Mr. Incredible and Pals

6.4| 0h4m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 15 March 2005 Released
Producted By: Pixar
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An animated short film produced by Pixar included as a bonus on the DVD edition of the 2004 feature film "The Incredibles."


Animation, Family

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Roger Gould

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Mr. Incredible and Pals Audience Reviews

Wordiezett So much average
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Horst in Translation ([email protected]) "Mr. Incredible and Pals" is a 4-minute animated short film that is a bonus feature to the successful Pixar movie "The Incredibles" and shows us a mix between that one and the animated show "Clutch Cargo" from the 1960s. I have not seen the latter, so maybe that's why it was not too much of a memorable watch because I probably did not get many of the references. anyway, this is a fairly nice idea for a bonus feature and somewhat inspired. Story-wise it is okay for such a brief film I guess. The title character, his superhero buddy and a little jumping rabbit have to save a bridge from being destroyed and at the same time catch a female bug villain. Tolerable stuff I guess. "The Incredibles" is one of really not many Pixar films I have not yet seen and I must admit this short film does not really get me curious to do so. But that also wasn't the intention I guess looking at the difference in style. People who like old superhero animation (not as old as Disney's and Warner Bros' golden age), can check this one. It's probably more for these than for huge fans of "The Incredibles". So can everybody else, but they are really not missing too much. Oh yeah, solid list of people working on this one as well, behind the camera and voice actors. 4 minutes worth seeing and listening to all in all.
Rectangular_businessman This was a clever and well done parody of many old Saturday morning cartoons from the '50s and the '60s (Like for example, Clutch Cargo, a series from 1959 which is mostly remembered for using the Syncro-Vox animation technique where a live-action talking mouth was superimposed upon the faces of cartoon characters. "The Adventures of Mr. Incredible" uses the same technique for comedic purposes.) Anyway, this a nice complement for "The Incredibles" Universe, and it also serves as a funny homage to all those old cartoons that this short animation references.8/10
man300600 Now, if you got The Incredibles DVD's, you might have only watched the movie and Jack Jack Attack. But before you decide to give the DVD's to charity, pop in Disc 2 one more time, go to the Top Secret menu and watch this baby. Then again with the commentary provided by Mr. Incredible and Frozone. And then watch it again at any/a party/car/iPod (If you can)/Computer (If you can)/deathbed/Heaven/Hell (If Satan's drunk)/etc. It is THAT good.The cartoon is about Mr. Incredible, Frozone and Mr. Skipperdoo (A rabbit who can find stuff with his nose.) searching for a stolen bridge, they find it at an abandoned circus, and then Mr. Incredible battles the villain (Can't remember her name.) after Frozone is immoblized by silk. Mr. Incredible defeats the villain and saves Frozone, who proceeds to use his ice powers to reattach the bridge. The story is shown with intentionally bad animation, human mouths and overall intentionally bad. This equals up to an intentionally hilarious short.The commentary makes it even more hilarious, where Mr. Incredible and Frozone settle in to watch a cartoon that was created for children's television in TV's early days and included they're likenesses, complaints and hilariousness follow. The complaints they make range from going "What?" over why Mr. Skipperdoo was created and Frozone not liking the fact he has to hold him, to Frozone complaining about how they made him white and making comments about the creators being racist. The commentary is pretty much why they created the cartoon in the first place.Some of you might not get some of the references, but it'll still be a great way to laugh when you're in a bad mood. So when you're done watching The Incredibles and Jack Jack Attack, watch this awesome short.They should make a sequel for the second movie's DVD.
MovieAddict2016 This hilarious spoof of classic children's show "Clutch Cargo" had me in tears. It's not at all what I expected when I first bought the "Incredibles" DVD and started watching it.Essentially it begins with Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) and Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson) watching a new TV series spin-off of their adventures and exploits.However Frozone takes offense to the film as he is dubbed over by a white man and the animation is horrible and simplistic. The story also includes a bunny named "Mr. Skipperdoo." I was in tears because anyone who remembers these old '60s TV shows with the cheesy moving mouths plastered over top of still drawings will know how appalling they were. This is an adult-geared special feature, and its mediocre rating on IMDb, I'm sure, has something to do with the younger voters not "getting it."