
2006 "A secret is not safe if the truth has a witness."
5.7| 1h43m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 18 April 2006 Released
Producted By: Australian Film Finance Corporation
Country: Australia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A wife and mother is consumed by the thought that her husband's co-worker is trying to win him away from her and their family.

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Ann Turner

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Australian Film Finance Corporation


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Irresistible Audience Reviews

2hotFeature one of my absolute favorites!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
The Couchpotatoes Okay first of all let me tell this. The reviewers that think this is one of the worst movie they ever saw must not have watched a lot of movies in their sorry life. I am the first to admit Irresistible is not a masterpiece but saying it's the worst is just ridiculous. The story is watchable even though you kind of see it coming from miles away. But it still remains a movie that keeps you entertained for an evening. Susan Sarandon en Emily Blunt are good actresses and in this movie they are as well. So for all the haters just watch some more movies, I'm sure you will watch thousands of worse movies then this one. I'm glad I watched this one. I probably won't watch it again but does it really matter?
blanche-2 ...basically because it had Lifetime written all over it. I grant you I was surprised to see Susan Sarandon and Sam Neill in a TV movie, but this was no feature film. Susan Sarandon worked with the writer for six months so that the script met her specifications? Maybe she should have worked with her for a year.Sarandon plays Sophie Hartley, a talented and successful illustrator of children's books. Her husband (Neill) is a successful architect. They have two daughters and, because of her husband's job, they live in Australia now.Sophie has just lost her mother and is taking it very hard. Her husband convinces her to buy a new dress and attend a party with him. There she meets an office associate of his, Mara, a beautiful young woman who is wearing the identical dress. She is extremely happy to meet Sophie and since the party is at her house, she changes her dress. The two spend a night talking, Sophie being a little intoxicated.As time goes on, strange things begin to happen in the Hartley household. A neighbor tells Sophie that she saw someone going into her house wearing her beautiful dress what has hibiscus on it. Sophie's hibiscus dress is missing. Then she sees that Mara is wearing the same one when she visits her. Then, a gift that Mara helped her husband bring home for Sophie's birthday has a wasp nest that attacks Sophie and puts her in the hospital.Sophie becomes convinced that Mara is breaking into the house and going through it, which her husband doesn't think is happening. Sophie follows Mara one day and enters her house, where Mara catches her. Everyone thinks she's crazy. She slaps Sophie with a restraining order. Sophie doesn't pay any attention to it and keeps following her.I had this thing figured out within about ten minutes.In the film it's revealed that Sophie was 18 in 1975. I doubt it since Sarandon is only a few years older than I am, and I remember her very well as an ingénue.Good actors wasted, and the ending wasn't satisfying.
Doug8910 As some time, a film that attempts Hitchcockian suspense will succeed. Beyond the shadow of any doubt, this is not that film. This film doesn't contain the shadow of any suspense.I must confess that the film actually did create some suspense for me...About 45 minutes in, there was a sense of tension about how much longer the film would need to be endured. This is suspense, and film making, of the worst kind.The script is banal. The gaps in the plot are insurmountable. In an apparent effort to create suspense that doesn't exist in the plot, the film is mind-numbingly, slowly-paced and imbued with overacting. As a result of the poor script and misguided performances, the film appears almost like a highly financed high school production. This film is a testament to the conclusion that, when given a horrible script, even great actors can appear inept.SPOILER ALERT!!! This film is based on the premise that Mara (Emily Blunt) is exacting vengeance on her birth mother (Sophie-Susan Sarandon), who gave her up at birth, by seducing her mother's husband, Craig (Sam Neill), and taking over her mother's family. This could be a warped, but intriguing, plot. However, it depends on our being convinced that there is a smoldering desire building between Mara and Craig, and that Mara is carefully tending that fire. That element is virtually absent in the film. Until Mara embraces Craig in his office after his architectural design is accepted by a client, there is little evidence that Mara is attempting to seduce Craig. Even during this embrace, and the subsequent "intimacy" between Mara and Craig, the passion is vacuous.The denouement is simply inane. While hospitalized after attempting to incinerate Sophie in the basement of her own home, and suffering burns herself, Mara is shown creating a scrapbook of her life. This scene shows Mara becoming tearful as she looks at a photograph or another girl who resided in the same orphanage as she had, even though we haven't heard about this young woman previously in the film. (Is this supposed to mean something to us?). Even more inexplicably, Mara is shown pasting, next to her own photo, a photograph of Sophie which lovingly bears the word "Mother." Are we really expected to believe this? IMDb indicates that Susan Sarandon collaborated on the script for six months, with the writer/director Ann Turner, before it reached her standard. Another few years might have helped.
snowgoblin I watched this low budget Australian movie just because of Emily Blunt but in the end it turned out to be a great film. Blunt, Neill and Sarandon all play their roles excellently and it's a shame that this movie is not available for wider audience. Unpredictable plot without cheap Hollywood tricks and scenes makes this film a hidden gem. All actors do they work really well and you can't just shut down in the end, because it's so surprising. This thriller is really thrilling and doesn't use any of clichés which are so common for this genre. Instead of it Irresistible uses original approaches and is full of beautiful images and realistic behavior of main characters. It's certainly worth-seeing.