea gone bad" here is the camera-work. All I can really say is that whenever you've watched a shot long enough to understand what's going on and are ready for a new shot to begin so that more information can be conveyed to you, that's about the point when there will be ten to fifteen seconds left of said shot. They all just last a tiny bit too long, and it really starts to grind away at your tolerance of other aspects of the movie.The truly notable thing about this movie is the awful hero, who I would probably consider the worst of all time. To summarize exactly what he does in the movie, he is completely absent from it for the first half or so. When he shows up, he still doesn't really have any purpose, so he just kind of does nothing important for another 20 minutes. Finally, he decides to go to the antagonist's lair and end it once and for all. Unfortunately, he gets bitten by a snake on the way there and dies. What a champ.Despite all of the terrible camera-work, annoying characters, and poor plot progression, the ending of this movie is a surprisingly iconic scene that will stick with you for a ways to come, even if everything leading up to that moment of cinematic serenity was a pretty much detestable and haphazard.In the end, the plot and effects of this movie are about two decades too late for it to be a quality flick on a serious scale, and the non-story elements (camera, music, lighting, scene transitioning) are too irritating for it to have the charm of a quality B-movie. Every so often, it seems to get something right, perhaps showing it had some potential, but it's still just not a good movie on any level.
global_global Where do I begin? Well...This film really isn't as bad as some may make it out to be. (I think people are being overly dramatic about it because it was featured on MST3K.) At least it didn't waste time getting to the creation of the monster. So many movies would slowly build suspense, and while this can be an effective plot device, it can also get very pretentious. Zaat didn't waste time, the monster was created in the first 5 minutes.Also, the ending was pretty good. The colored guy prevented the girl from being dipped in the water that would turn her into a monster. However, she'd already been injected with the fluid, so although she didn't physically transform, she was mentally in-line with the creature and followed him back into the ocean, even though her boyfriend tried to stop her. She simply walked into the sea, as if in a trance, to her ultimate death. I'm giving this all away because anyone reading has either seen it, or will probably never see it.I didn't understand the part with the hippie sing-along, I guess that was just filler material. Maybe they were a local Jacksonville band and the director promised them screen time.While low budget, it was fairly well written in the sense that there weren't too many unexplained plot shifts or choppy plot line. So on the whole, I say this film was decent.Also, I wanted to mention that there were some pretty good shots of marine life at the beginning of the film. It may have been stock footage, I'm not sure. Despite the low budget, however, I have to give the underwater cameraman credit. Perhaps the underwater filming was where most of the budget was spent, because it was well done, and it was nice seeing that one chick swim around freely before the creature got her. Never really explained why she failed to transform into a sea creature too.
Rens Gouw Wow! I watched this movie several times, because it was awesome. I really laughed throughout the entire movie! Fighting scenes without hitting, terrible soundtrack, people acting worse than the TNA Wrestling contestants, the lead actor visibly waiting for his cue AND a dragging, unconvincing sentimental scene at the end. This movie has it all. It really is THE flick for some late night entertainment with no suspense, only kick-ass slap-stick scenes put together. Of course this was not the intention of the makers, but with their budget, you can hardly expect anything more. This movie has an enormous cultural value. Although I agree with the IMDb's 1.7 for it's genre (horror/thriller) it deserves a ten for bringing joy and laughter in the world. Thanks Don Barton, I enjoyed every moment!