It's a Wonderful Afterlife

2010 "Finding the right man can be murder"
5.4| 1h40m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 07 May 2010 Released
Producted By: Viacom18 Studios
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Indian mother Mrs Sethi's obsession with marrying off her daughter turns murderous. With jokes that routinely miss the mark and cringeworthy slapstick, this black comedy farce shouldn't work. Somehow, though, it does.


Comedy, Romance

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Gurinder Chadha

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Viacom18 Studios


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It's a Wonderful Afterlife Audience Reviews

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Drew Campbell I watched this one chilly winter's afternoon while nursing a heavy cold, hoping for a mildly diverting way to pass an hour or so when even the thought of getting up off the settee was an effort. Feeling better now but still struggling to believe how this wreck of a movie ever got a green light.It was fascinating in a perverse way: Just how much lumpy dialogue, heavily telegraphed and unfunny jokes, inane and unconvincing plot twists, pointless steals and clichéd direction can be packed into one movie? How was a (mainly) decent cast ever persuaded to participate in this mess? Did nobody read the script? Do they not have agents? A waste of talent, of money, and of time - yours and everyone involved. Even if you're lying on a settee nursing a heavy cold.
james__uk Unfairly slated Ealing-style slapstick comedy. Obviously fun to make, with familiar faces and heart-warming family drama, along the lines of "OMG what is Mum doing now?", as she tries to solve her daughter's seemingly non-existent marriage prospects. Along the way, the audience bops along to Indian remixes of popular western disco and pop, and wonders how an unlikely murderer will meet their fate. The plot is unsophisticated yet gripping. The dialog is natural, with gags, but the film's undeniable humour comes from the same loving, awkward moments that drive it's story. I can't see anyone walking out of this movie, unless they don't wish to be entertained.It's a Wonderful Afterlife (2010) is not a work-of-art, not a beautifully made film. But it does not try to be. It is a funny murder-love-story with falling down moments, with familiar actors having a blast making ridiculous comedy. If you want a horror show, or a logical plot, then it may let you down. But for laughs, and for a screenful of some of our most popular actors (with new faces too), it will tickle you. Nothing much to complain about here, if you love life.
frictionangel One of the funniest movies in a while! The director gets the whole Indians abroad thing to absolute perfection. One felt like one had met everyone on screen before! All the actors except Shabhana Azmi were really good. OK...the actor who plays her daughter wasn't brilliant either but at least she wasn't full of herself. The plot itself was rather cute and the editing is very well done. Only issue with it is that the target audience is rather limited. You need to either be an Indian living abroad or know enough Indians living abroad to get most of the jokes. The whole thing is not to be taken seriously for even a moment of course! This one gives Bend it like Beckham a serious run for its money.
floorpopcornblog I was really excited about going to see It's A Wonderful Afterlife because Gurinder Chadha is the director and she has directed two of my favourite films - Angues, Thongs and Perfect Snogging and also Bride and Prejudice. I had also seen plenty of the film on TV and it looked like a fun film - I was right! The film is set in London but is all about Indians. It's a really weird storyline but that's what made it so funny and unique. Basically, an old woman called Mrs Sethi (Shabana Azmi) wants to commit suicide because she is a widow but she won't do it until her daughter Roopi (Goldy Notay) is married. Anyone who gets in her way gets killed in lots of funny and gruesome ways. Right at the start of the film, she stuffs a man so much by feeding him curry that he explodes and therefore prompting curry to fly about everywhere. I told you it was weird! The murder brings the police in to things and the officer assigned to the case is called Murthy (Sendhil Ramamurthy). He happens to be a close friend of Mrs Sethi and her daughter. Also involved is Linda, renamed Galani (Sally Hawkins), who wears Indian clothes, has an Indian fiancée (Jimi Mistry) and insists that she is psychic.It is a set-up for lots of funny things to happen. There are quite a lot of fat jokes which get old after a while and also a lot of slapstick that sometimes is really hilarious and sometimes isn't. There are also lots of people slipping over on curry which is so silly it's really quite funny. The ending is especially hilarious but I won't spoil it for you! The script overall is really funny and original. There is a happy ending with a wedding as in a lot of Gurinder Chadha's films but the way it gets to the end is really original. All of the cast are really good as well and deliver their lines perfectly, especially Shabana Azmi who is really super. The film also looks really good but the cheap gore and exploding curry looks a bit out of place.In many ways this is a typical romance film with some really funny moments. However, there are plenty of unique ideas in here and some great humorous moments that will make it worth seeing, especially if you like the director's other films.4/5