The Skeleton Twins

2014 "Family is a cruel joke."
6.8| 1h30m| R| en| More Info
Released: 12 September 2014 Released
Producted By: Duplass Brothers Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Estranged twins Maggie and Milo coincidentally cheat death on the same day, prompting them to reunite and confront the reasons their lives went so wrong. As the twins' reunion reinvigorates them, they realize the key to fixing their lives may just lie in repairing their relationship.



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Craig Johnson

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Duplass Brothers Productions


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The Skeleton Twins Audience Reviews

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Gavin Purtell 'The Skeleton Twins' certainly sounds ominous and depressing from the title and the fact that both siblings, Milo (Hader) & Maggie (Wiig) try to commit suicide within the first 10min of the film - but it's actually not too bleak and has a lot of funny moments throughout.There's definitely some heavy issues the twins discuss/contemplate - cheating, death of a parent, unsupportive other parent, job/money issues - but once they reconnect, they bounce off each other in a very enjoyable-to-watch way, particularly the miming of the Starship song. Quite a few witty remarks throughout and it's not too long at less than 100min.Wilson is good as the too-caring/energetic husband of Maggie's and Burrell is OK as the forbidden ex-boyfriend of Milo's, but it really is the two leads that carry the film and make you invest in them and their decisions. The ending is ultimately uplifting and appropriate.
Reno Rangan After the beautiful 'Hateship Loveship', I expected this one for Kristen Wiig. It was a brother-sister relationship theme. The main characters are twins and they have lots of common. The story begins when they meet for the first time after the ten years of no connection. The circumstance was strange as they both were depressed who attempt for a self kill. That does not end successfully, instead narration commence for us where they share each others memory of the past by trying to shape up the present life. But still the old habits won't let them alone as they encounter life changing decisions by the end of the story.Kind of a rare movie, all about the twins' bonding told in a humorous way, mostly. Mistakes are the essence of the script. The fall and rise were cleverly constructed throughout around those two characters. The cast was the plus point. Since it was about twins, Wiig and Hader are perfectly fit for their respective roles. As for Bill Hader, I've never seen he donned in a higher ranked role like this. He was always been a co-star and in this film he's one of the leads. Everybody gets their time right like awesome Timothy Spall in 'Mr. Turner'.In this movie, these two lead performers were absolutely spot on. But the lack of pace is a challenge. If you pass through it successfully, you would get a nice entertainment. If not, the movie would be dull, pale, even it could be worse film of the year for you. Anyway, still it falls short to be an excellent film, I consider it to be a just good movie. Worth a watch, but the movie won't stay in your memory for so long.6.5/10
Irishchatter Well done to the Saturday Night Livers Kirsten Wigg and Bill Hader, they were brilliant. I say it was hard for both to actually be serious because they have been in so much comedy shows and movie's.I found it sad that the twins were apart for 10 long years and Maggie's marriage fell apart. I was so gutted for her. Also the fact she accidentally forgot about the fish and they were left for dead, it was even more heartbreaking! I suggest people who love fish, don't watch this movie!I felt so sorry for Bill Hader's character for not having luck to find true love. He was better off without that married man because really, he didn't want to get involved with him ever again.At least, the twins have each other and who knows what will be around the corner for them!
alysonkarson At first, this film was perceived to me as a low causality art film, but I had advisedly realized that it is not so much. I was quite excited by the cast list, plot, and even the title clicked with me, and so I had high expectation for this film that was created by an indie director I was unfamiliar with, Craig Johnson. I feel as though this movie is a great representation of what a more widely accepted indie film will become or are has already been established to be. The Skeleton Twins is a family-based drama staring two well known comedians, Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader, with a plot dwelling on depression and suicide. The first scenes are of the brother, Milo, attempting suicide and the sister, Maggie, contemplating suicide with enough pills in hand to do the trick. The story proceeds with Milo moving into Maggie and her husband Lance's house which is located in their hometown. The siblings seemed to be well connected, regardless of going through ten years without any contact. The story unveils the past suicide of their close father, an uncaring and toxic mother, and a illegal past relationship of Milo and a high school teacher. Milo and Maggie are common in depression, suicidal thoughts, relationship problems, and both struggle with moving forward. The film ends as it does open; one sibling attempts suicide and the other comes to the rescue.There are many reoccurring symbols and hidden connecting motifs which some were not picked up until the third time around watching. It is evident that skeletons are a predominant symbol throughout the movie. The title, the toys Maggie and Milo had from a young age, the tattoos they share, and the mask the father was seen wearing in a flashback. Perhaps this symbolizes their relationship with their close father (a character he portrayed to them when they were young) and their bond they created going through the event of his death at a young age together. Other symbols tossed around is a goldfish and water. In the opening, Milo throws a picture of him and his ex-boyfriend into his fish tank and brings it up to Maggie that he doesn't want to leave his goldfish behind when he moves in with her. Maggie shatters two glass aquariums throughout the movie and unintentionally kills two goldfish she bought for Milo. Milo lays in a bath as he tries to take his life, Maggie soaks in a bath after having a bad day, Maggie is taking scuba lessons at a pool and eventually tries to take her own life in it as well. After all, the opening shot is one skeleton toy at the bottom of a pool as young Maggie dives in and retrieves it. Therefore water is a symbol of the struggles the siblings are experiencing throughout their life; a metaphor for suffocating from their complex psychological troubles and a literal means of how they try to end or 'fix' them.Some people seem to be questioning if the ending is realistic or not. I argue that the story is upheld and realistic in a many sense. Why does Milo suddenly hop off his bus and instinctively know that Maggie is attempting suicide at the pool? Well, one can reason that Maggie's calm and happy voice-mail ending with "See ya later" can be compared to Milo's suicide note: "To whom it may concern: see ya later". Their bond appears to be quite real throughout the movie and I think it is quite fitting and heartwarming in a way that they both end up saving each other. Although there are some of your typically Hollywood movie moments in the film that I would personally replace, such as the rooftop scene or Maggie dramatically dropping the fish tank, overall I quite enjoyed this film. There were many funny lines from both protagonists ("I showed up on dyke night? Sh*t!") and scenes (dentist office). The story reflects some dramatic and hard times people may face in a delicate and overall slightly uplifting way when focusing on the bond of two highly relatable siblings.