Lynch Mob

4.9| 1h39m| R| en| More Info
Released: 18 September 2009 Released
Producted By: First Cinema Pictures
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The rural town of Lynchburg Georgia holds a dark secret. A century old curse has condemned the citizens to a diet of human flesh. Unable to leave the city limits the town folks must lure unsuspecting travelers to their quaint town where they soon become the menu item of choice.

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Byron Conrad Erwin

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First Cinema Pictures


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Lynch Mob Audience Reviews

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Cortechba Overrated
Executscan Expected more
Jon Doe I have to start off saying that this movie is definitely meant to be of B quality so if you don't like B-Horror you probably won't like this movie. Myself,I loved this movie. It does lose some wind towards the end and the ending definitely could've used some work, but this is still a great effort indeed. The plot without spoilers: Some Mafia associate/Psychopath/Sadist/Child molester(With a terrible indecipherable accent) gets in the Local Mafia crews cross hairs for being too big of a psycho. Always up to no good our despicable Mob sycophant finds himself in trouble The Feds decide to cut a deal with the Mob rat and place him in the Witness protection program. Chaos ensues and a pretty decent B Mob/Horror movie comes out of it.This movie is great because of its camp.The actors were just bad enough to make it all worthwhile and our psychopath is great at making you really hate his character. If your a fan of B horror and B Gansgster flicks you will love this! I gave it an extra star because I always help out the independents
graphicapark I haven't reviewed before (only read others), but this was so much a waste of time that I had to waste some more.This movie actually had a pretty cool plot, bot it was just trying too much. The jokes were stolen from everywhere! This was clearly a low budget movie. The acting was really crappy (though that child molester actually did a reasonable job, being creepy) and the audio was bad. It tends to become lower in some scenes. In these occasions the voices turn into a mumbling. Did they record the audio with a build in microphone on the camera?Don't even think about viewing this!
Alan Bannacheck Weasel, a psychopathic pedophile, is caught kidnapping a minor from the park when he runs into an investigation team during the act. He manages to cut a deal with the authorities claiming he will help them take down the main mafia in town. He soon finds himself in Lynchberg, (No pun intended) Georgia, a seemingly ordinary small town. However things are not as they seem. The township is accursed for lynching an innocent slave and are trapped in their village for eternity. As if that isn't brutal enough, they are also condemned to a human only diet. The mob that Weasel betrayed track him to Lynchberg to enact their revenge. As soon as they arrive a feast of madness ensues.Filled with gore (enough fake blood and intestines to fill a swimming pool), violence, gratuitous nudity, the living dead, and a pedophile as the main protagonist, any serious horror scholar should give it a gander. With that said, if you're looking for something scary or suspenseful; this movie is far too campy to be taken with much seriousness.My Rating: 5 out of 10 Alan "Skip" Bannacheck "The Horror Cyclopedia"
TagMan11 I thought the idea surrounding the movie was very original, but poorly executed for the most part. It seems the movie's main goal was to be as graphic as possible, with tons of loop holes throughout. Michael Cole, who plays Weasel did an amazing and underrated job in what some will find a very disturbing role.The music fit the movie very well too, especially the opening and ending credits As for the rest of the actors, most were quite average as their respective characters, although the mafia henchmen were quite entertaining. Perhaps the biggest flaw is when John Cornetta tries - and fails big time to win the audience over as the true hero of the film. He is often seen as trying to be emotional, but quite frankly, is not very good.For an independent, low budget film, the Stampers did a good job at coming up with a storyline, but ultimately, their amateur status shines through in the execution. Perhaps with a bigger budget and better talent, their real genius will shine through.