Come Back to Me

2014 "It's not in her mind anymore."
5.8| 1h30m| R| en| More Info
Released: 25 July 2014 Released
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Sarah and Josh are married suburbanites. After a car accident, Sarah suffers blackouts and ends up pregnant though Josh is sterile. As her life spirals she hides a camera in her home and unlocks a horrific secret with far-reaching consequences.



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Paul Leyden

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Come Back to Me Audience Reviews

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Nazz86 Unique, semi-corny and ridiculous, but, overall it's worth a watch.
parsonm2 I watch horror movies by the boatload, in hopes of finding a hidden gem here or there. It's what I do. I am accustomed to being disappointed but occasionally, I am rewarded by finding something special. This was one such occasion. I'm surprised this movie passed under my radar. I almost didn't even bother with it having heard almost nothing of it but watched it after finding it included in a list of someone's favorite horror films.Generally my tastes are primarily for supernatural horror not your typical hack and slash film but a movie with a slow build up that doesn't reveal too much too soon. Unknown to me previously, this movie was based on the book by James Wrath White who is one of the new generation of supernatural horror writers who I had actually read some books by. Like his contemporary writers Edward Lee, Mr. White generally writes stories of extreme supernatural or eldritch unexplainable horror which can be an acquired taste. It is well produced, well acted and well filmed which are wonderful pluses but it also has an original plot and is well-directed and could have easily fallen short if not handled by a good director.Definitely worth a watch. The ending caught me completely off-guard (not easy to do in a horror flick) and was outstanding!
pizzamafiainc One of my favorites now.Great story, excellent acting. I enjoyed it from beginning to end with two very small caveats. SPOILERS NOW: At the end the woman is crawling for a long period after no injuries. Why the hell doesn't she get up when she can? Also, she picks up a .45 and fires three times one handed without missing a shot. Most men can't do that, much less thin women with no training. She's shown after holding with both hands, another mistake.END SPOILERS: The twist and the final double twist made it fun. I will watch this again with others because it deserves to be seen. Nine of ten because of the glitches that took me out. Maybe others won't even notice. I hope so, this deserves to be seen. And people deserve to see it.
Kerem Gogus Besides the under developed characters with weak background stories, the movie is lack of a unique atmosphere and a mood that is crucial for the horror movies to let the audience in (or better swallow). I can give the recent "It Follows" the movie as an example - the moody atmosphere, muted colors, unique soundtrack creates a world that takes you in till the last scene.The ending twist and life-breathing concept maybe new for the most people out there but actually on Stephen King's Dark Tower series there is a dark man character that wakes up dead. Mythology and Religion filled with that kind of resurrection stories already. And the so called clever ending of this movie actually was the reason that I reduced my stars from 5 to 2.But please consider that my opinions are personal and biased since I mostly enjoy supernatural horror and sci-fi type of moody horror films like Alien Abduction and Skinwalker Ranch.For the people who curious about Come Back To Me; just see it yourself and decide if its good or not. This is one of those movies that appeals to many different kind of tastes.