Attack Force

2006 "Humanity's greatest hope... faces his greatest battle."
2.7| 1h34m| R| en| More Info
Released: 05 December 2006 Released
Producted By: Castel Film
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Marshall Lawson is the commander of an elite military unit. Marshall Lawson loses his strike-team in a cold-blooded and seemingly random attack, and he takes it upon himself to investigate the attack, with the help of his girlfriend Tia and his friend Dwayne.

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Michael Keusch

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Castel Film


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Attack Force Audience Reviews

Micitype Pretty Good
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Chris_Mac_25 Seagal stopped trying after Exit WoundsIt looks as though all it takes to get him to sign on for one of these straight to DVD disasters is a decent budget for a buffet where he can contribute to his ever expanding waistline The money spent on catering for this mess obviously detracted from his wig budget, as his frizzy mullet is sadly neglected. Half his lines are clearly and poorly dubbed, and the lines he did deliver are breathless from the effort required to keep himself from falling overThe most amusing aspect of Seagal is the flattering and svelte pictures of him that grace the DVD covers
Sandcooler The back story to "Attack Force" is really depressing, even to Steven Seagal's standards. Apparently he really tried to do something different with this one. It was supposed to be his first stab at a horror/sci-fi movie (originally it was called "Harvester"), featuring a Seagal 2.0 that fought an army of vampires in what must have been some kind of off-brand "Blade" (at times the style is clearly reminiscent). Unfortunately, the executive producers usually get the final cut and they suddenly figured: why take a chance with something new when there's always a buck in generic action movies? A bajillion reshoots, redubs and recuts later we got "Attack Force", which is about 5% action and 95% explaining how the old footage is supposed to fit into the new plot (but seriously, why would an "experimental drug" make you want to lick blood off a window?). Any dialogue scene will usually start with Seagal saying a line from the original movie, then it will cut away from his face and the worst impersonator of all time takes over to give us all kinds of new exposition. Like most recent Seagal movies, this movie also has way too many sets of characters that are mainly there to pad out the running time. We have Seagal's team, and then you have the vampires/drug addicts/whatever, what else do you need? Why is there a French cop following everyone around, why are there extra government guys that are supervised by more extra government guys? Who needs all that crap in a B-movie, get to the fighting. I've got to say though, the fights are quite jumpy but really not that bad. Most of it is done by a stunt double, but it looks fine and pretty stylish. Kinda makes you wonder what "Harvester" would have been like. Unfortunately, we'll probably never know and are stuck with this headache-inducing mess.
lost-in-limbo I've seen my fair share of Steven Seagal straight to DVD entries, but "Attack Force" has to be the lowest dominator in his cannon fodder. Oh it's bad. I know at times it can be hard to understand whispering Seagal, but where did that croaky dubbing come from?! It's laughable. However I did read this film was tampered with in post-production. Don't know how much of a difference that would have been, but you can only go with what's in front of you and "Attack Force" is a cheaply shot-on- video mess. Quite an insufferably bland one too. In this silly actioner Seagal plays some sort special agent whose special forces team (really they're quite useless) is wiped out and he goes about investigating why. There he digs up some covert military cover-ups and a drug-dealer who plans who contaminant the water supply with a lethal drug. In all honesty I had no idea what was going on, nor was I that interested to find out either. When it came to the action, while bloody in its aftermath… blotchy was best to describe it. It's a clinical display and its climaxes are a frenetic muddle. Looking more noticeable because of many boring secondary characters, Seagal lazily goes about his business looking all steely eyes, as conspiracies, scheming and back-stabbing fly about. It's terribly unfocused, as there's too much going on with its plot details. Characters come and go, while Seagal uninterestingly rambles on and impresses his young lady co-star. "I'm flattered. You recognised my voice"
sveknu This is without a shadow of a doubt the absolute worst movie Steven Seagal has ever made. And that says a lot. Don't get fooled by the rating, it's way too good. This abomination hadn't even been worthy of a 0/10 rating, if such a thing existed. Absolutely no plot Worst action scenes ever, and there aren't too many of them either Seagal doesn't do anything himself, including the fighting, talking (lots of dubbing), and so on. As always. Seagal is fat, lazy and couldn't care less about this movie. Something which is very obvious all the way throughTake all the other garbage DTV movies Seagal has made, multiply them with each other, multiply this with a thousand billions, and all the badness you then get won't even describe 1 % of this absolute crapfest.