The Lorax

1972 "The Adorable Lorax Speaks For The Trees In This Music-Filled Tale That’s Certain To Please!"
7.9| 0h25m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 14 February 1972 Released
Producted By: CBS
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The Once-ler, a ruined industrialist, tells the tale of his rise to wealth and subsequent fall, as he disregarded the warnings of a wise old forest creature called the Lorax about the environmental destruction caused by his greed.

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The Lorax Audience Reviews

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
hellraiser7 Dr. Seuss is one of my favorite authors, the thing I love about his books are the accessibility they contain, they bring up some complex and serious issues by say a lot from the amount of satire they contain though simplicity. "The Lorax" has always been my second favorite Seuss story because to me it's the darkest, but has good messages we can hear loud and clear.The animation is great just like in the book it has that surrealistic style to it, creating an alternate world that is one step similar to our own reality but also one step away. The music is also good though not quite memorable at least in my book. And of course the writing is on the mark, all the lines and quotes from the original book are intact.But of course the strength of the film truly is in the story and the conflicting characters the Once-ler and The Lorax acted with perfection by Bob Holt who does both voices you really think two people are doing it. The conflict is intact, we are of course on the Lorax's side because we know he's right however we can't help at time emphasizes with the Once-Ler's side of things as well because even we carry those kinds of desires of progress.Just as the story was relevant to the 70's decade when pollution really started to become a major issue, it's relevant to now with the problems were having now with our resources and the rush rush counterculture we've created. I like how in the story we see how the line between needs and wants blurs because everyone from the constant advertising and what goes on around them, they've all been manipulated into thinking the Thneeds are what they need even though in reality the Thnneds really a luxury by their nature and only has so many uses mainly as clothing, other uses they present are just plain useless like using it as a toothbrush holder and we see a photo and it can barely hold it or even as some kinda soup, yuck.What disturbs me the most about the story is the behavior of the Once-Ler whom at first was like just a typical idealist whom has what seemed to be a harmless idea. But then of course as he becomes more successful we see his capitalistic pursuit has turned into a madness and addition which even his own conscious is too weak to fight against. But we also see that he's really not happy, it kinda goes with that saying how money doesn't by you happiness, from his talks with the Lorax even though he claims he's basking in glory, you can tell from his voice he's not. And when you think about it the Once-Ler really doesn't have a life, there is no friends or girlfriend (well it is a storybook story after all)all he really has is just a lifestyle, and the tragedy is like all lifestyles it's not forever because as another saying goes "business loves no one back".And I even like the sense of emotionality, you really do feel for the Lorax and all the animals as things just get worse. We see that the capitalistic ventures have became a dangerous narcotic, their so concerned with making a big fast profit they ignore how much damage they've done to the very things that not just provide the Thneeds for them but that sustain their lives. It's disheartening seeing a once beautiful and plentiful enviorment become just an ugly lifeless wasteland, but once we see that final tree get chopped off it made my heart sink because I knew their fate was sealed. The ending is sad but it has a sense of hope.The message in the story isn't to take better care of our enviorment as well as taking action now before it's too late, but that we have to exercise more responsibility in the business of providing for people's needs otherwise there will be nothing left.A beautiful health enviorment truly is what we need because it's what always gives us a better tomorrow.Rating: 4 stars
iLuvvU2 Although a slightly silly film, as commented by another user, the Lorax is a revealing and relevant film. Released in the early 1970's when such issues were not publicly recognized, the film addresses perfectly the issue of the environment and natural resource depletion. The older generation feels that such a topic is not a pressing issue and needs not immediate attention. Perhaps that is why this "silly film" is aimed towards younger people, who will be impacted by its message and will not be too stubborn to make a change. The Lorax exemplifies this problem exactly, where the Once-ler feels that the economy and his own interests are more important then that of mother earth. God gave us one life, one planet. Act that way.
jbond1 Not bad. I am a fan of Ted Geisel (a.k.a. Dr. Seuss, Theo. LeSieg)and his work. It has a good lesson but the book was better. For two reasons:1.) You could use your imagination and 2.) No over used, annoying, pointless, not needed songs.My opinion: 7 out of 10Read the book you'll understand.
Robert Reynolds This animation, with voice-over in spots by Eddie Albert of "Green Acres" fame, is an early effort to sound an alarm about environmental concerns, told in typical Seuss style and it's very good. The previous comment is excellent, with one small error. Possibly a SPOILER:It is quite clear from the outset that the narrator is the industrialist who ruined things with his greed. TNT runs this usually once or twice a year as part of a Seuss-a-thon. Recommended.