Ozark Sharks

2016 "Take a bite out of summer."
3.4| 1h28m| R| en| More Info
Released: 30 July 2016 Released
Producted By: Syfy
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.fablehouse.tv/ozark-sharks

A picturesque family vacation to the Ozarks goes sideways when a group of bull sharks show up just in time for the big fireworks festival that the town holds every year.

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Misty Talley

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Ozark Sharks Audience Reviews

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Alistair Olson After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Another shark movie to the near limitless supply of creature features from SyFy. So you would think that they have drained the genre dry already, but they still manage to come up with new ideas for new movies. And "Ozark Sharks" doesn't really differentiate itself from the numerous many other shark movies, many of which also to come from SyFy. As such, then "Ozark Sharks" turns out to be just another shark movie.As with most other SyFy movies, then you shouldn't get your hopes up too high in terms of acting and special effects, because you will most likely just end up disappointed. And true enough, then "Ozark Sharks" stays true to the blueprint that SyFy uses for these creature features.The acting in the movie was adequate, I will give the movie that much. Well, at least adequate taking the genre into consideration. People were doing good enough jobs with their individual roles, and actually seemed to be having fun with what they were doing. However, it was somewhat of a strain to witness Allisyn Ashley Arm (playing Molly) to stride through the movie as if she was doped up on prescription medication.As for the effects. Well then I could actually just suffice to summarize it with four simple words; standard SyFy special effects. With that being said, I should perhaps clarify that for those not already familiar with the myriad of creature features released by SyFy. The effects were questionable at best, and the sharks looked very poorly animated, except for those shots where they were using actual shark footage.The story in "Ozark Sharks" is about a family that have come to a vacation resort at a small town, when the peace and quiet is abruptly disturbed by six sharks that feed upon humans."Ozark Sharks" is not genre breaking in any way, nor did it bring anything new to the genre. Well, strike that, it did bring a scene where a shark was sent skyward by fireworks and exploded in a very colorful fireworks explosion. I hadn't seen that before in my 41 years, so thumbs up for that.This movie is not the best of creature features from SyFy, not by a long shot. And if you enjoy shark movies, then there are far better choices available. It is, at best, worth a single viewing if you have nothing better to watch and have some interest in shark and these cheesy SyFy movies. Some of us have that bizarre urge to watch these low budget, cheesy movies because they usually are so poor and cheesy that they are funny to watch."Ozark Sharks" scores a four out of ten stars rating, because it was still semi-enjoyable, despite it being a very generic SyFy creature feature.
Michael O'Keefe Backwoods terror seems to hold a place in the horror genre; and why is it fun to watch the rural variety? Misty Talley directs this out in the country tale that should feature some gators or crocs; but doesn't, let's have sharks for the killer chomps. Family and friends arrive at a resort in the Ozarks for some sun and relaxation. The first local they see is a died-in-the-wool survivalist with a harpoon gun mounted on his pickup truck. There must be a reason; damn sure!! Somehow a bunch of bull sharks have found their way into America's water system and have sneaked their way upriver into the Ozark Mountains.Of course, the Ozarks are mainly in lower Missouri and upper Arkansas; OZARK SHARKS is filmed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Those CGI sharks are a bit shoddy and change size compared to surroundings...but terror is in those shark bites, Babe! Cast of players include: Ashton Leigh, Thomas Francis Murphy, Heather Paige, Becky Andrews, Laura Cayouette, Dave Davis and Ross Britz.
kowtowfealty The special effects used are, well, terrible. Understandably, it's on a budget but a freshwater shark scene with Ramoras attached to the shark while its swimming? Hello, quality check anyone? Many of the underwater scenes are rerunning the same shark swimming as well or the same section underwater.Acting - Not good. The "mother" was the most natural role played while the others, especially the son and boyfriend, were awkward and stiff in their deliveries. Actors obtained at bargain basement prices most likely.Plot - It's based on a realistic theme of bull sharks being able to live in fresh water so there is that.Compare and contrast - Planet of the sharks was much better in employing special effects, shark shots, and a much better plot with solid acting incorporated in it.
GL84 Heading off to a cabin, a family and friends on their Fourth- of-July vacation find that the areas is infested with man-eating sharks preying on the locals and try to get them to believe their tales in order to stop the creatures and get everyone to safety.This one was quite the fun and enjoyable effort. One of the better features here is the fact that there's the ever-present high amount of action present here for these types of films, and it manages to get a highly enjoyable series of scenes from that. The opening attack is quite enjoyable, with the kids slowly being picked off while no one's watching and then finally forced to escape when it's apparent something's in the water with them which gets this going rather nicely, a rather fun encounter with some swimmers on the water, a rather fine series of scenes where it attacks different people along the water and the rather thrilling series of encounters where they try to rescue the several groups of trapped outside while the sharks continually circle around to take out the different victims. Even with these fun scenes, the film's at its best when it comes to the rather frantic and highly enjoyable series of scenes within the race to get to the main being held on the water there which has the great confrontations along the way where the sharks start picking off the separated groups in fine fashion, the different battles against them where they fight to get them under control and leading up to the incredibly fun part of their attempts to curtail them at the festival which is the film's big action scene here which manages to get plenty of thrilling action out of their failed warnings which soon causes the disbelieving locals to start getting attacked by the swarm of creatures and requiring their fine rescue attempts as well as the first attempts to stop them with their weaponry which is quite a blood-filled riot with the crazy schemes devised to put them down for good while still managing a few rather nice bloody deaths along the way. All told, there's plenty of exciting action throughout here and that helps to give this such a charging pace that it really stays so enjoyable with all sorts of fun encounters that there's barely any down-time. As well, there's also the exciting fact that there's a great deal of fun with the different tactics devised to stopping them which really explores the backwoods do-it-yourself mentality to it's craziest extreme with some fantastic weaponry utilized here and it's quite fun here due to that. Along with the great gore, these here make this one enjoyable enough to really overcome a lot of it's flaws. The main issue here is the fact that there's the usual atrocious CGI utilized for the creatures. They look like the usually abysmal manners of the CGI that's always featured here, from the inability to react to their surroundings and the size changes within the dimension of the screen to the inability to really blend into the environment and they really give themselves away as being fake especially in the scenes where they interact with their victims on land in a few rare occasions when they launch themselves out of the water to attack. Aside with some rather curious and lame attempted comedy that doesn't really register at all, these here really hold this one down.Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Language.