The Hollow

2015 "You cannot kill it, you can only survive it"
3.6| 1h30m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 24 October 2015 Released
Producted By: Sonar Entertainment
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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It's Halloween eve on Shelter Island, and the small town is preparing for a killer storm. But the dark clouds gathering over the island are bringing with them a curse one-hundred years in waiting. As the woods give birth to an ungodly and insatiable creature of fire, bones, and earth, three sisters must scramble to stay alive through the long dark night of the Hollow. For it's not something you can kill. It's only something you can try and survive.


Horror, TV Movie

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Sheldon Wilson

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Sonar Entertainment


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The Hollow Audience Reviews

Console best movie i've ever seen.
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Max Carbon One of the worst movies I have ever seen, and I watch all type of movies, sometimes even if reviews are bad just so I can rate it myself.This movie goes around stupid people doing stupid things. Normal people is not stupid, so why making a film with people doing and deciding stupid things?One of the actresses, the blue eyes one, seems mad all the time, yelling at everyone constantly. Why? And with her eyes wide opened ALL THE MOVIE!!! Like in a panic situation all the time too. Stupid!Stupid moments and actions happen repeatedly during the movie making you say "How...? What the...? Why she...?". Like when one of the sisters was tied up, with a rag covering her mouth so she couldn't scream and her wrists and feet tied with rope, but her hands and fingers free!!! And she was like "Hmhmm!!! Hmhmhhhmmm! Hmmhmm!". Why didn't she use her hands to remove the rag from her mouth? Or to remove the rope from her feet? So stupid!Or when they were walking on the forest looking for the power plant and suddenly, just because one of the sisters walked a few more steps than the other, they get separated. The sister left behind starts calling for the other but the other sister never responds. Suddenly again, the other sister appears safe, telling the other to continue towards the plant. So, why would someone not respond to his/her partner call if she's a few meters away from you, more important, if she's your sister and you are together in the middle of a forest in a dangerous situation? Stupid!These were just two examples of stupid stuff, and so many other things happen out of nothing, just because.The only star I give is because of the monster originality.Overall, a hollow and stupid movie full of nonsense.
captaintink As soon as you're introduced to the protagonists of the film you want to slap them. After another two minutes I wanted to strangle them and we haven't even gotten to the meat of the film yet.Now typically going into any creature feature you're not expecting much and when it's a cable show produced creature feature you're expecting even less. However it's never a good sign when you don't care at all about the main characters and you're waiting for characters to die.They are beyond annoying and I didn't care what they went through, I was rooting for the demonic spirit creature to devour them preferably slowly and painfully.I've seen cable produced creature features that were at least watchable but this was not one of them.
Faustino Falguera Fernandez From the first minute I wanted the sisters to die.The movie is bad produced in so many ways I don't want to waste another 90 min describing them.Acting, directing, script... A lot of meaningless characters. None of the thing that happen are important. If a character is wounded, don't worry, he/she will be able to walk without any injuries.If you think someone is going to explain WHY of everything, don't expect that much. There is not even a bad explanation.Please, don't waste your time watching this movie.It is not even scary or fun, it's a hollow, a REAL hollow.
quincytheodore Imagine a movie where almost every conversation start with random character sneaking up on each other and then followed by obnoxious shrieking, this is what Hollow has in store for you. It tries to invoke scare from out of nowhere, opening doors, dropping items and even people standing still are accompanied by startling sound effect. Coupled with rehearsed plot and horror clichés, this bottom of the barrel movie would net lowest score if not for its decent creature design.This is the story of three sisters trapped in an island, their main role is to shout each other's' name literally the entire movie. The youngest one is the clairvoyance type whose hobby is running off towards danger, she's only there for sympathy bait and cryptic messages. The other two don't have much better character development either, they would bicker constantly, then panic and suddenly go into hero mode.Other supporting characters are there mainly for unintended comedic purpose. They would deliver some backstory or advice, which the sisters would ignore, and these extras would die in the span of next few minutes. It's appallingly bad, not to mention these girls decide on the worst plan more than one occasion. The movie sometimes turns into clips of weird vision and it repeatedly plays out the same plot over again.The saving grace is its creature and practical effect. The design is pretty well done, admittedly better than typical B-movies. Some effects for gore are also dauntingly brutal. The setting of small faraway town could create good atmosphere. However, these are not integrated well into the story, resulting in uninspiring use of said creature.If you have seen the poster, you have seen the best part, the rest is muddled plot, utterly tiresome characters and unintentionally comical occurrences.