Barbie: A Perfect Christmas

5.4| 1h14m| G| en| More Info
Released: 08 November 2011 Released
Producted By: Technicolor
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Join Barbie and her sisters Skipper, Stacie and Chelsea as their holiday vacation plans turn into a most unexpected adventure and heartwarming lesson. After a snowstorm diverts their plane, the girls find themselves far from their New York destination and their holiday dreams. Now stranded at a remote inn in the tiny town of Tannenbaum, the sisters are welcomed by new friends and magical experiences. In appreciation for the wonderful hospitality they receive, they use their musical talents to put on a performance for the whole town. Barbie and her sisters realize the joy of being together is what really makes A Perfect Christmas!


Animation, Family

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Barbie: A Perfect Christmas Audience Reviews

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Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Rich Wright For my sins, I am watching random movies all with 'Christmas' in the title until the Great Day itself. My first two choices were disappointing to say the least... So what's next out of the hat? Well, let's see. Oh dear. Oh dear, indeed.Well, let's look at the positives shall we? Animated films are usually short, right? So It'll all be over before I know it. Plus, my nails are getting kinda long. I could always give them a trim with my teeth. Aanndd... I'm struggling. Lord help me. I'm not even a drinking man... Which is a shame, as a bottle of whiskey would make watching this 'thing' a whole lot less painful.In the end, I just grabbed a note pad and made... notes about every sappy song, each in-your-face moral about FAMILY BEING THE MOST PRECIOUS GIFT OF ALL at Christmas and all the appearances from cute critters till the blessed end. And let me just say... There was a LOT of them. As for the characters... Barbie is perfect, her younger sister Skipper(?) idolises her, there are two bratty kids who squabble, yet make up at the climax.(OF COURSE) and... that's about it.My other scribbles seemed also be along the lines of "WTF A pink Christmas Tree!!" and "References to GPS and blogs... OMG Barbie you so modern". Nothing too cohesive, but it was a darn sight more intelligible than this lobotomized, lifeless, dead-on-arrival pap. Let your daughters stick with the plastic figures... They could create a more interesting story in one wet afternoon than is present here.And 'wet' is most definitely what we're going to be getting this year I'm afraid... 2/10
TheLittleSongbird I have made no secret of having a soft spot for the Barbie movies. Neither of them are perfect movies or among the best movies I've seen, but they're charming and mostly have their heart in the right place. I had mixed feelings on A Perfect Christmas. It is better than A Fairy Secret and Fashion Fairytale, but not as good as Nutcracker, Diamond Castle, The Prince and the Pauper and Island Princess. What I didn't like very much were the character designs which consist of big heads and eyes and tiny mouths(though thankfully Barbie doesn't look as anorexic as she did in Fashion Fairytale for instance) and the singing which not only sounded forced but completely different to the voice actors. Regarding the voice actors they aren't as stilted as in Fairy Secret and Fashion Fairytale but lacking the fluency of Rapunzel for example(plus Kelly Sheridan is sorely missed). And there are times where the dialogue is corny, though thankfully less "bad-attitude" driven Fairy Secret and Fashion Fairytale. However, the character designs aside, the backgrounds are less rough and more colourful though still not as stunning as Nutcracker, Swan Lake and Diamond Castle, and the music is very sweet and catchy. I also admired the story, which had more heart than especially Fairy Secret, and the message is of the importance of Christmas, a step in the right direction compared to the hate and vanity that Fashion Fairytale seemed to promote. The characters are well-meaning and cute in general, not as spirited as in earlier entries(Rapunzel, Three Musketeers and Nutcracker as examples) but not the stereotypical brats from Fairy Secret and Fashion Fairytale. So overall, passable, not among the best or worst of the Barbie movies. By all means it could've been better, but compared to Fairy Secret and Fashion Fairytale it could've been worse as well. 6/10 Bethany Cox
Jennifer L. I'm going out on a limb here to say that I really did find this story to be sweet and entertaining. I'm a novice to these types of movies: I'm a 40-year-old working professional who has a 2-year-old, and I'm discovering the world of childhood video delights and travesties late in life. This was my first Barbie video experience, and I was unexpectedly delighted with it. Yes, the story is not as magical or infused with supernatural creatures as many cartoons, but it's a simple, home-spun story. A family, dreaming of a perfect Christmas in the Big Apple, get stranded in a tiny mid-western town due to bad weather. When it becomes clear they're stranded there, they're sure their Christmas will be ruined. However, it's only when they have time to reflect on what they already have that they learn the true meaning of Christmas. I thought it was very enjoyable, though very young children may not be as engaged as grade school children. It's worth checking out!
sid042 When I first put this on for my girls I thought I'd bought a rip off of a Barbie film or something! This is so unlike any of the other Barbie films. I have sat through all of them with my daughter with a little bit of guilty pleasure as the songs are usually fun and the story lines are well thought out. As another reviewer mentioned, the voice acting is awful and almost painful to listen to. The story line is basic and it just seems like they must have really rushed this film to get it out in time for Christmas as there was so little thought that went into it.They definitely need to take a step back towards their older films. I disliked the changes they made recently by giving them all giant heads (!) and they always did the classic stories very well. Having said that most of the films have been fairly fun and entertaining. This was not. They definitely need to bring back Kelly Sheridan for the voice acting. However, for a 5 year old this was good viewing. My children enjoyed it though I don't think (and hope) that it won't be one that gets chosen all the time.