First Spaceship on Venus

1962 "You are there … on man’s most incredible journey!"
4.6| 1h19m| G| en| More Info
Released: 31 October 1962 Released
Producted By: DEFA
Country: Poland
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A mysterious magnetic spool found during a construction project is discovered to have originated from Venus. A rocket expedition to Venus is launched to discover the origin of the spool and the race that created it.

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Kurt Maetzig

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First Spaceship on Venus Audience Reviews

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
etaymomo The production values of a 7th grade Thanksgiving play. The international cast of actors (I use the word actors out of generosity) are stilted drama queens. The special effects suffer from being seen. The dialogue is delivered with the finesse of a drunk Stalin impersonator.The only way to watch this steaming pile is with the comments by the MST3K crew which spear this dead fish through the East German gills.It's hilarious to compare this movie with Kubrick unless you're talking about Kubrick the slinky salesman in the arcade.Unless you can watch this with the MST3K crew, avoid at all costs.
Aaron1375 I saw this film originally on the cult show, Mystery Science Theater 3000. I actually have it without the riffs in a package of two science fiction films, both foreign in origin. As far as films done by the gang on the satellite of love, this is one of the better ones they have done. That being said, it is still riff worthy, but that is more due to the fact it is very dated now and of course, the cut of the film they saw was a chopped up and repackaged version of the film. The special effects in areas look very good, but at the same time some of the effects look dated and kind of silly. Granted, this was in 1960 so one can be a bit more forgiving when one sees a string used to simulate weightlessness. Of course, the fact it was made in 1960 also makes the Venus set piece all the more impressive along with the strange ooze pit found on the silent planet. At the same time, the movie suffers from the fact that not enough time is spent on Venus and too much time is spent prepping for the trip and flying there. There is supposedly a cut of the film that runs 120 minutes, but if this is indeed a U.S. cut of the film, I'd imagine that there are not a lot of action sequences on the cutting room floor, but rather even more dialog scenes.The story has a mysterious object found that seems to suggest that there is life on Venus. A team of scientist launch into space to try and make contact with the planet. During their flight, one of the scientist is able to translate the object as it is apparently some sort of communication device and learns that Venus plans to attack Earth. Unable to relay the message to Earth, the continue onward to Venus in the hopes of making contact with its people and somehow convincing them not to attack the Earth. They finally land on the planet, but there seems to be no aliens there. They begin to explore the remnants of the seemingly lost civilization and begin to uncover the truth. Unfortunately, they also set into motion something that may doom them all to become permanent residents of the planet themselves! As an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, this one was an okay episode. It was a bit talky in areas and some of the jokes were repeated a few times. Still, it had some good moments, not just the riffs, but the actual movie as the scene where the scientist try to escape the ooze is particularly good. The robot of the film is kind of lame and it does make me chuckle when he just rolls over the one guy, talk about something that was completely avoidable! The bumps in the show were okay, the best being that robot that Tom and Crow created that talked in foam! So the film is a bit better than a lot of the films the show MST3K has riffed, but not the best. It was a bit too talky and could have used more action as they actual did make some impressive sets for the film and created some tension when they had to get off the planet. They also had a bit too much death at the end too. Everyone survives the trip and are doing fine, then the tail end they start dropping off! Still, a movie that I would say you may wan to view without the gang from the satellite of love. Not completely without merit and had an interesting concept. Just a bit more time on Venus would have been nice and less time watching doctor trying to feed her crew.
gavin6942 "First Spaceship on Venus", or its original (and better name) "The Silent Star"... maybe not bad for its time, and not bad with a budget that comes with an East German-Polish joint production. But even so, I just could not get through this picture.I fell asleep. Even watching the "Mystery Science Theater" version, which should have been funny, I just could not make it... I missed about ten minutes to dreaming. That is pretty bad. I was also sort of irked by the complete lack of science... sure, we maybe did not go to the moon yet, but by 1960 I think we knew quite well that Venus was not hospitable to life. So, um, yeah... terrible premise.I would still say it is okay to watch if you see it with the "Mystery Science Theater" jokes, but really, overall, I could not find a value in this film.
hung_fao_tweeze When this movie was being made - 1960 - there was an attempt to make a fairly decent film. Discerning individuals will pick this up right away. There wasn't a astronomical amount of money being spent to create this slightly tarnished gem, but that which was available appears to have used quite efficiently. The costuming and the sets are essentially not bad. The casting was a bit of a surprise. Star Trek likes to tout their use of multiple ethnicities in their cast commanding significant roles. This movie predates them by over half a decade. I wonder whether Roddenberry didn't use this movie as a partial inspiration? On the other hand this movie isn't a U.S. product so that may account for much of the laxity. Meanwhile, the story, while not on a razor's edge by today's standards, must have been top-notch sci-fi (a nod to Forry Ackerman here) in 1960. The story is a good and still credible idea that would hold together well today if remakes are in order. There are the obvious science blunders in the script ('meteorites' being used when 'meteors' is more accurate - 'asteroids' would probably be even more accurate) but these flaws don't damage the final presentation. The premise is simple enough. We find an artifact on Earth and somehow determine it came from Venus. It is discovered to contain a message of destruction for our planet and we decide to go to Venus and see if we can prevent the promised Venusian attack. What awaits on the Venus is the point of this movie. The Venus sets though inexpensive are handled nicely through lighting, forced perspective, some matte work, superb direction and editing, etc. It seems to work and the effect is frequently nightmarish. There is a message buried in the story which is obvious and, as noted, not unknown in today's sci-fi goulash, but it doesn't hit you over the head. It has its say and comes to an end as they return to Earth (whether they like it or not). I believe this movie deserves better than the dismal rating given by those who have already voted. The story alone is worthwhile and the fact that an attempt was made to create a good movie despite finances is worth a 6. I was reminded of 'Forbidden Planet' when watching this. Another movie which also had a decent script as well as a better budget. One thing I will opine is that the sound effects were better in this movie than 'FP'.