
2008 "It's a short trip from zero... to hero."
5.8| 1h31m| G| en| More Info
Released: 29 February 2008 Released
Producted By: Disney Branded Television
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When three high-school friends invent a time-machine, they decide to use it to go back in time and prevent other youngsters from making humiliating mistakes.

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Lev L. Spiro

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Minutemen Audience Reviews

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
deoxys15 OK, first of all, I think all DCOMs are worth giving a chance. Except for the High School Musical movies, those actually sucked. To me, a lot of DCOMs have a level of maturity and/or seriousness in them. This is why they appeal to me so much, and I'm a 21-year-old guy. Anyway, Minutemen is about three teenagers who build a time machine together, and decide to use it to save their classmates from embarrassing moments. Yeah, I know that may sound corny to older audiences, but the boys will soon learn that even their heroic actions could lead to disastrous consequences. Jason Dolley, who played the lead character Virgil, was pretty good for his first starring DCOM role. I liked the possible messages that the movie tries to deliver, like everything happens for a reason. Or maybe the most worst moment in your life turns out to be the best thing to ever happen to you. In my opinion, DCOMs manage to get themes like this across without seeming corny at all. In conclusion, another excellent DCOM, great for all ages.
A_Random_Guy_22 I'm not a big fan of Disney Channel Original Movies (apart from the High School Musical films), so I was pleasantly surprised by Minutemen. I've only seen it twice so far, but it's become one of my favourite movies ever and definitely my favourite movie of 2008. The only reason it doesn't get a 10/10 is because it has that Disney Channel feel to it - and that's not a good thing in my opinion. But still, I can't wait to get the eventual DVD. I'll be there first day of sales! I don't know why some people don't like this movie, I mean, it's got a great young cast, a good story, good effects (for Disney Channel), so why the hate? Give this movie a chance. I'm sure you'll love it. I did.
aiyana-rachael It's a DCOM. There's only so much you can expect from it, right?When I'm bored some afternoon, stuck home with nothing to do, I often watch a dcom. Or two if I'm feeling like tearing my hair out of my head. Actually, if I watch two, I generally feel like tearing my hair out of my head by the time I'm done because they're just...that bad. Seriously. A general DCOM has bad acting, bad filming, a bad storyline and undeveloped characters. They normally have a couple funny moments, and a good message, but that's about all they have going for them..I love Jason Dolley. He is, most definitely, my favourite actor of all time, and he has been for over a year. He's a very good actor, and I also like what he stands for and such. He seems like a good role model as well. When I heard he was going to be in a DCOM I was like...OK. Even if the movie's bad, then I can still look at him, making it all worthwhile.SO I watched the movie, and was pretty surprised by how decent it was.The story-line wasn't all that bad. In fact, for a DCOM, it was pretty darn amazing. Sure, it had an occasional flaw, and some parts were sadly predictable... but it had a strong, great, underlying theme of friendship, and love, and loyalty, and it really connects to a high schooler's heart. Near the end, when Virgil is contemplating going back and changing things so "The Incident" never happens... Charlie shares how he's feeling... and tells him how the day that Virgil hated so much was his FAVOURITE day because he'd become Virgil's friend.Awww it was so deep! <3The acting was pretty good too. Jason is great, as a rule, and I certainly didn't find myself cringing as I watched the movie, praying that the acting would improve. The characters were well developed, and well portrayed. The principal REALLY got on my nerves... but hey, he was the only one. I liked the friendship with Virgil, Stephanie, and Derek as well. It added a deeper thought to the movie, and it really showed "true friends" and "Users". It was very accurate to high school life.The soundtrack background music was great too. It added a great feel to the movie, and was lively and complimentery to the movie itself.It also had some pretty funny moments. Seriously. Watch it. i don't want to spoil it for you... but it's a funny movie. A couple downsides:The black hole was pretty pathetic. As were a lot of the special effects. The principal was SO obnoxious. The cliques in high school were over-dramatized. I'm a high schooler, and there are NO nerds that are hated that much. The CIA was a little unrealistic as well.The downsides though, don't change the fact that it was an awesome movie. Very cute, very tasteful, good story-line, good acting... and even a couple kisses that were long for Disney.Great job Disney! keep it up!
bkoganbing Disney juvenile star Jason Dolley gets a chance to set things right so to speak in high school life in the new Disney television film, Minutemen. He and another young man get hung out to dry on the horns of a ram statue which is their high school mascot. After that it's nerd city for him and young Luke Benward.But you don't mess with a young genius and Benward with the help of some purloined downloaded files from NASA invents a time machine. They get another assistant in 6'4" Nicholas Braun who because of his height is also something of a high school misfit. And then with the best of intentions they go back in time and start righting a few wrongs as they see them. Life for them becomes one big do-over. Naturally as things work out some really unforeseen consequences occur.It's a Disney product so the cast has that fresh scrubbed look, but the film is charmingly done and the performances are easy to take. I must make note of two other people in the cast. Young Steven R. McQueen is the grandson of the famous movie legend who if he were still with us would be 78. He plays the jock rival for Chelsea Staub who Dolley is crushing out on. You look hard and you can see some resemblance to Steve McQueen, but his character here is hardly the rebel persona of say, Nevada Smith.One other cast member, J.P. Manoux took his character of the snoopy, supercilious vice principal from that Disney television series, Phil of the Future, and brought it over intact for this film. He's a pretty funny guy, Manoux, he's the best reason for adults to watch Minuteman.By the way the title is something that Dolley, Braun, and Benward dream up to call themselves. They outfit themselves in white snow gear like they were going on a secret military operation in the polar region. Well you didn't think it meant anything else? After all this is a Disney production.