The Last Seven

2010 "London Population: 7 Million. Until Today."
3.8| 1h24m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 24 August 2010 Released
Producted By: Press On Features
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Seven strangers wake up on the deserted streets of London with no knowledge of how they got there. Before long someone -or something - is picking them off, one by one....



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Imran Naqvi

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The Last Seven Audience Reviews

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Seth_Rogue_One Well okay that's sort of a lie, he is in it for one whole scene + random clips of him popping up for a second or two spread out through the movie.He doesn't have any actual dialogue though, but he does some vocal narrating with some "words of wisdom" in the beginning and the end.So yeah if you're expecting a Danny Dyer movie you will be in for a letdown.But tbh you'll be in for a letdown no matter what cause this simply is a crap piece of a movie.The trailer made it look like a action postapocalyptic movie like The Book Of Eli or whatever, but there's really no action in this movie at all.And the characters are onedimensional and annoying even.It's not even funny bad it's just depressing bad and boring and just bleh.
chriswatkins68 After reading a few plot summaries on 'The Last Seven' i was expecting a low budget Brit post-apocalyptic flick, maybe reminiscent of other Danny Dyer films in terms of action and storyline. Its not that. One plot summary even mentioned political turmoil and climate change disaster. Once again its not that at all. This is more of a thriller/mystery. Just without the thrills.7 people meet up with each other one by one in a deserted London, each confused of the situation they find themselves in and suffering from amnesia. The story leads onto who they are and why they are there and how their stories through flashbacks intertwine.It is not the worst film i have seen, but it doesn't come close to being OK either. The first ten minutes are repetitively tiresome and the most watchable part is the ending. The acting is below par at best, the religious referencing is yawnful which made me drift off during most dialogue. Its main positive is the short runtime of 84mins. The scenes of a deserted London can be quiet eery at times, but the atmosphere falls short of being sinister or concerning.Although i was mildly entertained, nothing that interesting happens I'm afraid. Not what i was expecting through the marketing of this film.If you like this watch - any other Danny Dyer film.chriswatkins68 - 3/10
Gubby-Allen I actually thought the opening scenes were brilliant and fascinating to watch, albeit he was wandering streets around Bank which are deserted for much of any weekend, but enough to reel you in & put yourself in the position, particularly on Tower Bridge.But the film then achieves a feat, surely never done before but going rapidly downhill the moment other characters & words are introduced into the plot.It never really goes anywhere after that, the opening 50 minutes felt more like the opening episode of The Last Train, Survivor, or a relatively low budget TV mini series, when you realise there's only 30 minutes left and the film hasn't really started.It then all gets even sillier, even more unrealistic and uninterested characters, you've never cared one iota for disappear with the help of over the top editing and flashbacks.You can't help wondering why not one of them, ever got into a car or on a bike and rode off somewhere, instead of walking for 10 minutes, then stopping to rest for a few hours.Worth watching for the first 15 minutes, then you're better off making up your own film from then - with the likelihood it'll end up better.
huntie I found this to be an enjoyable film, well acted, filmed and with an intriguing story which takes some time to develop and also to fully comprehend.The scenes showing a London devoid of people were amazingly well done and set the tone and feel of the film rather well.This film did however, in my opinion, seem to borrow heavily from two other films, 28 Days Later and the New Zealand film entitled The Quiet Earth. To be fair, any film set in London where the population has disappeared is going to inspire comparisons to 28 Days Later.If you are looking for an action based film like 28 Days Later you will be disappointed, this film centers around the effects on survivors rather than horror, although there is an underlying threat ever present throughout the film.The ending contained a little bit of a twist but it made sense when taken into context with the rest of the film. In conclusion, I would happily watch this again.