Glass Trap

3.1| 1h30m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 02 August 2005 Released
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When an army of radioactive ants are unknowingly carted into a skyscraper, a group of people have to find a way out before they're eaten one by one.

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Fred Olen Ray

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Glass Trap Audience Reviews

Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Paul Andrews Glass Trap is set in Los Angeles where Curtis (C. Thomas Howell) works as a cleaner in the posh upmarket Waldman Building where various offices are housed, it's a Saturday & the building is almost empty except for a few workers & security guards. A delivery of plants is made but it turns out that the plants are hiding an unexpected secret, they were exposed to plutonium & the Ants that were on the plants have grown to a huge size & their appetite for flesh has also increased. The Ants breed quickly & soon decide to turn the Waldman Building into their very own Ant hill, it's up to Curtis the Janitor to save the day...Directed by Fred Olen Ray under the pseudonym Ed Raymond this is the sort of rubbish that turns up on the Sci-Fi Channel regularly that features some sort of giant insect or animal, a few Hollywood has-beens & lots of bad CGI computer work. The plot is full of holes & character's you don't care about who make the most stupid decisions that they deserve to die. There's this odd sub-plot about some guy who has to copy a disk for some reason but we never find out why even though he knocks the cleaner out so he isn't seen & it seems to be quite important to him, the disk or it's contents are never followed up or even mentioned again. It's never explained how giant radioactive Ants manage to stay hidden in what are basically houseplants or how they breed so quickly. The whole film is full of ridiculous moments like survivors sliding across from one building to another on a telephone wire (one guy shoots a gun at an Ant while on the wire & guess what? He shoots the wire & falls to his death, that's how stupid this film is). At 90 odd minutes it goes on for ages & even a couple of embarrassing cameos can't save it.This being a PG rated film there's virtually no gore, there's a couple of bloody skeletons but nothing else. The whole thing has a pedestrian pace & it fails to generate any excitement or tension or scares. The Ants themselves look poor, the CGI work is terrible while the actual on-set models are so stiff & lifeless the poor actors have to jump around & roll around on the floor while holding a plastic Ant to try & create the illusion that it's attacking them, they don't & it doesn't.With a supposed budget of about $475,000 this was low budget & it shows with pretty bad production values. C. Thomas Howell & Martin Kove are better then this while Stella Stevens seems to be having fun & puts in a reasonable performance.Glass Trap is a really bad creature feature like the ones that turn up on the Sci-Fi Channel all the time but without any gore & an even lamer plot & killer giant creature than usual. There are much better creature features out there, you have been warned.
Phillemos I've "watched" this movie twice on SciFi Channel now. Both times I end up getting some badly needed household chores done around the condo, because this movie just doesn't hold your interest. It sounds like a compelling enough premise: genetically altered ants are transported into a city skyscraper and terrorize some unfortunate souls who got roped into weekend duty in the building's offices/lobby. It's just a very slow, suspense-less movie. And if it's going to be slow and suspense-less, you need interesting characters. These characters are as dull and lifeless as the movie. There aren't even any hot actresses (one of them is reasonably attractive). Finally, you can't even say this is a 2004 homage to the '50s cult classic "Them," because the ants are actually not really that big (about the size of a medium-sized dog). And since you never see more than three of them at a time, and they show no evidence of spitting poison or some other otherworldly power, you just feel like everyone in the movie ought to be able to beat the s*** out of these ants anyway and just go home.
krorie Don't expect "Them," and you won't be disappointed. Take it as the SciFi Channel intended it to be, a lighthearted, escapist giant ant made-for-TV flick with funny lines strewn throughout, and you'll be entertained for ninety minutes. Listen for the humor in the script delivered knowingly by such veteran Thespians as Andrew Prine and Stella Stevens, who is still gorgeous after all these years. While C. Thomas Howell is no longer the teen heart throb of yesterday (my daughter when a teen in the 80's had a huge, sexy photo of Howell draping her closet door), he is still a competent actor. The entire cast shines with no one actually taking his/her part too seriously.The special effects are bargain basement, which used to be understandable when the producers were low on funds and special effects were so expensive. But today with computer-generated imagery (CGI) the viewer expects more, even from budget films. The giant ants look like cheap plastic models which is probably what they are.The direction is not bad coming from one who moonlights as a wrestler with the moniker "Fabulous" Freddie Valentine. And the script, with lines such as,"She's found Charlie!" when the USDA lady stumbles on the bloody bones of a greenhouse worker, is often witty and clever. The camera work is at times dazzling, especially toward the end of the film when viewers are treated to a view of Lulu and Mila (Ana Alexander and Diana Kauffman respectively) shimmying across a wire exposing their thong-clad derrières.The story is predictable and trite about mutant ants, puffed up by radiation, running amok in a high rise office building in beautiful downtown Burbank (or some such locale), hence the title,"The Glass Trap," terrorizing several intended victims trapped for various reasons inside on a Saturday. As with most "people trapped inside a building on Saturday" movies, each one has unfulfilled dreams and ambitions. There is always at least one who has a hidden past. This time it's the janitor, Curtis (C. Thomas Howell). Just as the humongous bloodthirsty ants attack, dripping formic acid all over the place, those desperately escaping up a shaft ladder to the roof pause for Curtis to explain to everyone why he has a rap sheet. Sorry, I won't give away that part of the movie.
happyangie99 If you expect a massive budget and CGI effects with non stop action, than this is not for you. But if your in the mood for a campy 70's, 80's style film with some washed up actors than this is for you.The plot is simple. Get some people trapped in a high rise building with some funny looking giant ants and see who gets out alive. I was quite pleased with this film. C. Thomas Howell is here, and not sleep walking but not over acting either.These kind of movies are always a good find at the video store. They give b movies a good name. The only problem I have with it is the ending. I won't give it away but sitting through this for 70+ minutes and then the spring the ending on you, it wasn't the best. But it still is fun. Get a six pack, some pizza and friends together and make a night of it.