
2015 "Never make a bet you can't afford to lose."
6.1| 1h33m| R| en| More Info
Released: 13 November 2015 Released
Producted By: EFO Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A father is without the means to pay for his daughter's medical treatment. As a last resort, he partners with a greedy co-worker to rob a casino. When things go awry they're forced to hijack a city bus.

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Scott Mann

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EFO Films


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Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Steineded How sad is this?
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
mts-78680 Pathetic script and a shame these quality of actors were forced to try to make this semi-realistic. Only watched the entire thing because Gina Carano was given an opportunity to act and not fight. Hopefully, she'll get more chances after working with greats like Robert De Niro and Morris Chestnut.Quirky ending and unpredictable but still pathetic because it coulda/shoulda been much better.
sstephaniemark There are very few actors that are better than Robert De Niro today, but apparently this doesn't mean he always picks great roles. The film seems to be an Ocean's Eleven knockoff, with the plot revolving around a heist of a steamboat casino so one man (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) could raise money for his dying daughter, and De Niro plays the wicked casino owner. The plot sounds intriguing, but the execution was a joke. Most directors at least make an attempt when they use police scenes to make them as realistic as possible, but the actions of the police alone made this movie laughable. The scenes were so far fetched, which is fine, unless you are trying to pull off a believable film, that I could barely make it through the 1 hour and 32 minutes running time. I'm sure Jeffrey Dean Morgan took this role to star alongside De Niro, but why De Niro took it, I'll never know. There are many things to discuss about this movie, but I can't without spoiling it. So I will end by saying this: for the love of movies and film, do not see this movie. There are far too many decent movies to see, even halfway decent ones, that you could better spend your time watching.
Joe Great film and the cast did very well. Especially dave bautista. Throughly enjoyable film and would watch again. Don't get drawn into the negatives of plot or story holes reviews. Just enjoy this for what it is. A Great film...The other cast played the characters to a tea and de Niro was a class act. Liam Neeson would of suited this film so well... If you like Neeson films ull love this one! Also my first film I watched with the main act and hope he does more films!!The twist is also brilliantly executed and deserves better reviews on that alone.
Greg Francis Not sure how much they paid DeNiro to make this VERY amateurish movie, but he can't save this generic, lame, dopey thing. Putting a couple of wrestlers in major acting parts is bad enough, but the writing is at a middle school film project level. That includes the plot, the dialog and the almost random killings throughout. The story at the very basic level is kind of interesting, but totally butchered in the execution. Here are a few idiotic examples. 1. A casino dealer who does a card trick at the table?, then just yells "dealer change" over his shoulder and walks away. Later we see this same dealer wheeling a money cart into the vault, also NEVER done by dealers. This writer has obviously never even been in a casino lol. 2. A guy tells off the owner and gets fired, but his alarm code to the vault where they keep millions in cash still works the next night. 3. A veterinary student is put in charge of caring for a bad guy that got shot, they bargain for medical supplies, one of which is a hypo full of something. She asks the cop who brought it what it is, he says "pain killer" so based solely on that she injects the entire thing in the IV and the guy dies. Then the other bad guys get mad but are not sure who to blame or whatever, just too dumb to put any effort into trying to figure it out. 4. Two words, SWAT motorcycles, wtf? I could go on for days, please save yourself the irritation and skip this thing, unless you want your head to hurt from the stupidity and horrible acting. Shame on you DeNiro!