
2016 "He Was Too Good To Be True"
4.5| 1h24m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 20 April 2016 Released
Producted By: Lifetime
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Caroline and Margo respond to a "Missed Connections" ad on Craigslist, only to realize that there whirlwind romance was a trap, and the man of her dreams is leading a secret life. The Two women join forces to bring down the dangerous con man who simultaneously romanced and duped them.

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Jessica Janos

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Seduced Audience Reviews

Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
darkavenger77 ... having a Ferrari and painting it olive drab. Seriously, a blue eyed woman that was born in Germany, uses the German spelling of Elizabeth, and has an umlat in her name should be mandated to have blonde hair. More applicable here since the requisite bad guy has a phony eurotrash accent.Not much else to add here. Standard components are present: Lifetime Heroine (LH): Caroline, a widow with a daughter, who is not the usual rebellious teen. Lifetime Bad Guy (LBG): Gavin Lifetime Psycho (LP): Margo Dead gingers / females in jeopardy: G1 and G2Some random observations while watching:Female in jeopardy starts off right away with a ginger woman (G1) that has been ganked laying on the floor, presumably ganked by the LP, who steals her necklace. Body count: 1.LH meets the LBG via a sketchy online ad via her daughter. Romance blossoms. LH has a sketchy boss that is possibly a crook.Apparently all women that go to work in Southern California pack a swimsuit in case they get a short-notice invite to a lifeguard tower for a picnic.The LH should have realized the LBG wearing a wifebeater is never a good sign for a relationship, but instead they go for it on his counter. The following scene should bolster sales of Lysol for use in dressing rooms. He subsequently brings out her inner "bad girl" via a series of gifts, although I'd have to call her a material girl the way she was adoring the ring while they were together. Unusual for this type of movie is that the LBG has not threatened or drugged anyone.Her common sense is completely out the window when she mentions loaning the LBG $5 million in company funds from the company where she works as an accountant. She had hid the relationship from her daughter but finally fesses up, and this brings out the rebellion in her daughter that had been missing.A co-worker tries to get some background on the LBG and finds nothing, which upsets the LH. Then we see she was not serious about ripping off the $5 mil. The relationship heads south at this point, as does the relationship with her daughter.The LH then finds out the LBG has another ginger girlfriend (plot point), the LP. They have some quality girl time and figure out he's defrauding them and hatch a plan. Even though the LH mentions calling the police, they do not. Lifetime police are generally incompetent anyway. The LH could use some tips as to covert recording of suspects as well as how to snoop on a laptop. She and the LP do some snooping on the LBG, who by now has a second ginger lined up to fleece (G2), and she writes him a check on their first date. The LP mentions having lived in Boston (plot point).The next day G2 turns up ganked in the same area as G1. Body count: 2. Regular Lifetime fans will realize that the LP breaks the pattern here, and the only evidence she has anything to do with the LP are her own statements (plot point). Did I mention it looked like she was wearing a wig?LH records the LBG again and now her and the LP go to the LAPD, who interview the LBG. The detective trips him up by speaking Italian.The LBG turns up at the LH's home and is talking to her daughter, and then drops the Italian accent. He assaults and threatens her and then leaves. The LH gets an email from the LP telling her to go to the LBG's place now. She gets there and sees signs of a struggle. In an unusual move for a LH, she calls the police. It looks like a lot of blood but no body. The missing jewelry from the ganked gingers is present. The cops bust the LBG when he shows up at the crime scene.We learn the true identity of the LBG and that he is from Boston. The news is calling the LP the LBG's third victim and the LBG a serial killer for the three dead gingers. The LH sees more messages online and goes to the LBG's place, where surprise, it is the LP! She spills the beans that she and the LBG conspired. The LP threatens the LH with a knife and the wg comes off (knew it!). One chick fight later and as the LP is strangling the LH, she finds a convenient champagne bottle neck and ganks the LP by cutting her throat. Body count: 3.The movie ends with the LH being assertive and taking over the company by blackmailing the owner, paying the employees the bonuses they had earned, and chatting with the LBG while he is in jail, knowing he is not a murderer but leaving him to that fate.Real movie score: 4/10 (higher is better). Lifetime movie score: 6/10 (higher is stupider).
susanbaronoff-972-180262 I was surprised and delightfully so - by the quality of this Lifetime movie. All the basic plot stuff was there -- (and thanks to the terrific performance by Elizabeth Rohm -- it had some punch!) but the great thing was the overall look and feel. Cool shots and effects -- sharp editing -- the pacing was just right. Terrific sense of place. And, to an impressive degree, the sense that this story was taking place in a real world. A couple of the smaller roles were really well-performed, adding to that feeling of authenticity; Tanner Stine (the daughter's bf) and SerDarius Blain (her work friend, Sean) -- really nice performances. It's a fun ride. And often interesting and cool to look at.
wes-connors In and around Southern California's beachy Venice community, a serial killer is on the loose. This murderer favors attractive redheads. Meanwhile, red-haired widow Elisabeth Rohm (as Caroline Prati) manages a successful career as an accountant while playing single mom to blonde teenager Jessica Amlee (as Issie). While still very attractive, Ms. Rohm doesn't have much interest in dating. That's about to change. Encouraged by her daughter, Rohm reluctantly checks out an Internet dating site. She meets handsome consultant Jon Prescott (as Gavin Donato). He's extraordinarily good-looking, perfectly toned, and apparently quite wealthy. Possessing a sexy accent, Mr. Prescott also likes to cook. As if that wasn't enough, Prescott focuses his high level of sexual stamina on fulfilling his female companion's every fantasy...What could possibly go wrong? Before you answer, remember this is a "Lifetime" TV movie. We know something isn't quite right in the opening scenes, since redheads are being killed while red-haired Rohm is making her "too-good-to-be-true" Internet connection. In a sub-plot, Ms. Amlee considers losing it with sexy Tanner Stine (as Noah). Perhaps this story's greatest strength is that director Jessica Janos and her crew give us an attractive cast and nice photography (by Chris Ekstein). After lulling you to half-sleep on TV romance, the story switches into a higher gear. Dressed to arouse, mysterious Julie Mond (as Margo Fouratt) joins the cast of misconnected characters. The conclusion of "Seduced" is a mash-up of nonsensical scenes that appear to have been put together by a blind squirrel. The story ends up making absolutely no sense.*** Seduced (4/20/2016) Jessica Janos ~ Elisabeth Rohm, Jon Prescott, Julie Mond, Jessica Amlee
cjaye If you like Lifetime Movies you'll love this. Stylistically I felt it was way ahead of any I've seen on Lifetime. I found it way more artistic, edgy, and real. I actually believed the characters had relationships with one another and cared about one another. At one point I even had tears in my eyes, there were some real moments in this piece.It's also very well shot and acted. Elizabeth Rohm in particular is great. Enjoyed the use of music in the piece too which gave it a hip vibe. The movie is also sexy without being cheap. One of the best of this genre that I've seen. Super entertaining. Super fun and has a surprising twist at the end that you don't see coming.