Twenty Plus Two

1961 "20 Mysterious Clues... Plus 2 Beautiful Women!"
6.1| 1h42m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 13 August 1961 Released
Producted By: Allied Artists Pictures
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A famous movie star's fan club secretary has been brutally murdered. She has in her office old newspaper clippings regarding a missing heiress. Did the secretary know something about the mystery of the heiress?

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Joseph M. Newman

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Allied Artists Pictures


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Twenty Plus Two Audience Reviews

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
pierrotlunaire0 Watching this movie was an easy way to spend a lazy afternoon, but the moment I thought about the plot, it fell apart.Spoiler #1: David Janssen meets Dina Merrill, and apart from asking, "Haven't we met before?", accepts her word that they have never met. Until a good half hour deeper into the movie, and he suddenly remembers they had a passionate (albeit brief) affair years ago. Why doesn't he remember her? Well, back then she was a brunette, and now she's a blond. Oookay.Spoiler #2: The con man character wants to hire David Janssen to find his long lost criminal brother. Dina Merrill was raped by the same criminal brother. Turns out that the criminal brother is now a top movie star. And nobody recognized him? Save your money, con man, and go to the movies once in a while. The criminal brother/now movie star is presented as a huge star, such that when he walks through a hotel lobby, excited teen fans mob him. Oookay.Spoiler #3: Jeanne Crain is supposed to be the woman who broke David Janssen's heart, the woman who sent him a Dear John letter that sent him into a tailspin. They reconnect at the beginning of this movie, and in spite of the pain she caused him, David Janssen can't resist her. Except, once he finally recognizes Dina Merrill, it is as if Jeanne Crain never existed. Oookay.Odd little movie, with the music score at times blaring as if it were having convulsions.
drednm This disjointed film noir is hobbled by a rambling narrative that spends too much time on a flashback and then devolves into a silly ending in North Dakota (with some hideous rear projection).David Janssen stars as a finder of missing persons, especially heirs. He gets involved in a decade-old mystery in which a movie star vanished. Seems her rich daddy paid lots of hush money and she's long forgotten until her name comes up again after a woman is murdered.Somehow, the case seems to involve a famous movie actor who seems to show up in odd places. Then there's an erudite fat man following him as well as an ex-wife who suddenly pops up.Janssen gets hooked after visiting a a boozy ex-reporter who lets slips a few juicy details about the dead movie star. After a visit to her mother, he's on the trail that takes him, ultimately, to a shack in North Dakota.The mystery isn't much and is given away in the flashback, after which the viewer just waits it out. But there are several excellent performances in this film. Janssen is solid. Jeanne Crain is wasted as the ex-wife. Dina Merrill is surprisingly good as Nikki. William Demarest is excellent as the boozy reporter as is Agnes Moorehead as the flinty mother. Jacques Aubuchon is also very good as the fat man, and Will Wright has a nice bit as the records keeper. Robert Strauss is good as Janssen's pal. That's TCM host Robert Osborne as the sailor with dance tickets. Brad Dexter is badly cast as the movie actor.Certainy worth a look for some great acting and Gerald Fried's driving jazz score.
kapelusznik18 ****SPOILERS**** Privite investigator Tom Adler, David Janssen,who specializes in finding dead person's family members is put to the test here when the secretary to action adventure actor Leroy Dane, Brad Dexter,Julia Joliet played by Gretrude Astor,is found murdered in his office with a scrap book filled with newspapers articles and clippings of Doris Delaney. Doris has gone missing 12 years ago after she found out that she's been put into the family way by a handsome tall & dark stranger who picked her up at the Brown Durby after treating her to a strawberry milkshake. Adler for some reason gets himself involved not in the murdered Julia Joliet's long lost relatives but in the missing and now pronounced dead-by the courts-Doris Delaney. As it soon becomes apparent Adler is or was somehow involved with Doris through his former girlfriend Linda Forster, Jeanne Crain,who he met at a bar a few days later.With all the confusion about this strange as well as mysterious case were then brought back 10 year earlier in 1951 at a ten cents a dance in Tokyo Japan when Alder, just out of the hospital suffering from combat wounds,meets this hot American chick Nicki, Dina Merrill,that he takes for a spin and soon , within 24 hours, falls madly in love with her. What all this has to do with the story is later explained in that Nicki is somehow connected with the missing and presumed dead Doris Delaney!****SPOILERS**** The film tries to tie all its loose ends together in Doris' disappearance and Alder discovering that he in fact had a close relationship with her without even knowing about it! But it's what turned out to be actor Leroy Dane brother Jacques Plechette, Jacques Aubuchon, who fills in all the info blanks or about this very bazaar and off the wall mystery. Far too long complicated and confusing to go into detail the the final outcome in all this has to do with who knocked up Doris back in 1948 when she was a teenager and set all this into motion. With Aubuchon while not too successful in trying to explain to both Alder and the audience what the heck is going on here he ends up shooting the man responsible for all this In self defense of course to finally put an end to all this craziness.
MissClassicTV "Twenty Plus Two" is a stylish, ambitious movie with a great look. It's a shame that it's filmed after the height of film noir, but it still has a few great scenes that are noir-ish, and plenty of night scenes in general. The movie starts off in Hollywood 1961 and follows Tom Alder (actor David Janssen) from coast to coast as he figures out a murder mystery and finds a missing person, all the while dealing with a LOT of different characters. I thought it was really well made.The main problem with "Twenty Plus Two" is the casting of Dina Merrill as the female lead. Her character is about 30 years old at the time of the movie, and in flashback scenes, she's about 20. Merrill was 37 when she made this movie and she looked older. She was hardly believable as a 30-year-old woman, and definitely not as a young 20-year-old. She was badly miscast and it affected the movie.Jeanne Crain fares better as a sort of "girl next door" but fifteen years down the line. She plays Linda, who was engaged to Tom before he was sent to Korea, but married someone else while he was away. Now, 11 years after they last saw one another, she wants him back, but he doesn't want her, and she spends half the movie chasing him. She and Janssen are kind of funny in their scenes together.Agnes Moorehead as the missing girl's mother was superb in her scene with David Janssen. It's a long, pivotal scene. I give credit to both actors as their give-and-take was spot on. There's a lot of dialogue in this movie and these two could really deliver lines.The most stylistic and atmospheric scene in the entire movie is a shot of Tom sitting alone in his hotel room, thinking about the past, smoking, and the camera follows the smoke as it rises to the ceiling. It is fantastic.David Janssen is very, very good in this movie. He's cool, and the film's black and white visuals and jazzy score help to underline this. He should have become a major feature film star. As it was, he became a major TV star, and deservedly so.