The Island on Bird Street

7.1| 1h47m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 11 April 1997 Released
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Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
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Alex is an 11-year old boy who, during WWII, hides in the Jewish ghetto from Nazis after all his relatives have been sent to the concentration camp. The movie portrays the ghetto through his eyes.


Drama, War

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Søren Kragh-Jacobsen

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The Island on Bird Street Audience Reviews

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Troye Dchgl I came to know the existence of this in the movie recommendations when I saw "Hope and Glory" earlier. And while "Hope and Glory" is the much more well-known one and is well-acclaimed along with several Academy Award nominations, "The Island on Bird Street" is my personal favorite."Hope and Glory" is not like other ordinary war films. It has taken an alternative approach in the portrait of the war time. Still, both films share a lot of similarities. Both are set in the WWII, and both have a child as the protagonist. "Hope and Glory", however, seems to have a lighter theme throughout and concentrates rather on seeking happiness under hard times than on the fear and the harrowing experiences. The film gives us a different view on the war through a child's eyes, with the innocence, the curiosity, and the inherent purity. While I do like such a distinctive way of storytelling and realistic display, "The Island on Bird Street" does more for me.With darker overtones, this is closer to the type of the usual war movies. It is special and different in terms of its unique and original plot. Based on the real experiences of the author, "The Island on Bird Street" is adapted from a book which is an autobiography. Like in "Hope and Glory", the audience can see the WWII through a child's eyes. Nevertheless, this film has a much higher extent of focus. We follow Alex, a Polish boy, throughout the whole movie. As his father was taken away by the Nazis and his uncle killed for trying to save him, he was left on his own and the adventure began. He was determined to wait for the return of the father so he stayed in the same place, gathered resources, and built a temporary shelter. He later got to meet some other people and as the story progresses, we get to discover Alex's true nature and a lot more of his qualities are revealed.Like any other ordinary children, Alex was scared of the German troops and spent most of the time avoiding them while safely finding food and water. He also loved his family and valued it very much. But when the circumstances required him to, he could also be very brave and a character of great independence. He was also very kindhearted and determined. "The Island on Bird Street" is brilliant because it has beautifully captured all the important moments in a distant memory.The scenes form a thrilling adventure as we closely follow Alex. When he gets scared, the audience gets scared for him. When he gets happy, the audience gets happy for him. This movie has the ability to make the audience connect with the main character, and while enjoying an exciting adventure of fear, the audience gets to know Alex better and better as the plot develops.In some other parts of the movie there is also a display of kindness by other people. The interaction between Alex and the other characters was superb. The whole story is a very believable and realistic experience for the audience. It also tells us that despite the sorrow of living in such hard times, it is still essential for people to stay together and help one another, and never give up that faint spot of hope left in your heart, and that was what Alex did. The movie has allowed us to see the usually hidden kind nature of human beings when it comes to wars.The young boy Jordan Kiziuk who played Alex has given the audience an amazing performance in the movie. He had been through a lot of emotions through the film and his acting was splendid. The audience can sense the fear and the hope inside of him, and his determination in believing that his father would return. The power of his acting makes the film a piece of astonishment to watch. The other characters are very good too, giving all sorts of very believable and well-done performances. "The Island on Bird Street" is a vivid and true story about the adventure of a Polish boy in the WWII. The adventure itself is very exciting, and the acting is over the top. The connection between the audience and the characters is very strong. The audience is able to touch the fear and feel the hope of Alex, and embark on a ultimately moving journey of thrill, depression, faith and much more.I will definitely recommend this to my family and friends, and I hope you will too. I do not understand why this movie is so unnoticed, carrying only a couple hundred votes. This movie is certainly a great war movie at the masterpiece level.
marksloggett Left alone to fend for himself in the rubble of the Warsaw ghetto, 11 year old Alex (Jordan Kiziuk) must try to survive and also avoid the ever-present Nazi soldiers in this gripping, intensely moving film. The viewer becomes totally involved with Alex and his plight, as he courageously and inventively continues to avoid detection. The acting, particularly that of young Kiziuk and the late Jack Warden as his kindly uncle Baruch, is superb. The dialog is fairly sparse, letting Alex's expressions and body language show his fears and emotions, which are masterfully rendered. The production design is incredible, and one feels transported to that time and place. The musical score is appropriately somber and haunting, and the cinematography stunning. Some reviewers have commented on the British accents of several characters, but I don't feel that it's a detriment. Overall, an outstanding cinematic achievement, deserving of its many awards. Appropriate for older children (12 and up), though there are several scenes that contain violence. Well worth seeking out, this is a film you won't easily forget. Highest recommendation.
paul2001sw-1 The most successful films about that most enormous of subjects, the holocaust, often take a sideways glance rather than stare full on at the horror; and 'The Island on Bird Street' does likewise, telling the story of a boy left behind after the clearance of the Warsaw ghetto. Unfortunately, the psychology of the child is never satisfactorily realised, turning the film into a mere linear sequence of events, almost like a Boys' Own adventure with little of the context seeping through. The story also ends short of the arrival of the Russians, which might have added a little moral complexity; and overall, seems to suffer from the decision use an English script, especially as some characters put on central European accents and others do not. A reliable plus is Zbigniew Priesner's typically excellent score, but there are other films that offer more real insight into the true nature of life under the Nazi's; for example, try the Czech-set 'Divided we Fall'.
raving_wolf i was a little uncertain when i was first introduced to this friend had bought it and it really didn't seem interesting, i mean come on...another nazi v. jew film but i was surprised...this story is origional following a little boy who is left alone and is being hunted by the nazi's. his courage comes from a book and his best friend is a little mouse named snow...the story follows the boy as he decides to wait in dangerous territory for his father, whom although was taken away, promised to return...this is a touching story and a great chapter for anyone iterested in this tragic time period...