The Facility

2012 "One new drug. Seven volunteers. Seventeen hours of hell."
4.8| 1h25m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 23 June 2012 Released
Producted By: Vertigo Entertainment
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A group of volunteers find themselves fighting for their lives when a drug trial goes horribly wrong.

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Ian Clark

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Vertigo Entertainment


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The Facility Audience Reviews

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
thesar-2 Day 1 of 14: Saved a bunch of money on my health insurance!I watch so many movies, many of which are horror and when I see one that's only 80 minutes, I'm stoked. Woo-hoo. Most are 2+ hours, including the wonderful Asian, specifically S. Korean gems. It's nice sometimes just to get in and out and still enjoy the experience of horror and escapism. But, this one. The Facility could've benefited from so many more minutes to flesh it out, so to speak. By the end, it feels so short-sided and eh, "barely anything happened," that we actually require more. Now, that said, what we got was well made.Eight volunteers, well, money-interested people, enter a 2-week medical research program only to find their first and only night the answer to the "is this safe?" inquiry. Things go from 0-600 in no time and panic sets in.A lot of this movie is doubtful, though I rarely trust the pharmaceutical industry. Of course they're gonna do bad things to make a profit. This felt a bit extreme and cartoonish for the most part. Entertaining as a "fictional" film and horror movie, sure. But, the suspension of disbelief is really out there. Of course, in the trump-era of the World, I guess this could really happen. I just hope it wouldn't. Bottom line: the movie does have good acting with character(s) (at least one, maybe 2) we care about, well shot and plausible situations/dialogue, but nothing much happens aside from stuff we've seen before and things we could've seen expanded on had this movie been longer. Mildly recommended as it does its job for the short 80 minutes it has our attention. ***Final thoughts: Coincidentally, I selected this as a double-feature I had not planned with Unsane for a nice Friday Evening alone with the Movies. Both worked well each other, though Unsane was 10x the movie this was, I'm not upset I saw both. It's a nice duo for anyone to select for a movie night in. They both complement each other and you can really enjoy them both for entertainment.
Ciaran Ferguson My first review here. It was shown on "Horror" last night, first time on UK TV. Cast? Generic cardboard cut outs (Asian guy, studious, Welsh guy serious/flirty, Old guy who has been in medical experiments before, a journalist, an Irish woman who is connected to a drugs company, giggly 19 year old dyed blonde girl, preening male model type). Some compare it to 28 days. Wrong. The script on this film was dire. The premise borderline asinine (why not just walk two miles to the nearest road?) I am only here as I dozed off and missed the ending. The Old guy was zonked out, the Welsh guy nervously surveying the spy cameras - the Irish woman smoking and the journalist worrying. What happened next?
x_specter_x In summary, the acting was solid, the story was solid, and there was a lot of tension throughout. I am really surprised by the low rating for this movie. It is not a cheesy gore fest like a lot of movies out there. It uses the unknown and unseen which is often much more frightening. There are a lot of scenes where can only hear what is happening but that creates even more tension. You are along for the ride like the characters in the movie. They don't always see what is happening and you are left to wonder about the horrors of the unknown. Most of the characters are likable and you can feel sympathy for their plight. They don't fight and bicker constantly but spend most of their time trying to figure things out and survive. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and think anyone who prefers good writing to gore will also enjoy it.
dwuksta The acting was reasonable, directing fairly seamless, storyline predictable. How you could give it nine stars is beyond me, surely only a subjective cast member.It's the kinda film that opens so predictably that you're almost sure it will contain some twists, but it doesn't. Seems low budget, but the funds were spent wisely. Problem is, everything you think is gonna happen, happens, and is not really resolved, except for a few narrative notes before the closing credits, that kinda annoys me in films, especially when there was no substance during the film itself. They human guinea pigs turn up, get these mysterious injections for the promise of 2 grand payment for 2 weeks of clinical trials, some of them go nuts, few of them attack other patients and it's all over before sunrise. We don't know why, we don't know who is doing it or what the tests are about, nothing. I thought the homeless guy was possibly the best actor, rest were fairly generic, nothing memorable. There were some suspenseful moments, like waiting to see what the drug effects would be like, little bit of violence and gore. I gave it 4, it had potential to be a good horror, but was disappointing. My wife gave it a score of 4 pillows out of 5, 5 meaning she slept thru the whole thing.

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