Simon Sez

1999 "It Ain't Over 'Til..."
2.6| 1h25m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 1999 Released
Producted By: Signature Pictures
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A tattooed Interpol agent helps an old classmate find the kidnapped daughter of a computer software tycoon.

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Kevin Elders

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Signature Pictures


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Simon Sez Audience Reviews

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Eric Stevenson This movie stars Dennis Rodman and Dane Cook. My personal thoughts on Dane Cook are that I think he can be funny. It's hard to support someone who was voted the worst comedian of all time in several different polls. There's no doubt that he's amazingly annoying in this film. I did kind of lose it when he started acting like a velociraptor. There are these two monks who are really obnoxious too.Although it has a 0% on RottenTomatoes, when Obscurus Lupa reviewed this with the Nostalgia Critic, she said she did consider it a guilty pleasure. I mean, that's actually pretty big of her. I guess the action scenes weren't that bad. For the most part, this is still really stupid. It's still definitely by no stretch of the imagination a film I would recommend. One of the monks kind of looked like Samuel L. Jackson, but I knew he'd be too dignified to be in this film. *1/2
Harry Eckersley A fairly well choreographed film. That's the positive review. So much has been said negatively that I won't repeat it, but you get the same experience listening solely to the audio of the film as you would watching it for an hour and a half.I hate this movie.Although nowhere near as bad as some others, such as Leonard Part 6, The Amazing Bulk, Sharknado, Sharktopus vs Whalewolf etc., it's still boring.My friend chose this movie for me to watch over "Foodfight!" hopefully I don't burn my laptop when I watch that.
kaos1965 There was nothing on TV that I hadn't seen 1000 times already and had a good buzz on so I said what the F check it out. it's absolutely terrible but with a buzz you can laugh your ass off at how bad it is. But if you're looking for real entertainment look elsewhere. I laughed my ass off and made fun of it the whole time. Do not watch unless you're intoxicated. Do watch if you are. Warn your friends about it. Do not become too intoxicated or you might die laughing. If you watch it sober and like it you should consider therapy. Please you really need help. okay I have done my best to warn you and am having trouble coming up with ten lines to make this review happen.
Anders Twetman Simon Sez is the kind of bad movie you jut have to love. It is glorious in all its cheesiness. The one thing that brings it down (and I admit it's a rather big one) is Dane Cook who very nearly ruins a perfectly good corny action movie. His character enters the film around ten minutes in and after a further seven minutes I was already tired of his animal impressions and other shenanigans. His brand of humor is simply loathsome. Other than that, Simon Sez ticks just abut every box on the guilty pleasures action movie checklist; let's recap. There is a motorcycle gang doing unnecessary stunts, an over the top villain, dancing cyber monks, a not so secret secret agent in yellow motorcycle gear and a woman who likes to spontaneously fight/have sex with the protagonist. This is by no means a good movie but it definitely fits into the so-bad-it's-good category.