
2009 "Killers Are Not Born ... They Are Made"
4.8| 1h36m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 25 April 2009 Released
Producted By: Anthem Pictures
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A police profiler has just returned from psychiatric leave only to find that he is caught up in a serial killer's rampage. Fighting to keep buried the trauma of his childhood, he must confront the all too-familiar flesh masks that the killer leaves on the faces of his victims. He must face his own demons along with the killer to save his small eroding existence.

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Charles Adelman

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Anthem Pictures


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2:13 Audience Reviews

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Leofwine_draca 2:13 is your usual run-of-the-mill style serial killer thriller that looks like it was made and shot in the mid-'90s. Even the way the cast includes supporting roles for various seasoned players like Kevin Pollak and Dwight Yoakam reminded me of the old days of film-making.Although the DVD cover makes this look like a horror movie, it really isn't. It's just a thriller with a handful of gory moments. I find films like this fail or succeed due to the nature of the killer and how memorable he or she is. Unfortunately, 2:13's killer is entirely forgettable. The rest of the film is a muddle of flashbacks and convoluted scenes, with token blonde Teri Polo shining her flashlight around and getting herself into danger. It's not very interesting.
amesmonde A police profiler with psychiatric issues, leading an unhealthy lifestyle returns to duty only to be caught up in a serial killer's spree, with the murderer having a personal fixation with his pursuer.Although feeling like a moodier, more edgy and graphic crime show episode 2:13 is a run of the mill little thriller reminiscent of Silence of the Lambs and Saw with some great grisly special makeup effects. Nevertheless, Thompson's story unravels in the closing act, thankfully it picks itself back up briefly prior to the closing credits.Subtle, casual Mark Thompson is on form as alcoholic Russell Spivey. Talented actress Teri Polo (Beyond 2012) has a meaty role with Kevin Kevin Pollak having an effective extended cameo. Notable is Jere Burns in a supporting role even if somewhat underutilised.While well directed by Charles Adelman it's derivative of the genre and it will probably come as no surprise that Thompson also wrote/produced 2:13 as he gives an effort injected performance.Logic flaws aside, worth watching if only for the Pollack's cameo, Thompson's hard work and Jodie Foster-like Polo's central role.
GothDaddyX OK. Let me makes this plain and simple. I am not going to tell you who is the killer. You will probably, as I did, think you know because it seems rather obvious, but the plot-hole (big enough to drive a VW thru) comes down to age difference. Our protagonist is clearly Older than the Killer (a check with the cast index on IMDb has the protagonist- killer age difference as 10 years and it shows). Yet, when the protagonist was just 10, and they emphasize this again & again, they have the killer already an adult in their 20's. I have to surmise that they(the screenwriters) are basing the ages on the year the movie was released - 2009. Then they have very important plot issues happen in the late 60's. If the killer was an adult in the late 60's...say 20 for example, the killer would be right around 60 in 2009, and this is not the case at all. Sad, sad, sad, another movie gone bad. I really wanted to like this film. All the characters did a fine job with their roles, and it was taut and suspenseful. And as the Title of this review states...A Good Thriller, if you don't use too much logic.
cmoyton While not quite a direct Seven rip off (check out woeful Christopher Lambert thriller Resurrection for that dubious honour)this movie is a feeble addition to the overloaded serial killer thriller genre. The identity of the killer should be obvious early on. There are also various plot continuity errors and contrivances which others on the site have commented upon which really stretch credibility beyond breaking point. Add to the story just about every cops and killer cliché in the book.On the plus side the acting is serviceable, there are quick cut shots of some gore during the murder scenes which are OK and the pace of the story quickens approaching the climax which is ruined by a laborious detention room scene (with the other cops watching behind the ubiquitous two way mirror). This ending gives the opportunity for the killer to spout more of his Shakespere quotations (don't ask) and for the cop to utilise a preposterous hypnotism skill he picked up from earlier in the story."Best" of all is the twist timed for 2:13. Avoid.