Ancient Warriors

3.4| 1h33m| R| en| More Info
Released: 01 March 2003 Released
Producted By: Arc2 Intertainment
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Special Forces Captain Aldo Paccione must pull together his former world team Delta Force and go deep within the mines of Sardinia when it is discovered that a vengeful band of mercenaries are developing deadly biochemical weapons.



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Walter von Huene

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Arc2 Intertainment


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Ancient Warriors Audience Reviews

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Steineded How sad is this?
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
CheeseDogX A friend of mine got me this little turkey for Christmas, because he knows I enjoy watching bad movies. Usually I do this as a group event, so my friends and I can all sit back and mock the movie together, but out of boredom I decided to check it out by my lonesome. Next time I watch something like this, I'll make sure to have a suicide watch on hand.From the title, as well as the box, I assumed this would be a horror flick, with at the very least some cheesy death scenes. Sadly, I didn't even get that much. Ancient Warriors is a low-grade action flick with vague supernatural elements awkwardly shoehorned in. You got some characters with psychic abilities and a dying man looking for a miracle cure buried in a cave in Sardinia, which is guarded by the ghosts of, you guessed it, Ancient Warriors. In any other movie, this would have been the focal point, but in the case of this flick, you have to wonder why they even bothered putting it in. As the gentleman who did the previous review remarks, the eponymous warriors get maybe five minutes of screen time. Most of the rest of the movie consists of boring action scenes and ham-fisted attempts at character development.I think one of the many, many problems with this film is there's so much going on that nothing gets accomplished. Perhaps that's because there were three writers. It certainly feels like it's trying to be three movies at once. They loaded the movie with about a dozen characters and tried to flesh them all out, which might have worked if they'd gotten decent actors. I mean, you know you're in trouble when Daniel Baldwin is the most gifted actor on the set. The movie seems to be pulling in at least three directions at once; one minute it's a buddy movie, the next it's a shoot-em-up, and for brief spurts it's a supernatural thriller. It's a textbook case of "too many cooks spoil the broth." If this movie had come out 20 years ago and had at least one famous action star (Jean-Claude Van Damme springs to mind), this movie might have made it on the big screen as a summer blockbuster. As it is, it seems destined to be the kind of movie you find on cable at 3 am when you can't fall asleep. And that's probably where it belongs. If you happen upon this movie in the store at some point, do yourself a favor and leave it on the shelf.
Team_Rocket From the moment you hear that first gunshot, you feel an air of cheesy action crapfest ahead of you. Then you hear that second gunshot, then another, and another...And another....And yet another. They should have called this shoot people the movie. Pretty much the entire film centers around shooting guns nonstop and killing everything in sight. The one time the films stars aren't shooting their guns, is when they're polishing them...And the one time they're not killing people with their nicely polished guns is when they're having target practice. Yes, you read that right. You get to actually watch the low grade b movie action stars target practice. You get to watch all kinds of guns being fired too, not just machine guns, but 9mm handguns too. One of the b movie stars even pays homage to Chow Yun Fat with his duel wielding 9mm's style of shooting people.Now don't get me wrong, when I say these guys shoot people, they don't just wing them or nick them...They fu**ing kill them...Dead mind you, deader than 4 o'clock. I don't think I saw even one person recover from the shooting they got. I saw guys taking shots in the head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. And at one point I saw a man get shot in the a**, either that or he had two a**holes. That reminds me, the actors in this film were like a collective of a**holes. Or, the big stink as I like to call them. They were very wooden, almost totem-like. They somehow made their way from scene to scene, and shot people. I could imagine the director carrying each actor from scene to scene and posing them for each shot given the woodocitificationess of the actors in question.I didn't hate this film, and for the price of $1.00 I would have to say it was worth it. It was worth a dollar just to see the heavy machine gunner do a Rambo yell while he slaughtered dozens of mindless villains. I couldn't stop laughing during that part of the film either. Going into Ancient Warriors thinking it would suck made sitting through it much easier as well. All in all, I'd give this film a 2. Just because it's so over the top with gunplay and sets a new standard for bgrade action films, plus there's a Baldwin brother in it, so hey...I'd give it the extra point for that alone. For bad movie lovers only, all others please avoid this at all costs. Even at a dollar.
