Fifteen and Pregnant

1998 "Tina Spangler is about to discover just how little she knows about life..."
5.5| 1h36m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 19 January 1998 Released
Producted By: Lifetime
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Based on a true story, 15 year old Tina Spangler discovers she is pregnant. Her choices are abortion, adoption, or a lonely, exhausting life as a single parent. Abandoned by her boyfriend, she turns to her mother. Tina discovers although it has torn her world apart, her pregnancy could re-unite her shattered family and help her find her true purpose in life.


Drama, TV Movie

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Sam Pillsbury

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Fifteen and Pregnant Audience Reviews

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
letheabu-745-325779 Bringing an unwanted pregnancy to term and keeping said baby is CHILD ABUSE, plain and simple. This movie conveniently ignores that reality by trying to shove religious "morality" and other socially-constructed (not to mention fictional!) ideals down the viewers' throats. Do not let young, vulnerable children watch this movie. Don't let ANYONE watch this filth. The world would be a better place if every single copy were burned to ash and scattered to the four winds.Here's what happens when young, single women don't consider abortion or adoption: their babies are statistically more likely to use hard drugs, commit serious crimes, drop out of school, and/or end up in jail. At the very least, they will grow up to hate their mothers for what they've done to them. Where are the movies which portray that? Where are the movies which exemplify reality? I'd love to watch one of those. I sincerely regret wasting two hours of my life on this pathetic excuse for a film.
lilfizzswifeeva15 I cant fully comment on what i think about the movie because it has been years since i have seen it and have not seen it in its entirety.I know that typically 15 year olds' don't get pregnant often in our society, but if it is to happen it is the result of bad parenting skills. Spend more time at home talking with your kids instead of letting them busy themselves with television, they would be informed that sex at a young age leads to a lot of preventable problems. I feel very lucky that i was fortunate enough to be paid attention to and didn't have to look for love in the wrong places. Thanks mom!! But i really came on her to ask if anyone might have the movie and wouldn't mind uploading it on you-tube or my-space so i can truly and sincerely say how i feel about the movie. Thank you.
sweetpuppylove Fifteen and Pregnant is a typical 'Lifetime Network' Movie. Girl gets knocked up, family in turmoil, family gets over it, girl has the baby, movie skims over the gory details of teen motherhood.Kirsten Dunst plays a teenager still in high school who gets pregnant by her loser boyfriend. She has a friend who was a teen mom and offers Kirsten's character 'real world' advice. The movie ends after Kristin's character gives birth and leaves many realities of being a single teen mom out of the movie. All in all, it's a good story that focuses on the relationship between Kirsten's character and the father of the child and how her family triumphs over adversity. The story is more of how her family, her friends, her relationship with her boyfriend are all affected by the pregnancy and her personal struggle with her feelings and the other characters regarding the pregnancy.It's a good movie to see once if you like LMN and Lifetime Movies.
deeniaarts i found "fifteen and Pregnant" to be a real moving story, also very true as to what would happen if a young girl was to get pregnant. Kirsten is a fantastic actor, especially in heart moving films like this one. her boyfriend is a drop kick and you can tell from the very beginning that he wont stick around, also the way he has the nerve to show up at the birth with his new girlfriend after just dumping Tina! very unappealing!but overall this movie will make you laugh, cry and sometimes get mad all at the same time. i put this as one of my most favorite movies yet. Fantastic Film!