Fan Girl

4.5| 1h40m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 31 December 2015 Released
Producted By: Freeform Studios
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A 15-year-old girl decides to bring her two passions together for her final film project: making movies and her favorite band.


Comedy, Music, Family

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Paul Jarrett

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Fan Girl Audience Reviews

TinsHeadline Touches You
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
dt-75160 The film does center around the main character, who happens to be a fan girl. She and I are in the same fandom but I think her whole notice me senpai thing that they have needs to tone down a bit. Our favorite artists/ people do have a busy schedule and may or may not have time for social media.
crawfordk87 This train-wreck of a film stars young (stupid name) Telulah Farrow, a 15 year old girl who is obsessed with the rock band All Time Low (a very irrelevant band in 2016). The only thing Telulah loves more than All Time Low is film making. She loves film making so much that she can't seem to finish a really important assignment for film class that she had tons of time to do. Even though Telulah won't do her schoolwork she is very proud of a 20 second video she made saying happy birthday to the lead singer of ATL Alex Gaskarth, and it got tons of likes on social media so she equates this to actual talent. Enter the token black kid Darvan. Darvan is the only black person in the whole school, who for some reason has repeated his senior year a few times. Darvan's role in this movie is to repeat Telulah Farrow's name about a thousand times and drive a limousine occasionally. Anyway Darvan helps Telulah by turning in her stupid fan video for her film assignment and her teacher accepts it with the promise that she will finish her senior project, which is a movie based off her last assignment that Tina Fey will be judging even though she isn't in the movie. That is basically where the plot ends the rest of the movie is Telula running around accomplishing nothing such as getting a spray tan because some girl she doesn't like calls her pale, breaking into All Time Low's hotel room and then stealing clothes to wear, and talking in a British accent to her crush for no apparent reason. Her mom, played by Meg Ryan, spends her time taking nude selfies and hooking up with married men even though she is also married, I think, they never really make it clear. The school is also obsessed with some online fashion vlogger. She barely adds anything to the overall plot, and goes on a date with the lead singer of ATL Alex Gaskarth even though he is 28 and she is 15. Someone call Chris Hansen.Overall this movie has a non existent plot that goes nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Has incredibly vapid odd paced dialogue, and is basically a weird mash-up of a thousand half baked ideas. Do yourself a favor and just don't watch it.
SnoopyStyle Telulah Farrow (Kiernan Shipka) needs to make a movie trailer for her film class so that she can get into film school. She is obsessed with pop star Alex of the band 'All Time Low'. She needs to make the trailer with perpetual senior Darvan to enter a film festival. She has a crush on Charlie and talks in a British accent in front of him.Kiernan Shipka is an interesting young actress. It's too bad that young stars often get stuck in horrible movies. This is one of those times. It tries so hard to be super hip and wacky fun. Most of it don't work. Kiernan is a charming performer. Meg Ryan is the mother trying too hard. Scott Adsit plays the funny film teacher. I'm sure he got Tina Fey to take the pictures. The writing is so awkward at times that any accidental funny moments seem out of place. It's a weird movie that goes all over the place. I think some experienced rewrites and a better director would figure out how to make a good comedy out of this. This seems slapped together by recent film school graduates.
beccaloulouc I made an account on here just to emphasize how bad this movie is. There's nothing special about this movie besides the actors, but I personally don't care for Shipka. Her words did not seem natural in the way I would have liked. The plot is very scattered. In order for someone to understand the whole movie they would have to sit down and watch it. The movie constantly makes social media references like Facebook, twitter, and calling Instagram pictures Insties. I found the movie uninteresting because it seemed to try to stereotype teens, but the way they did that was all wrong. The way they did it put teenagers in a bad light. Not in the sense they're troublemakers. In the sense that they have no originality and that they're selfish and obsessed with they're phones and social media. More on Shipka, she carried her expressions but her voice didn't carry them well. You can blame the plot for my dislike because there's a lot of crap I want to jump in and slap and strangle so many characters because the plot is so pathetic. There was no amazing moment about this movie until a girl walked in and chopped a girls pony tail off, but that didn't solve anything. I kept thinking this possibly couldn't be near the end because there felt like there was no climax in the movie and then it ended with some flashback music video Montage. You honestly think I connected with these characters? The movie wasn't long and it was so randomly plotted I didn't care to even remember any names besides the main characters. The only reason I gave it 2 stars was because it glanced over Tina Fey even though I didn't see her act in the movie and it also has a band I like, All Time Low.