Heartbreak Ridge

1986 "...the scars run deep."
6.8| 2h10m| R| en| More Info
Released: 05 December 1986 Released
Producted By: Malpaso Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A hard-nosed, hard-living Marine gunnery sergeant clashes with his superiors and his ex-wife as he takes command of a spoiled recon platoon with a bad attitude.


Drama, Comedy, War

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Clint Eastwood

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Malpaso Productions


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Heartbreak Ridge Audience Reviews

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
zkonedog Last year, Clint Eastwood wowed moviegoers with his gritty, realistic performance as Walt "Get Off My Lawn!" Kowalski in the film "Gran Torino". In "Heartbreak Ridge", the U.S. Marines are the "lawn" and Eastwood (once again) isn't taking any prisoners.Basically, the film centers on a Marines Recon unit of the 1980s that, in all aspects, has "gone soft" in a time of peace. Gone is the strict military discipline of the 1940s-1960s, and in its place is a disrespectful, laissez-faire attitude towards fighting for our freedoms. That all changes, of course, when Sergeant Thomas Highway (Eastwood) is brought in to lead the unit. Though Highway is only given the assignment as a disciplinary measure, it quickly becomes clear to him how far the Marines have fallen. No angel himself (Highway is shown instigating a prison riot at the beginning of the film), Highway goes about instilling into a rag-tag bunch of young men the kind of military values that he holds near and dear.Much like "Gran Torino", then, the most entertaining portion of this film is watching Eastwood embody that kind of old-world toughness that is on its way out (for better or worse) as the World War II and Korea veterans begin to pass away. Both Highway and Kowalski are the type of men who will have your back to the end if you respect them and do right by them, but the only way they know how to show it is through harsh profanity, crude jokes, and a crotchety demeanor that belies their true emotions. Whereas Walt bonds with a young boy who shows potential but just needs some strong leadership in his life, Thomas Highway runs the same emotional gamut with his Marines Unit.There are only a few things that keep this movie from "instant classic" status, those being Highway's rather un-interesting love life on the military base, as well as an ending that just seemed to fall a bit flat considering the entertainment that preceded it. "Torino" was a bit more adept (and thus more deserving of a five-star rating) at handling the emotional drama of Eastwood's character, as well as providing a better send-off.Thus, whether you want to look at "Heartbreak Ridge" as a prequel to "Gran Torino", or "Torino" as a sequel to "Ridge", the similarities between both films are readily apparent. If you loved watching Eastwood's gruff, tough Walt Kowalski portrayal, you will love this film as well. If you were offended by the type of prejudices that Walt held, steer a wide berth around this movie.
ralphellis1979 The climax of the movie comes when the US military invades Grenada which seems to have no standing military and only weapons purchased by mail order. Obviously going into such dangerous ground means that all the invading soldiers are heroes. It is hard to drum up tension for such a mild finish. Did Clint Eastwood need to be such a tough drill sergeant to prepare his troops to do this? A few boy scouts with bad attitudes could handle this assignment. It is not necessary to have a war movie for every US conflict no matter how petty. Perhaps we need a scene where the soldiers debate bringing their bathing suits to use after the morning's fighting is done. Clint Eastwood did better working with monkeys.
Maziun Eastwood rarely disappoints . This one is pure fun 80's style . It wouldn't have been made today – it's too politically incorrect . People are swearing , there is no "America is bad , war is bad "message , the soldiers are portrayed as human beings not mindless killing machines. The movie sends a "win with yourself" message without being sappy . Actually it's one of the funniest movies I have seen. A great war comedy. There are many one liners and situations that are worth mentioning , but I just don't have time to write them all. My favorite is the joke with the waitress at the beginning of the movie and the t-shirts. There is some action in the last 30 minutes of the movie.It's fun to see how Eastwood's character interacts with his recruits and other people . Clint really fits the role of old fashioned soldier . It's good to see a REAL man in the leading role – something which is so rare in today movies. I also have to mention Mario Van Peebles as the adorable hippie rock singer Stitch. It's strange he didn't made a big career . He's charming and talented. Marsha Mason is lovely as Aggie.The movie is lighthearted fun , yet it wants the audience to respect the veterans , because nobody who wasn't at war can't really understand them . They are too often unappreciated and subject of jokes and attacks from society . No , this is not a pro-military movie . Even if it is considering how many anti-army and anti-war movies were made this one is a refreshing change . It's unpretentious fun , people , just like "Top gun" . It was made mostly to make the Americans feel better , but the amount of USA patriotism here is small , so everyone can enjoy it . Don't look for meaning of live and enjoy it .I give it 7/10.
Prismark10 Heartbreak Ridge stars Client Eastwood who also produced and directed. Although now a two time Oscar winning Director, the difference in production values is obvious from this with say Flags of our Fathers. Heartbreak Ridge would had got the nod from Warner Brothers because it would be relatively low budget with Eastwood the highest paid star doubling as director and it shows in the production values.The film was an oddity for its time. War films were the rage in the mid 1980s but they were introspective as they looked back at Vietnam more critically.Eastwood plays Gunny Highway the tough, no nonsense marine sergeant who has to get his unit back in shape. He also hopes to rekindle romance with his ex wife.Mario Van Peebles plays the cocky black guy who is irritating because that is the way he is written but was designed to attract the urban hip crowd for the time who dug Eddie Murphy films.The film was known for its swearing at the time of its release, this would now be considered to be mild. It's rather hokey, predictable and overlong.The marines come of age when they have to invade Grenada to rescue some hostages. The action sequences cannot come quick enough. This is a typical Eastwood film for its time where he makes an action picture for the masses but also trying to say something else but the message is still rather gung ho.However Eastwood had plans to direct Birdy and White Hunter, Black Heart over the next few years, films for critics.