Code 8

7.3| 0h11m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 22 March 2016 Released
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Country: Canada
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In Lincoln City, 4% of people have extraordinary abilities. Most live below the poverty line, under the close surveillance of a heavily militarized police force. Taylor, a construction worker with powers, is forced to fight after committing a misdemeanor…

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Code 8 Audience Reviews

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
bob the moo This short is apparently part of a fund raising effort to make a bigger project, although as 'proof of concept' films go, this one at least delivers within its time. Instead of playing like a trailer, this plays out like a contained episode in a bigger story, so while it does offer more, it is also a good standalone snapshot of this world. Taking the world of Heroes and making them an oppressed minority, we see the exploitation of powers rather than the dominance – which is already a nice twist on the norm. From here it plays out into a dramatic scene which ends open, but is still satisfying.The use of effects is in support of the world, and is nicely integrated into the actual film – rather than being the film, as is often the case with this type of thing. The performances are good throughout; I confess I have no clue who Amell is, or the family name, but he is a good lead here. Also Kang (better known and Fast and Furious' Han) was a surprise find.Overall a solidly enjoyable sci-fi which creates an engaging world and plays out a satisfying scenario. Still a 'proof of concept' perhaps, but a good one.
casablancavic I invested in this and I am glad I did, This makes a very interesting concept and the cast is very good and so is the direction, editing and the basic story.Looking forward to see this on a big screen in the bear future as either a full feature movie or as a hour long drama TV show.Original in composition, it will easily take hold of you and keep you reeled in.Hopefully the story remains interesting and does not lose itself after a few episodes and get lousy or too far stretched out to the point where it holds nothing of interest - as so many shows do after a while.
mk57 This 10 minute taster shows great potential of being a crowd puller. I'd suggest you ignore reviews where the reviewer is trying to portray HIS views as being the only one to go to and accept. THAT is more about the reviewer's desperation to being noticed than the film he's supposed to be reviewing. The premise of this film is simple...a dystopian world set in the now where " mutants " with special powers are suppressed, oppressed by a draconian Police force backed up by drones and robots keen to kill if any step out of line and therefore find it hard to make a living and get out of the poverty trap they find themselves in. The cinematography, choice of shots, dialogue, direction and acting all knit neatly together. The 'Special Effects' are very good and the storyline engages you so from the start you're rooting for the underdog. Not all of the Police are brutal though and it'll be interesting just how being a Cop with rules clashes with the need to reach out and understand the plight of those classed as different. I can see parallels being drawn to refugees who just want to fit in but face opposition from those with a nimby* ( not in my back yard ) attitude. It appears that the crowd funding site reacted well to the idea of this project as it received $750,000 when only $200,000 was the target. Now a full length film is coming together. Good luck to those involved and yah boo sucks to you to the self-promoting me me me reviewers...It's not all about stop moaning and allow the audience to make their own choices. You're there to guide and inform...not give a bad review just because you CAN.....
Horst in Translation ([email protected]) "Code 8" is a 10-minute live action short film that was released on Youtube a couple days ago and quickly racked up hundreds of thousands of viewers. This does not make it a good film though. It takes place in a world where certain people possess super powers and the police fights them with lots of violence when they use them. Pretty generic and uninteresting if you ask me. The mediocre acting wasn't helping either. This is a film that pretty much relies entirely on special effects, visually and audibly, to make up for the lack of a better story. However, at this runtime it is still bearable, but seeing how a full feature film based on this premise got greenlit kinda scares me. I do not expect too much here. I am not a big fan of Stephen Amell on "Arrow" and apparently his popularity is now used to make his little brother a star too. Family affairs like this really suck, especially as Robbie isn't a better actor either. Thumbs down for "Code 8". Don't be fooled by the high rating. I assume this mostly comes from "Arrow" fanboys who automatically love everything that has the name Amell attached to it regardless of the quality. Here it is low quality. Thumbs down.