House of the Dead

2003 "You won't last the night."
2.1| 1h30m| R| en| More Info
Released: 10 October 2003 Released
Producted By: Boll Kino Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Set on an island off the coast, a techno rave party attracts a diverse group of college coeds and a Coast Guard officer. Soon, they discover that their X-laced escapades are to be interrupted by zombies and monsters that attack them on the ground, from the air, and in the sea, ruled by an evil entity in the House of the Dead... Prequel to the House of the Dead video games.

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Uwe Boll

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Boll Kino Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG


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House of the Dead Audience Reviews

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
shalimar-4 OMFG will someone PLEASE STOP GIVING UWE BOLL MONEY!!!I got up today to find this playing on TV... didn't catch the very start but that obviously does not matter at all.. and within a cpl min I was questioning if they were seriously this idiotic or if they were trying to make this movie this bad intentionally..Well.. stupid me.. wasted time actually watching more of this craptacular pile of steaming ... no wait.. that's too polite a description.. and a pile like that at least would be useful as fertilizer..Suffice to say watching this continued while feeding my youngest son his lunch (Thankfully he's too young to understand any of this) and it just kept getting worse.. and worse.. and WORSE.. and WWWWWOOOORRRRSSEEEEE!!!!!!AMC.. the channel that has helped with some spectacularly good Zombie action (Walking Dead anyone?) and a few other excellent shows.. but has it's head firmly up up it's collective ass with idiotic butchering of movies was happy to put this on and then it's sequel (which can't help but be better since UWE is not involved).. and edited it for language.. but did not have the decency to cut out the entire film and substitute a simple still shot saying:This is a test of the EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM This film is directed by UWE BOLL. Turn the channel NOW to save your sanity and lock the doors since the world is obviously ending when we have run out of garbage to put on TV and are reduced broadcasting this crap..But don't worry.. we edited out the language so your sensitive ears won't ever hear profanity!!!!.. (We can't control the profanity undoubtedly being uttered by all of those watching this crap)Now laugh all you want.. this review is idiotic and absurd.. and its intentionally so.. but at least this has saved you from wasting time of your life you will never get back from watching this load of total steaming sh*t (Seriously IMDb? Have to edit this word?? /facepalm @ that being as stupid and idiotic as AMC's butchering of films. Both pathetic and extremely childish esp since kids know that word very well by the time they hit school!) from UB... Now as the title says:OMFG will someone PLEASE STOP GIVING UWE BOLL MONEY!!!Seriously!!! The man destroys everything he ever touches and some idiots keep giving him $ to make more movies..Hell even his disaster version of AD&D.. which basically writes it'self it's so fantastically easy to get right.. and he managed to butcher it to death in a horrific fashion..They gave him Bloodrayne, AD&D and at least a dozen others with potential... again craptacular garbage from hell every single time.... his touch is like King Midas only its CRAP instead of gold!There seriously needs to be a public safety warning with everything that man ever touches!! Hell even his breathing or uttering the words related to any movie does untold damage to us all!So for the sake of the children, puppies, kittens and whatever else you can add into that.. STOP GIVING HIM MONEY to make movies!!!FFS Pay him to NOT make movies and we will all be better off!!Seriously!!!!This pathetic excuse for a movie is just abysmal.. and while I've worked in the industry and am prod of some of the good stuff we have done here in Canada.. this is NOT one of them and the fact he was even allowed into the country to film this is worthy of investigation since it's an abomination to our film industry and whomever issued him the permits needed needs to be fired!!!So review boiled down for those that want to skip to the end:To quote the great Monty Python:RUN AWAY!!!! RUN AWAY!!!!!!!
Aaron McJennett House of the Dead is not Good Film But it's not Bad Compare to Most of Uwe Boll's Films it's nothing Awful or Painful Compare to Alone in the Dark or BloodRayne and I wouldn't go as Far by calling this one of the Worst Movies In Some Ways The Movie can be A Guilty Pleasure to Watch Others may not Agree But am Sure Some will.
keiranh-205-354645 There are always going to be horrible directors, and then there are people who like to think of themselves as directors when malfunctioning GPS navigators provide better direction. Uwe Boll is categorized in the latter, being in my opinion even worse then Ed Wood. This film is solid evidence of this, stuffed with laughable dialogue and silly teen meanderings, which prevent this from being in the same dimension as watchable. If you get your film inspiration from your favorite arcade game, then maybe your in the wrong field. Three story credits are listed for what seems like a kindergärtners project. A thirty person rave in the middle of the afternoon followed by stupid looking zombies somehow transforms incompetent teens into ace marksmen and markswomen. A creep in a stitched mask looks at people behind trees and when asking a question, one of the characters answers his own question in his question. In conclusion, video games are thin inspirations for feature films, arcade games are even thinner.
Leofwine_draca Uwe Boll enjoys something of a reputation on the Internet as one of the worst directors in existence; a modern-day Ed Wood, if you will, incapable of making produce that's not completely terrible in every sense. For me, though, such descriptions are unfair to Ed Wood, whose films were at the very least entertaining. HOUSE OF THE DEAD is nothing like; it's an awful film and even worse than the previous Boll film I watched, ALONE IN THE DARK.An erstwhile adaptation of the popular arcade game, this is a traditional zombie film which sees a group of unwary ravers falling foul of some zombies that emerge from the depths of the ocean to wreak havoc upon the living. So far, so B-movie, but the direction and technical values are of such an appalling quality that even the most generous of movie buffs will struggle to enjoy this. Desperate attempts to interest viewers, such as the gratuitous nudity, fail to work, leaving this a train wreck of a film.Incredibly, Boll gets everything wrong at every point. The decision to include actual clips of the video game is stupid in the extreme. His direction is rubbish, as is the acting, even from seasoned genre veterans like Jurgen Prochnow and Clint Howard. The effects are poor and although the film contains non-stop action, it's thoroughly dull because said action is so poorly staged. Dull, dull, dull and silly throughout, comic book in style but lacking the energy and excitement of a comic book adaptation. The worst zombie movie ever made? Quite possibly, even with all the silly Italian zombie flicks out there.