A Poet in New York

6.8| 1h20m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 30 April 2014 Released
Producted By: BBC
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01w6llk

In 1953 Dylan Thomas went to New York for the last time, his marriage a wreck, his drinking out of control. He was on his way to meet Stravinsky and to wallow in New York acclaim - but what was he escaping? How did such a triumph become a requiem? The last days of a great poet.



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Aisling Walsh

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A Poet in New York Audience Reviews

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of a talented British poet, whose life is ridden with alcoholism and poor health. His womanising ways does not help with guys marriage either, causing every bit of his life to fall apart."A Poet in New York" may look good on paper, but the end result is quite ridiculous. I can't imagine a man bursting into poems every time he speaks. The poems are not even relevant to the questions or contexts at times, hence the social exchanges are very weird. The film does not capture me in any way, unfortunately. I found it very boring and unconvincing.
atlasmb It is surely difficult to encompass the life of anyone in little more than an hour. This bio-drama concentrates on the last days of Dylan Thomas, with flashbacks to his youth and happier days. The result is a successful arc of the man's life, ultimately disappointing as it was.Thomas was an intemperate boor haunted by past failures and as unhealthy fear of an unpromising future as this dramatization tells it. Certainly most of it is true.So many literary luminaries are self-destructive and personally disappointing. That one more does not stand as an icon to strength of character is no revelation, but it does give an alternate view of Thomas' works. Long after "Fern Hill", he goes to America not to anoint the masses, but to escape the prison of his marriage. And "Do Not Go Gently into that Good Night" becomes less a passionately strong urging to remain steadfast and more a pitiful pleading to not be abandoned. But meaning, like beauty, is in the eye or ear of the beholder.Tom Hollander gives a strong performance as the poet and he is surrounded by a corps of captivating actors. New York City in 1953 comes alive and provides an appropriate backdrop for the poets downfall. What started as a green and golden existence dies among the figurative gray ash heaps of Eliot's 20th century, perhaps too innocent and too frail to survive in a world of ragged claws.
l_rawjalaurence Dylan Thomas gets the full BBC costume drama treatment in Andrew Davies' screenplay and Aisling Walsh's production. Historical accuracy is paramount; the costumes are well-crafted, the settings appropriately kitschy, the cast impeccable, with Tom Hollander offering a remarkable vocal impersonation of Thomas' voice. There are the familiar stock plot-elements; the obligatory sex-scenes involving Thomas, his wife Caitlin (Essie Davis), a Polish countess (Wanda Opalinska) and a street- girl; the picture-postcard shots of the Welsh coastline, with sequences shot in Thomas' writing-den right by the sea; and the syrupy music (by Debbie Wiseman) forming a - somewhat intrusive - backdrop to Thomas' love-scenes with Caitlin and his platonic relationship with amanuensis/secretary Liz Reitell (Phoebe Fox). In truth the drama doesn't tell us very much about Thomas' character, other than to suggest his fundamentally self-centered nature, and his continual memories of a childhood where he was often taunted by other children on account of his bronchial troubles. The atmosphere of early Fifties New York is adequately re-created, although the mock-up of the Chelsea Hotel (where Thomas spent his last days) looks nothing like the actual building. Some of the American accents are a bit questionable - especially Ewen Bremner's performance as Thomas' friend and promoter J. M. Brinnin - but in general this is a solid if somewhat unspectacular production.
Don Boyd An absolutely superb film dealing with a subject which reeks with creative pitfalls. Tom Hollander's bravura uncompromising performance was matched by a supporting cast - Phoebe Fox and Ewen Bremner were fabulous in particular - that allowed the director (Aisling Walsh) to paint a picture of this great poet's desperately sad life without whimsy, and without clichés. Beautifully photographed and realised, this was the best biopic I have seen for a long time.The script written by Andrew Davies used the poetry to great effect and balanced Thomas's brilliant language with some effective and poignant dialogue - no mean feat. The integration of period footage of New York in 1952 was seamless - presumably colorised Black and White, but the cinematography, costume design and art direction added a modern atmosphere to the film instead of the often used lazy cod stylised attempts at period visual approximation which make the imagery seem so unrealistic and unbelievable. For reasons that seem baffling, it wasn't given much promotion by the BBC. No doubt the schedulers were too busy pushing the other ridiculous rubbish TV executives pepper their schedules with these days. This was great television drama. On a philosophical note: I know about that desperation and pressures Walsh/Davies so cleverly delineated, and I know how seductive New York can be from its seedy dives, its cocktails, its somewhat superficial parties, and its artistic magnetism. Tragic that all these attractions have the power to destroy so much talent, and in Dylan Thomas's case, at such a tragically young age.