Detention of the Dead

2012 "When there's no more room in Hell, the dead will go to DETENTION!"
4.5| 1h27m| R| en| More Info
Released: 27 April 2012 Released
Producted By: Gala Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A group of oddball high school students find themselves trapped in detention with their classmates having turned into a horde of Zombies.


Horror, Comedy

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Alex Craig Mann

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Gala Films


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Detention of the Dead Audience Reviews

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
BA_Harrison An eclectic group of high-school teens in detention—cheerleader Janet (Christa B. Allen) and her boyfriend Brad (Jayson Blair), geek Eddie (Jacob Zachar), pretty goth Willow (Alexa Nikolas), jock Jimmy (Max Adler), and stoner Ash (Justin Chon)—find themselves trapped in the school library after a zombie outbreak turns all of their classmates into ravenous gutmunchers.Detention of the Dead is harmless enough fun, but in a world where a new zombie film seems to claw its way to the surface on a daily basis, it simply doesn't do enough to distinguish itself from the competition. The characters are all stereotypes—although that's forgivable given that the film is clearly inspired in part by The Breakfast Club—but for Detention of the Dead to have been really successful, it would have needed far better gags, a few genuine scares, and much more creative zombie mayhem. I'd liked to have seen director Alex Craig Mann really go to town with the splatter, but then again, maybe the budget for such carnage just wasn't available.I rate Detention of the Dead a passable 5 out of 10, although I was tempted to deduct a point for the obvious in-jokes, most notably the characters named after classics of the genre, something that has been done to death in comedy horror films over the years (the library is named after make-up legend Tom Savini; Brad, Janet and Eddie are all characters from The Rocky Horror Picture Show; Willow is from Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Ash is, of course, from The Evil Dead; admittedly, I haven't the foggiest who Jimmy is named after).
Leofwine_draca Well, there certainly are many zombie B-movies being made these days, and many of them are very bad. DETENTION OF THE DEAD isn't. Although it's yet another comic zombie horror set in a high school, the jokes aren't bad and there's plenty of fast-paced action to take your mind off the deficiencies of the script. Plus, the constant references to THE BREAKFAST CLUB are unexpected and a lot of fun too.DETENTION OF THE DEAD gets to the zombie action very quickly, while the laughs come thick and fast too. Some of the plot ingredients are over-laboured to the max - that running severed head joke for instance - but others are handled quite well. The zombies are effectively ferocious and the gore effects don't disappoint either.Mainly it's the characters that make this film work, with the actors putting plenty of enthusiasm into the performances. I found the main nerd character to be a bit dull, but the supporting players like Alexa Nikolas and Justin Chon have fun roles and do plenty with them. DETENTION OF THE DEAD isn't the best film in the world, but I found it to be an enjoyable time-waster.
paul_alderson2011 This movie is really not too bad , its funny and acted pretty decent , its supposed to be not taken too 'serious'. All in all I had a great time watching it , it has a mix of high school students all in detention together , a geek , a Gothic chick , the prom queen and king and a couple a stoners , as the zombieness breaks out. The comedy is pretty stupid but that's what makes it so funny . Don't get the rating been so low , only 3.9 ? I have definitely saw worse zombie movies on bigger budgets than this. I give it 6/10 and look forward to seeing it again.don't go buy the rating !! This really is worth watching !!
emmarosemailey I took my brothers and saw this movie over the summer at a local film festival and LOVED it. I'm a big John Hughes fan and a huge indie enthusiast, so this flick was right up my alley. The story was great and totally relatable, much like the way many of Hughes' films were (and still are) to just about anyone who's ever had to deal with the awkward, where-do-i-fit-in-the-world, purgatory that is high school. The writer and director do a great job of taking on a lot of pretty touchy subjects and adding more than a few dashes of hilarity to them, whether through a character's self deprecation or the irony of an entire situation. And if you're a big zombie fiend like my brothers are you'll love it even more than I did. They've already told all of their friends, and I've told all of mine, and none of us can wait to see it again.