Second Nature

2003 "They made him an assassin. Now he's the target."
5.4| 1h30m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 22 June 2003 Released
Producted By: Turner Network Television
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Everything is not as it seems for a man who recovers from a plane crash in which his family is killed. After plastic surgery and rehabilitation, he determines that he worked for a secret agency for which he was an assassin. His former boss puts him back to work to assassinate a political leader, but when he proves unable to pull the trigger, it is he who becomes the target for assassins. As he avoids capture, the story unfolds about his true past and the reason why he has a tattoo of "chilly willy" inside his lip.

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Ben Bolt

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Turner Network Television


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Second Nature Audience Reviews

Micitype Pretty Good
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
vitachiel As happens more often than expected, I was tricked again by an opening scene. Crappy flashback shots, a guy in a hospital bed and uninspired opening credits. Oh-oh...Fortunately, the movie is not as lousy as the first scene. Helped by the 'stay cool' performance of Baldwin and Lombard, it is a fair watch. The plot is interesting, and it's good that they don't spoil the surprise quickly. The thing that ruins it a bit though is that the 'brainwash' method is portrayed very clumsily. Instead of showing a guy with electrodes on his head while watching pre-acted memories, why not simply a brain implant? Now, it really looks like a bad science fiction fantasy, which invades the further part of the story.
gazineo-1 Interesting but otherwise implausible thriller finds a man (Baldwin) with problems to remember his own identity. Along the way, he is harrased by a group of government agents (or so they seem to be) and have to fight for his life. The movie has standard pace but is not dull or uninteresting. In fact, this one is just a routine entry made with some competence. I give this a 06 (six).
SALUDES Don't expect any great acting performances, from any of the actors or actresses, in `Second Nature'; because there aren't any. Alec Baldwin, who has the starring role, usually gives a far better performance that he offers in this movie. Therefore, one might assume the script itself is simply not a good performance vehicle. Powers Boothe's lackluster performance might also be explained by this.However, the movie is worth watching for one reason; the plot. For the first half of the movie, one might think the plot is simply full of holes that never get filled. But, this is not the case. As the movie progresses, you might find yourself saying ` oh ya, I should have seen that coming'. So, don't give up on this film in the first half. Just keep watching; you'll see what I mean.
senni The movie was awful. The production company should be required to pay a fine for wasting electricity transmitting this nonsense.There were too many holes in the plot. Why would the DOJ send a killer out to assassinate a world leader? If they weren't the DOJ, why would they send someone they thought would not do the job? To quote Butch Cassidy, "Who are those guys?" Apparently, the director does not know either because he never told us.The characters were unbelievable. They did not behave in any way that seemed to fit who they allegedly were. With the exception of the doctor, none of the characters were particularly compelling or likeable.If you want to waste money on the electricity required to watch this movie, feel free. Otherwise, run the opposite direction.