Far North

2008 "In this brutal land, a stranger threatens their survival."
6.1| 1h29m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 08 April 2008 Released
Producted By: Ingenious Media
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In the arctic, as Saiva is being born, a shaman declares that she is evil and will bring harm to all who become involved with her. Saiva is cast out of her tribe of herders and grows up to live a nomadic existence with Anja, a young woman she adopts as an infant. Then Loki, an injured and starving soldier, stumbles into their isolated lives. The women nurse him back to health, but treachery, violence and doom await them all.


Drama, Thriller, Crime

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Asif Kapadia

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Ingenious Media


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Far North Audience Reviews

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Leofwine_draca FAR NORTH is one of those simple little under-the-radar movies that you never heard about until it turns up in the middle of the night and you gradually become enthralled watching it. With no buzz, publicity, or plot spoilers, I had no idea what to expect when I sat down to watch this, and I was pleasantly surprised by a film that confounded all of my expectations. The film is almost like a fairy tale in its simplicity: a mother-and-daughter team, living alone in the icy Siberian wastes, are joined by a soldier gone A.W.O.L. The film is about what happens next: how the power shifts and inevitable romance affects each character, and three people in such an isolated setting can never really work.Visually, the film is stunning. The inhospitable climate is a personality all in itself and the harshness of the landscape is captured in stunning detail – no more so than in the shocking opening sequence. There isn't a great deal of dialogue, but what we do get is natural and realistic. Key flashbacks add to the viewer's understanding and the film finishes on a shocking twist. Best of all is the acting: three actors giving excellent, against the grain performances.Michelle Krusiec is the young unknown, holding her own against two experienced hands. Sean Bean is a gentle and romantic man, giving a more touching performance than we usually see. Michelle Yeoh is the older woman, an outsider struggling to come to terms with the meaning of her life. Out of all three, it's Yeoh who gives the most stunning performance; she's totally cast against type (usually playing a kick-ass kung fu heroine) and she gets her character across wonderfully. What a revelation!
leonblackwood Review: I really didn't enjoy this film! I found it extremely slow and the fact that there's hardly any dialogue, didn't help. There's no depth to the three main characters and the random events didn't suit the flow of the film. The acting is average from Bean, Yeoh and Krusiec but they did make the whole wilderness feel to the movie, seem real. The ending was also disappointing because I was expecting Bean to react to Yeoh's strange mentality. The concept wasn't bad, because I can't imagine how it would be for 2 women, stuck in the middle of nowhere in horrendous, freezing cold conditions, struggling to find food, could be and when Saiva (Michelle Yeoh) and Anja (Michelle Krusiec were fighting for Loki's (Sean Bean) affections, the movie became more weird as it went along. The rape scene was quite emotional and the murder scene towards the end was quite shocking but from an entertainment point of view, I really found it quite dull and boring. Disappointing!Round-Up: Although Sean Bean has starred in some impressive movies and TV series like, The Game Of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Patriot Games, Goldeneye, Ronin, Troy, National Treasure, Flightplan, the Martian, Pixels and the hit TV series Sharpe, he still isn't highly rated in Hollywood, which is a shame because he really does deserve it. Personally I think that he has starred in more bad movies than good, which is why he makes some mediocre movies to stay in the limelight, until a bigger project comes along. With that aside, I think he's a good actor who can take on any challenge that is put to him, even though he seems to play the baddie most of the time. This movie was directed by, English born Asif Kapadia, who recently won an Oscar for the Amy documentary and also directed the highly rated Senna biopic. He's currently making another documentary about Maradona, which should be extremely interesting and I personally think that he should stick to biopics because this feature was quite terrible.I recommend this movie to people who are into their drama/romance/crime movies starring Sean Bean, Michelle Yeoh and Michelle Krusiec. 2/10
Viorel Oancia A film built in on secret human desires, on people instincts. Many movies have failed to deliver such feelings in the past. This one isn't!Far North is calm in the beginning only to shatter the heart in the end. This movie it is not about a woman or two, not about a man, but feels more like an ice cold journey into the real nature of humankind. Be warned, you might not like what is to be found there.This is the only film I know, which clearly draws a 'bold' red line between a woman in her twenties and a woman in her forties. I saw it just now and I liked this movie more than I would ever want to admit here. Although it has some minor loose elements, in the end nothing really matters. To me, this is a 10+ movie! Congratulations to all the people involved in the making!"Let me comb your hair (so you'll be beautiful for him), you must look your best for Loki when he returns…"Far North, in loneliness and isolation, these words may and do have a different meaning
ironman4862-1 I really didn't understand the purpose of making this film. I think of myself as a pretty good film critic and most films I like the masses enjoy as well. This film was slow and quiet and I guess the climax was the shock value at the end. Shocking yes, but valued no. I was dissapionted and felt cheated, because there was no valid reason for her to kill someone she saved from death and raised like her own child. If she was a psycho path and the director gave us glempses of that then maybe it would have made sense. I mean, things should make some sense and what she did made none. I'm not one who needs movies wrapped up in a cute bow at the end so I leave happy, but cmon maaaan, this was disturbingly stupid and anyone who enjoyed this film must like contrived controversy. Well, to each his own, but this one could have stayed on the shelf.