Bruce Lee, My Brother

6.4| 2h9m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 25 November 2010 Released
Producted By: Media Asia Films
Country: Hong Kong
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Bruce Lee, My Brother is an action-dramatic biopic of the eponymous martial arts legend as told by his younger brother, Robert Lee. It revolves around Bruce Lee's life as a rebellious adolescent in Hong Kong before he sets off for the USA and conquers the world at the age of 18 with only US$100 in his pocket.


Drama, Action

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Manfred Wong, Raymond Yip Wai-Man

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Media Asia Films


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Bruce Lee, My Brother Audience Reviews

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
les6969 This is NOT a martial arts film so if that is what you expected steer clear. It is the story of Bruce Lee's early life as told through his younger brother. At times it is over sentimental and at other times just silly. Having read much about Bruce Lee I was disappointed that he was portrayed as an emotional wimp. Also in his early fights as a boy in Hong Kong he is shown he using the famous Bruce Lee scream yet from what I read he only used this for films. I had also previously read that he was regularly in street fights, some quite dangerous ones and it was for this reason that his Father sent him off to the U.S.A but in this film it was to do with him destroying some drugs when trying to rescue a friend from the pushers grasp. Is any of that true? There are some really good acting performances in this film, especially the actress playing Bruce's mother.
Falconeer For those about to buy this film; Beware... If you expect to learn anything about Bruce Lee, the man as we know, forget it. One hour into this film, Lee is still a small child. We get back stories about every single person who even had a moments contact with him. After the first hour the viewer realises that the film is half over, and there is simply not enough time to spend on the adult Bruce. 129 minutes later, the film ends, with no ending... There is not one fight in the entire film, no scenes of Bruce learning kung fu, nothing at all. And the most frustrating thing of all; after spending 45 minutes on the life of...Bruce lee's aunt, who had cancer, we are shown the great Yip Man; well, we are shown THE BACK OF YIP MAN'S HEAD, for about 8 seconds!! Then a teenage Bruce and some school friends are walking in front of a school and the film ABRUPTLY ends. I still can't believe what i have watched. Is this the same film that people gave a rating of 7 here? Was my DVD defective? I don't think so, because the film did run 129 minutes. In short, action fans will absolutely DESPISE this inane film about Bruce Lee's aunt, as there is not one scene featuring Kung Fu technique. And fans of drama will hate it because there is no ending; the thing just stops with no resolution. I am assuming this was part of a very long mini series, and some dishonest distributor put the first episode on DVD to make a quick buck. And by the way; I was not aware that Bruce Lee had a brother. Of all the Bruce rip-off\cash-in films, "bruce Lee My Brother" is the absolute worst. I returned the DVD to the shop, and let them know it was defective. I mean it HAD to be defective, right? This could not possibly be the final product..
jimlacy2003 Just saw this movie and loved it.Although slightly disappointed because I felt the end was a bit anticlimactic. Kind of like a movie where you think at the end cutting it off like that is a setup for a part two. But then I realize this only so much that I liked it I wanted it to continue. Maybe there will be a part two, but at any rate they could have maybe given it a few minute montage or something to kind of wrap it up better.Now I'm not really what you can call a Bruce Lee expert, but I am an actual 3rd generation student: Dan Inosanto (BL protégé), to late Ted Lucaylucay. So through Ted and my readings from Bruce's source materials, etc., I do know something of Bruce Lee.Pretty much all of the Bruce Lee biography movies you have ever seen are more "bruceploitation" then anything. Too much over the top, way inaccurate, cliché, out of context, just plain wrong. This one felt at least genuine and fairly real.Obviously some parts were pretty dramatized. I won't spoil it, but a small example from what I understand the young Bruce Lee wouldn't have done the "Whooowaaaa" howling thing until much later that he developed in his own films.And then a few more cliché things like Bruce doing a jumping flying kick. Those who know Bruce Lee know that there is a pretty slim chance that he would use a flying anything in a real fight for obvious (and documented) reasons. He did those in his movies of course because they are very flashy and visually appealing.At any rate great movie. If you are a Bruce Lee fan you won't want to miss this one. And lets hope that if Robert Lee was privy to a lot of Bruce's life in the USA, and, or just want's to make a more accurate portrayal of Bruce for a part two et al.
hwoarang45 Just came back from cinema, i was totally surprise and awed by this movie. Honestly i didn't have much expectation at first, because there is not much martial artist/actors to backup the cast list, so i thought this gonna be a flop like Legend of Yip man. But it turn out it was much of a biography of the famous star than we know of so well ,but we haven't really seen or heard upon the story telling regarding his life hood growing up in a large family at a nostalgic times of Hong Kong. The narrations pacing was remarkable, while the story unfolds at a very decent pace for a movie running over of 2hour 15min.I have to be honest, i was really surprise and somewhat skeptic it was an actual Hong Kong production in the first place, where actors ,script and visual art has surpass anything i seen so far in Hong Kong movie standards. Well i was literary awe by the visual art & style of the camera works. Props and scenery brings such nostalgic memories to the viewers, they manage to brings the audiences back to the age of innocent and wonders or yesteryears. Camera works is top notch, Lomo filter, works superb at moments of romance and brings so much emotions and story to the scenes. I felt like i was watching an MTV from a tasteful Taiwanese love song.To conclude my experience, if u seek action ,most will be disappointed as the fight scene its done visually stylish using steady cam and action pan, but never really shows the techniques of the famous wing chun system. That being said, this movie never pretends to be an action flick to begin with, its a stylish ,romantic and touching story about the world re-known actor, martial artist, philosopher , friend and finally a inspiring 2Nd elder brothers of a family which we all love so much and yet known so little about. Bravo! i'm booking my second viewing now.