The Foreigner

2003 "If they think they can stop him, they're dead wrong."
3.4| 1h36m| R| en| More Info
Released: 01 June 2003 Released
Producted By: Columbia Pictures
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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This story is about a freelance agent (Seagal) who is the courier of a package from France to Germany. He soon finds that many people want to get their hands on it.


Action, Thriller

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Michael Oblowitz

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Columbia Pictures


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The Foreigner Audience Reviews

AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
disdressed12 i can't say i was really impressed with this Steven Seagal offering.i guess it was passably entertaining.i wasn't completely bored out of my's supposed to be an action/thriller,which is great.there's just one minor problem.there isn't a lot of action,and it's even less thrilling.really it's basically a genre movie.for me,this is the first time i have noticed Seagal use a stand in for some of his dialogue scenes. sometimes his character is shown in shadow or from behind or from a distance and it's clearly Seagal's stand in who also does some of the dialogue.this actually doesn't bother me,because to be honest,i thought the double actually had a better voice than Seagal does.anyway,that may have been the best part of the movie for me.anyway,i've seen worse movies.for me,The Foreigner is a 5/10
jengilis I believe Cockpuncher to be the best piece of work that has come out of the Steven Seagal factory in a long time. This movie was the first one I have seen since that fine film preview. My point? He is done. Every movie is the same. Maybe he will be good in Machete because he won't be the star. We can only hope.P.S. Thanks for speaking to UCSB when I went to college. It was an amazing speech. You really influenced some people out there.So I have to write ten lines about this movie? Umm....I like the smoker guy who killed a bunch of fools. Whenever anyone smells menthol's LOOK OUT. Because there could be a killer with a silenced glock (and another loud one) who wants to kill you.Is that ten?
FilmCriticBoy Two things are changed from then.First of all i am not a kid anymore,and second most of new Seagal movies are just terrible.This is on my opinion the worst movie ever made with Derailed starred by Jean Claude Van Damme.There is no plot in this movie,the plot is just an excuse to shoot some terrible action scenes which are painful to watch.I love action movies,but this is not an action movie....This isn't a movie...this is a group of irritating scenes which are connected in annoying way to kill the viewers love for the action movies.I am sorry but i don't have any respect for anyone who liked this movie.He has a serious intelligence problem then.I hope that Seagal will make some new good movies in the future.Good luck for him !
ianlouisiana An hour into "The Foreigner",Mr S.Seagal decides to open the package he is transporting to Germany,the package that has cost dozens (maybe scores - I lost count) of lives,and at that moment it suddenly came to me that I had absolutely no idea what the movie was about.Like a great conjurer,the director - by artful prestidigitation - had kept me completely unaware of what was really going on.All the smoke and mirrors in his armoury had been employed to conceal from me the patently obvious borrowings from "Kiss Me Deadly","Repo Man" and other "Pandora's Box" movies.With a few deft strokes of his knife Mr Seagal reveals the secret to be a Flight Deck Recorder which totally confounded my expectations and fiendishly set off almost endless plot possibilities.It was a great moment in a criminally under rated film. Almost universally canned,"The Foreigner" is a brave attempt to challenge the received wisdom that a Seagal picture must be comprehensible to the average hormonal,attention deficient 14 year old boy that comprises his core audience.Here, Mr Seagal,often shot in Extreme Close Up,is playing a weary,embittered "burnt out case",not unlike Richard Burton in "The spy who came in from the cold",although the look of the movie is more "Ipcress File",with its grainy hand - held appearance.He doesn't really know who he is working for and treachery is clearly afoot.He is obviously getting too old for the physical stuff and has learned that in order to survive in his murky world you must shoot first and not ask questions.He is a wily and experienced operator rather than an all - action gung - ho hero.He is not - de facto - a "Steven Seagal" character,and I think that is what has upset a lot of his erstwhile admirers. I believe "The Foreigner" to be gravely misunderstood.Here we have a director and a star attempting to move a franchise up a gear and out of the Video Bins and their reward is to be cast even further into the "Rent two - get one free" oblivion purely because their reach has exceeded their audience's grasp.Unjust indeed.