Final Days of Planet Earth

4.3| 2h50m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 15 March 2006 Released
Producted By: Reunion Pictures
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An archaeologist discovers that aliens posing as government officials are secretly harvesting human bodies in a bid to take over earth.


Drama, Horror, Action

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Rob Lieberman

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Reunion Pictures


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Final Days of Planet Earth Audience Reviews

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Micitype Pretty Good
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Uriah43 I bought this movie in a package that came with three other films ("The Last Sentinel", "Supernova" and "The Black Hole") which were all produced between 2005 and 2007. Of these four films this one is clearly the best. Essentially, alien creatures from another galaxy have come to Earth and have managed to occupy the bodies of certain prominent officials within a large city. Their goal is to repopulate their species and to do that the "Queen" has laid thousands of eggs which are due to be hatched. However, in order for the eggs to survive the incubation period they need a certain type of "mulch" which is best made underground with human remains as the main fertilizer. It's at this time that an archaeologist named "Lloyd Walker" (Gil Bellows) is informed that a site he has been working on has been permanently closed due to "safety issues". Not content with this turn of events Walker seeks the assistance of a woman named "Liz Quinlan" (Daryl Hannah) who works on the city council. Meanwhile a reporter by the name of "Jake Roth" (John Cassini) is working on a story but can't quite put all of the pieces of the puzzle together and his investigation brings him to Lloyd. Once they compare notes both of them realize that something sinister is going on and the answers might be found in room "86" at city hall. Now rather than reveal any more of this film I will just say that this is a two-part, made-for-television movie which does rather well despite the limitations of that particular venue. I particularly liked the CGI along with the addition of Suleka Mathew (as "Marianne") and the aforementioned Daryl Hannah. In short, this movie turned out to be better than I thought it would be and I rate it as slightly above average.
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- Final Days of Planet Earth, 2006, An end-of-days-story with an archaeologist discovers that aliens posing a local Govt officials are harvesting the citizens to take over the planet.*Special Stars- Daryl Hannah, Gil Bellows, Campbell Scott *Theme- Humanity is temporary owner's of planet Earth, the bugs are coming.*Trivia/location/goofs- TV movie, Canadian flag in some Govt building shots when plot supposedly taking place in Northwestern USA.*Emotion- A rather crazy film with the low-key dramatic situations but somewhat saved by the rest of the film's good horror pacing. It looked like this film was 'cashing-in' on the era's "Alien" bug-like film genre. Ms. Hannah as the queen insect alien is a little interesting. It's a very bad film and a waste of the starring actor's talents.
isaged As usual, I seem to be in the minority around here. More so than usual, though, this time. Although this film was a bit confusing in places, its special effects were splendid, its acting fair to quite good … I was pleasantly surprised by how well Daryl Hannah handled her two-persona role, and its story was engrossing. Excellent chase scenes, a nightmarish lab set, fine underground abandoned subway sets (loved those dangling roots!), and pretty good sustaining of tension. Twenty or so years ago, the notion of a pervasive cover-up plot involving governments at all levels would have seemed ridiculous paranoia. Not today, gang! Even though I have had fine experiences with our local police, I follow the national news, and a plot in which the police are armed, dangerous, and menaces to all good people is no longer ridiculous either. Even the inconsiderate ambitions of the aliens were, to this since-the-early-1940s sci-fi fan, quite plausible. In most reviews I make wise cracks, but not this time. Congratulations to cast, crew, computer techs, producer and director! I intend to watch this movie again.
manjodude This is a simple, low budget(looks so!) movie of aliens on earth. I wish the pace of the movie could have been more fast and lot more engaging but still, it gives an interesting take on man's predicament as the aliens begin to take over. Quite different from the usual Hollywood stuff.The few actors who made some impact here are Gil Bellows as the lonely archaeologist who tumbles on something very wrong and Suleka Mathew as the pest exterminator. Rest are forgettable, including Daryl Hannah's presence.Sad, this movie had oodles of potential and could have done much better.Verdict: Nice try but still boring anyway. Let the aliens invade :)