The Accidental Spy

2001 "Ordinary Guy, Extraordinary Spy."
5.8| 1h48m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 2002 Released
Producted By: Panfilm
Country: Turkey
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A fun-filled story about an ordinary guy about to kick into an action-packed adventure. Jackie Chan plays a bored and unsuccessful salesman who never thought his life would amount to anything. All that changes one day when he becomes an instant hero by foiling an attempted bank robbery.

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The Accidental Spy Audience Reviews

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Micitype Pretty Good
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Arlis Fuson I would like to tell you what this movie was about, but I quit paying attention so quick that I really don't know. Jackie Chan who plays a character named Jackie Chan, I mean come on even Tony Danza used a different last name, Finds out his real father wants to meet him. He goes to meet his father on his death bed and then is given clues to a lot of money and he finds the money and he fights a lot and I wasn't paying attention to the story, so sue me - it sucked horribly bad.I love martial arts and even like some of Chans work, but lets face it his stuff is mainly all the same in the 90's. They kept exploiting him and making dozens of these b-movies from his fame.The directing sucked here too and all that was good about this movie was a few fight scenes that were choreographed by the great Tung Wai and also a pretty cool little scene at the end that involved a high speed chase and a truck. There's way too much comedy involved as usual with Chans stuff.If you are a huge fan of Chan maybe you can tolerate it, if you like action films that are cheesy and bring nothing new to the table then you might like it, me I will never watch this garbage again - horrible movie. 1/10 stars
gridoon2018 Apparently there are two versions of "The Accidental Spy" in circulation, the most commonly found cut one (which runs about 90 minutes) and the harder to find long one (which runs about 110 minutes). This certainly offers a reasonable explanation as to why the plot of this movie in its cut form seems so disjointed. But it does not fully explain why it is so dull. The tone swings wildly from light spy comedy to serious spy drama - the movie never seems sure of itself. The fighting is unremarkable if you've seen any of Jackie's previous outings, and some of the action scenes have a "been there, done that" feel to them. The climactic "Speed"-like sequence of a tanker that must not slow down or it will explode is spectacular, but has nothing to do with the main plot. On the bright side, there is at least one amazing stunt (Jackie jumping from the roof of a building to the road below using three umbrellas as parachutes!), there is a nice international flavor (the locations include Hong Kong, Seoul and Istanbul), there are two pretty Chinese women, and of course there is always Jackie. (**)
Amy Adler A worker in an athletic equipment store (Jackie Chan) saves the day when a robbery is going down. With a bit of fame, he attracts the attention of a dying Korean man who believes the hero is his long lost son. But, after traveling to Korea to meet with his supposed father, Jackie learns he may have a large bank account in Istanbul and his dad may have been involved in drug trafficking, too. Even as Jackie jets off to Turkey and fills a suitcase with his new bank-vault fortune, various groups of bad guys are out to get him. One of them dangles a beautiful young lady as bait for a trap. Will Jackie fall for it? Also, is the CIA involved in some respect? This is a fairly exciting movie which sports Jackie's patented and imaginative martial arts talent. Watching him get away from his pursuers by squirting shampoo in their eyes, among other things, is fun, no doubt about that. There is also a great scene in an open market where a disrobed Chan covers his vitals with tambourines and other handy items. Chuckle, chuckle. This dubbed film from the Hong Kong filmmakers also offers an excellent visual tour of Istanbul and its surroundings, something very rare and attractive. Jackie's castmates are well chosen, also, with two beautiful women gracing the screen for the viewers' vast enjoyment. If you love Chan movies, don't miss this one. Although it may not be his best work, it still has plenty of humor and action to keep the audience watching until the credits start to roll.
Jaroslav Penaz I didn't expect too much from this movie but I was really thunderstruck. It's maybe the greatest Hong Kong movie since Who Am I (and I think it's even a bit better). The plot is quite elaborate and interesting and we can expect really good acting. The movie is more aimed at acting and drama than at action. This can be disappointing for some hardcore action fans but I see it as a good step. Jackie was almost fifty when filming this movie and I don't think he wants to kick baddies' heads till the end of his very long career. The movie is quite serious and emotional, so the funny moments (there are a few) are in my opinion out of place and don't fit in the dark plot very much. They are really FUNNY (f.e. the naked fight in the market place) and they would be great in any other Jackie's movie, but not in this one. There are about four or five fight scenes in this film, quite short, but absolutely great- especially the one in the spa-place. The only scene that felt to me quite unnecessary was the final rescue-from-truck part - it looks like an extract from the worst American B-movies. But in general this movie is one of the greatest in Jackie's career.