sigvaldsen88 O.M.F.G. this movie sits about 5 steps below the definition of Cinema Cheese... Where "B" movies reign, this is find a niche in the "C" category.. Franco Columbu should have stuck to the role of being the legendary bodybuilder who is aging well and working as a Chiropractor in California.. Instead, he trys his hand at producing & starring as lead role in a movie so awful i would have more readily chewed a handful of broken glass than watch from beginning to end.. The marketed plot of the movie is the following: "An Elite Delta Force Team is assigned to thwart a Chemical Weapons Terrorist plot, in the process they are trapped inside an Ancient cave and have to fight their way out using all their skills as a Special Forces unit, against the incredible supernatural evil of awakened spirits of Warrior Guardians" Sounds fargging good right??, the picture of the Skeleton's in armor on the DVD box set the hook in me and i splurged for the purchase...Aight, lets break it down... There are no damn Skeletons in the movie at all, not a one... Now you think thats bad, there is NO battle between Delta Force and anything supernatural.. In fact, the "Ancient Warriors" is a 7 second scene of six Sardinian young men wearing garb with spears in hand, they step out from the wall from which they were previously superimposed, rocks falls killing Richard Lynch's character, then then back step into the cave wall again & disappear... Don't believe me? you haven't seen anything yet... There is a Baldwin in the movie, yes a real live Baldwin, a "DANIEL Baldwin" i may add, which was probably the lowest priced bid in the Baldwinian Empire.. Baldwin plays the part of a Delta Force Captain who is so out of shape that he could've been taken out by a 90 pound Polish Downs syndrome patient in hand-to-hand combat. In fact the entire "Delta Force" unit in the movie looks about as disciplined as the Guatemalan National Guard. Franco Columbu's role of the lead action character is beyond ridiculous, whilst mastering the double pistol squat run while flailing his hands, his head facing the ground as not to actually see his intended targets, there is a degree of skill required to such buffoonery. The fact that he seems to be completely unhittable by any rounds while in this mode is even more curiously amusing. Occasionally the pistols disappear in one frame and the next he is firing an Uzi, with as much enthusiasm as a stoned teenager playing "operation wolf" on an arcade.. Baldwin gets, NO-KILLS in the whole movie, in fact he is so far on the back burner it makes you wonder why he was even included in the film?.. Most of the time he plays a pathetic combination of "faceman" from the A-Team & a Pimp-Daddy lying on a lawn chair being pawed by adoring busty women giving him manicures. Richard Lynch's character is 80% coughing up phlegm & blood from some un-named disease, and then the other 20% wishing he was in a Chuck Norris flick.. The whole beach Delta Force training scene centered around the buttock region of the token T&A member of the squad, that and assorted elementary school caliber obstacles for the "Elite" Combat Team to negotiate. The action sequences are so preposterous that my eyeballs still ache from absorbing this audio visual toxin.. I love the scene where 3 guys running up with flashlights sends the Squad into a blind panicked retreat off of an 80 foot cliff.. Oh i forgot they were simultaneous under attack by a tin helicopter that obviously encompassed the part of the film budget that the lesser Balwinite did not yet absorb. Nothing, i mean nothing in this film had even a shadow of a basis in reality or the tactical functions of an actual Special OP's team.. Even the terrorists we more organized whenever they were not either mining, searching for the holy grail, or attempting to thwart the mad skills of Franco Columbu's double pistol dwarf walk (I swear he cut loose at least a few pasta farts in these sequences).. The acting as a whole is shallower than THAT ocean on the moon. When watching this movie, if you DO happen to have about an hour and a half of time which can either be spent cleaning a kitty litter box one grain at a time or watching this consider the latter. In any case spare the popcorn & fill a few shot glasses with Pepito-bismol and keep them on standby, your gonna need em'.
mflores-7 I'm agree with anubis76. I didn't know who was Columbo until I search the web so initially i guessed that the producer may be walking in the streets of Rome and star calling people to appear in the film. The acting was poor, the effects and the script were awful. First, they never get injured, the killed don't bleed and the title has nothing to do with the movie. The so called "Ancient Warriors" appear about 5 minutes in the whole movie and looked like they were being display to the stone wall. Somethings may stay only in the writers head. I guess from now on the actors will take this movie like the weird uncle who lives in the attic, that you don't want anybody see or meet. So MY ADVICE is, if you're planning on rent this movie, is cheaper to see the static on the TV and even funnier.