
2.8| 2h2m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 27 April 2007 Released
Producted By: Isis Panthea
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Antonio Moro works for gangster boss Thomas Ståhl. He lives happily with his girlfriend Tanya who is expecting their child. Antonio's future looks bright, until one evening when he is ordered to kill a person who is close to all of them.


Drama, Crime

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Steve Aalam

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Isis Panthea


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Gangster Audience Reviews

PlatinumRead Just bad
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Jimmy Nilsson With huge underestimations due to massive bad critics during theater openings I started to watch this DVD...alone. Since other reviewers seems to lean on when crowd in screening rooms laughs at bad performance or even leaves I give you my 100% personal opinion.There are flaws, there are bad acting. Likely to be found in any movie if you just look hard enough. For example I guess we have to wait for a somewhat good/realistic Swedish shootout.Nevertheless, this slow paced story is so far away you can get from Beck police-movies or other Swedish youth criminal movies. Finally!There is no Hollywood in Sweden but that doesn't mean there cannot be created beautiful sagas, intricate stories and complex love relationship.Add astonishing music and delicate picture and you have "Gangster".I admit, people that only can handle 1 time line and 1 relationship/shot should stay away or bring a guide. Because if the pace of the movie is slow the pace and depths in all relationships turn fast. Keep up!Now for all of you that didn't catch all characters there are rumored to be a sequel (time before Gangster) written for this. Hopefully it hits go buy the DVD!Sincerely Yours/SteelBone
Anthonysthlm This story contains two beautiful love stories. Both relate to two siblings. Antonio and Nathalie. Antonio is torn between an old girlfriend Tanya who is a cop and a new one Jasmin that is the right hand woman of The gangster boss Thomas Steel. The other love story involves Nathalie, Antonio's kid sister. One night she meets this rich young man called Alexander. I don't want reveal why they meet since that would give away too much of the plot, but through this unexpected meeting Alexander's life totally changes. The story has elements of film noir and mixes cars from the fifties with cell phones. Mikael Persbrandt who plays the Gangster boss who Antonio works for is superb. The settings are magnificent. I have never seen anything like it in a Swedish film.
ipifani Generally speaking Swedish films reflect a mentality of narrow minded social realism...Gangster on the other hand is a dark fairy tale. A fevered dream. I was Spellbound by Photography so lush I forgot the drab reality waiting just outside the theater. Its a no holds barred cinematic joy ride. Guns. Cars. Intrig. Chase. Seduction. Sexy chicks. Sexy men. High concept with a dash of pagan symbolism. Great music. Stunning photography. Everything an entertaining movie should have, even the bold choice of its eclectic art direction and the soulful soundtrack added to the exotic flavor of this film.Gangster is a breath of fresh air in a mausoleum of cultural cadavers. At 127min running time it seemed much shorter because of the directors command of the material. It was a sensual dance of rhythmic images that altered the experience of time, also thanks to imaginative editing.The down side? - Having been made in Swedish = Its at the mercy of a provincial group of critics suffering from small town syndrome ... ( Swedish critics are world renowned for their plagaristic ways lacking in any original capacity to judge for themselves ... Simply put = Gangster is over their heads )Had it been made in English with the same sensibility Gangster would have been a smash hit. Never the less I think at the end of the day it will do extremely well. Either way I hope there will be an English remake...There is an old saying about throwing pearls to swine...The time may be ripe for these very talented filmmakers to move on to bigger and better things...I highly recommend this film to anyone with an Open Mind, a sense of Adventure, and a Romantic Spirit...BRAVO GANGSTER!
Erik Karlsson This movie is not worth seeing, at least not at a cinema. The story is hard to follow and understand (it starts with 10 minutes of something happening 3 years earlier). It's hard to know if this movie is trying to be a comedy or just is so bad/weird that it sometimes seems like it. American sirens and lights on Swedish police cars is just one example. The acting of Persbrandt and Bergqvist is good as usual, but I think Jenny Lampa acting as Jasmin acts very poor. Zara Zetterqvist acts pretty well, she's not been seen as an actor in Swedish movies for a long time. If you still want to see it, wait until it's released on DVD or is shown on TV.