Fire Down Below

1997 "Beneath a land of wealth and beauty hides a secret that could kill millions. Undercover has never run so deep."
5.1| 1h45m| R| en| More Info
Released: 05 September 1997 Released
Producted By: Warner Bros. Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When an EPA representative is murdered in a small Appalachian community, EPA undercover agent Jack Taggart is sent in—posing as a handyman working with a Christian relief agency—to determine what happened.


Action, Thriller

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Félix Enríquez Alcalá

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Warner Bros. Pictures


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Fire Down Below Audience Reviews

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
hackraytex As has already been said, this is one of his best and it is well written and well acted. The production values are also very good. The movie also avoids stereotypes that happen in a lot of these movies. Also, he made it clear to the guys running the pot field that he had no issue with them so that is an element showing that he was focused on his mission. A good Steven Seagal movie all the way around.A interesting thing other bad guys who make the mistake of taking on Steven Seagal, never start a shootout in storage area full of drums of toxic waste. It never ends well.Granted that this movie was made 20 years ago and I am still after all of these years a fan of Steven Seagal. I hope that he can get himself back in the shape he was in. In his later movies, he seems to be carrying excess weight and seems to not be able to move like he did. Granted that age is a factor but I hope that he understands that his fans love him and only wish the best for him.
AliasPseudonym This film can be looked at in one of two ways: 1. Sober, or in the unfortunate position of having paid money to watch it.This is indisputably one of the worst films the 90s ever produced (and it had plenty of competition). The acting is beyond wooden, the plot is laughable, and it's no wonder it was nominated for 4 Razzies.2. Very drunk, with equally drunk friends.This is quite possibly the best film in the world. Seagal can do anything - play guitar, fly a plane, save the world, build a porch - but all you will be able to do is stare in fixated disbelief at his hair. Is it real? How does he make it blacker than the 2001 monolith? Is that a ponytail, or a real tail? Do they form some kind of symbiotic crime-fighting partnership that gifts Steven his amazing powers? Overall, 2 stars for making "you can fix my porch" one of my favourite movie euphemisms of all time.
DigitalRevenantX7 Plot Synopsis: Jack Taggart, an agent working for the EPA, is shocked to discover that his best friend & fellow agent has been killed while investigating reports of people in a rural town in Kentucky getting sick. Posing as a church mission carpenter, he visits the town, uncovering a conspiracy to dump toxic waste in the abandoned coal mines in the nearby mountains by Orin Hanner, a shady businessman whose son runs the town. Faced with a wall of silence in the town & the presence of the dumpers, Jack attempts to expose the dumping & prosecute the people responsible.Film Review: Faced with a dip in popularity during the mid-1990s, the action stars of the 1980s & early 1990s (Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Van Damme, Bronson & Norris) tried a variety of ways to continue their careers – Schwarzenegger & Stallone both tried their hands at comedy with varying results; Van Damme's popularity actually going up a notch for a brief time before crashing down so low that he became stuck in DTV land for the next decade; Norris turned to television while Bronson made a trilogy of DTV films before his death. As for Steven Seagal, the real-life aikido master, police officer (I'm serious), blues musician & actor (I was going to include CIA agent in that list of achievements but I'm not exactly sure if Seagal ever worked for the agency for real), he tried to reinvent himself as an environmental activist, making a trilogy of films in the mid-to-late 1990s that were eco-thrillers (ON DEADLY GROUND, Fire Down Below & The Patriot)… at least in basic plot thematics, that is.Excepting On Deadly Ground, these pro-environment films almost killed Seagal's career stone dead, mainly due to being ridiculously heavy-handed – the villains are all very shrill one-dimensional cardboard cutouts & clichés; the scripts are poorly written; & the most serious flaw of all – the action scenes are poorly staged.Fire Down Below starts out in a way that seems to indicate that Seagal is planning to forsake his customary martial arts sequences for some good old fashioned investigative skills. Not counting the short scene where Seagal stumbles onto a cannabis hydroponics farm, there seems to be a lack of anything that even remotely resembles the sort of brutal martial arts fights that Seagal's early films had showcased.But shortly after it starts, the film degenerates into a muddled blend of one-dimensional stereotypes, tepid car chases & poorly-choreographed fight scenes. There are two things I hate while watching films – having my intelligence insulted & being preached to (by that I don't mean social commentaries or satire – I mean films that beat you over the head with messages). Sure enough, Fire Down Below does both. I find it hard to believe that there could be a person (Kris Kristofferson's villain) so cowardly & stupid that he dumps toxic waste in his home town's mountain range. As for the acting, Kristofferson is actually a good actor, but here he has no motivation for his actions. As for the preaching part, the film lays on the let's-look-after-the-environment message with all the subtlety of a kick to the groin.All of Seagal's films (including the dreck that Seagal made during the 2000s) have this concept of White Hat / Black Hat characters (the White Hat is Seagal, while the Black Hat is a really despicable villain). Of course this scripting idea first manifested itself during Seagal's debut film ABOVE THE LAW & continues in this one, with Kris Kristofferson's businessman being an evil coward who spends his working hours in the company of female escorts.The other actors are quite competent in their performances, especially Marg Helgenberger as the love interest (I kind of liked the idea to give her a shady past, but the film indifferently throws this away by making her brother turn out to have committed the deed) & Harry Dean Stanton (Brain from John Carpenter's ultra cool sci-fi classic ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK), who gives a good impression as the hick local who proves to be Seagal's greatest asset.
namashi_1 Bad-Ass Steven Seagal Scores, Yet Again, in 'Fire Down Below'. An Ordinary Fare, that works mostly because of Seagal's charisma & honesty.'Fire Down Below' Synopsis: An EPA agent investigates a Kentucky mine and helps locals stand up for their rights.'Fire Down Below' is an ordinary fare. It barely offers anything new! Its a been-there-seen-that, done-with-it stuff, that doesn't even intend to leave its view spell-bound.Jeb Stuart & Phillip Morton's Screenplay is fairly engaging. Félix Enríquez Alcalá's Direction is passable. Cinematography, Editing & Art Design, are decent.Seagal's an Eternal Bad-Ass & 'Fire Down Below' nods that fact right! His charisma & sheer honesty, is the sole reason to view this film. He's the scene-stealer here! On the whole, 'Fire Down Below' will work for Seagal Fans.