
2001 "They did the one thing the Nazis never expected. They fought back."
7.2| 2h57m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 04 November 2001 Released
Producted By: Avnet/Kerner Productions
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In the Warsaw ghetto in 1943, Jews rise against the Nazis.


Drama, History, War

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Jon Avnet

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Avnet/Kerner Productions


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Uprising Audience Reviews

ThiefHott Too much of everything
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
krallo pilt I'm not sure what face to give the dice. The actors, (seemingly all Jewish as Resistance Fighters, and all non Jewish as Nazi's and collaborationist poles of some reason) undoubtedly put up a good effort into their roles. They come in to role alright, but they do not seem to "pull it off", their lines are mostly OK and bearable, though often flippant, but the way they are performed is to fake. I am left with the feeling of a group of actors that have taken on roles that exceed their capability, even though their performance can be seen in a whole different league, in other movies. I think perhaps this movie, the director, and its characters, is trying to capture the viewers in a bit to overwhelming way with a bit to overwhelming material, in a roll of film that is not really able to handle it all. Some of the factual errors and goofs is also to much to bear sometimes, like when Nazi officers are wearing Wehrmacht uniforms with SS caps and insignia. Or like when one of the characters have to sneak out of the ghetto to organize weapons, through the German passcontrole, barely to make it alive, just to meet up with one of her ghetto mates on the other side of the wall, who apparently have his own secret route.. In my opinion it all cooks down to a poor potpourri with an interesting theme, just over the line of what is bearable to eat.
Philip Van der Veken WWII, and the Holocaust in particular, is a very interesting subject. There has probably never been more interest from the public towards everything that concerns this war, which started already more than 65 years ago. Every week new books, documentaries,... are published with new theories, with evaluations of some important (often Nazi) personalities, with information about the concentration camps,... Because most of the survivors have already died or will die soon, the stories of the last eye-witnesses will get lost if not registered on tape or camera. But all these stories are also a good base for movies and mini-series like this "Uprising"."Uprising" tells the story of the Nazi oppression of the Jews in the Ghetto of Warshaw and their rebellion against it, which started in 1943. It all begins in 1939 with the growing list of prohibitions and regulations leading to the virtual imprisonment of about half-a-million Polish Jews in an old district of Warsaw. Their daily struggle against hunger and disease is made even worse when the Nazis demand for "deportations to the east". Many begin to suspect that the deportation of these groups of laborers are actually camouflaged mass murders and at the end of 1942 they start to realize that they are all doomed. They decide that, if they have to die, they better die in honor by taking up the arms against their oppressors. They start building hidden shelters and bunkers in the basements and cellars of the buildings, often with tunnels leading to other buildings and start collecting arms and ammunition for the battle which will begin on 19 April 1943...Even though I must say that overall I liked the series, I can't say that it was always very convincing. There were a couple too many problems with it that really bothered me. One for instance is the way all the people are depicted. The heroic Jews don't have to expect any help from the arrogant and anti-semitic Polish Catholics who know exactly what is going on, but don't care. The Poles only want to help when offered enormous amounts of money and even then are very reluctant. In reality the Poles also suffered a lot under the German oppression and without their help there would probably never have been a Jewish Uprising. And no, I'm not a Pole myself, so I'm not saying this to justify my people's actions, it's just the way it was.Another thing that I really didn't like was the use of the languages. The Germans speak English most of the time, except for when they are giving some short orders, than you'll hear them talk German. The producers and director have to make a choice, either they all speak German or English, but not a mix of the two. And about the language I also have another remark. Can someone please tell me why those purely American actors, who all know how to speak normal English, speak with that funny, but also incredibly annoying accent? Do they really believe I will not recognize Leelee Sobieski, David Schwimmer,... when they talk in a slightly different way? I'm not asking that they speak Polish, I'm sure they can't, but don't make a fool out of yourself by trying to convince people that you are talking another language, just by adding such an accent, it can never work...Still, even though the series isn't always historically accurate, uses a range of annoying accents and is too stereotypical when it comes to the roles of the different people, not everything about it was that bad. The acting for instance is good. In my opinion this was the best role I've ever seen Leelee Sobieski play and all the other actors did a nice job too. I certainly liked Jon Voight as Major General Jurgen Stroop, but it is Cary Elwes, who played Fritz Hippler (the director of "Der Ewige Jude" or "The Eternal Jew"), who certainly deserves to be mentioned as well.All in all this isn't a bad series. If you try to see it as a drama based on actual events, rather than to see it as a 'documentary reconstruction', than you certainly should be able to enjoy it. There are some nice action scenes, some good acting and other interesting features. You just will have to try to see past some major flaws... I give this series a score between 7/10 and 7.5/10.
bobbob_38 I enjoyed this movie very much. Needless to say I am a fan of the actors and actresses that played in this movie, they all did an outstanding job. Unlike most movies, here, there is truly no mercy for the hero, because there isn't one. Some might dislike this approach, I for one find it very unique. If you don't enjoy movies regarding the 2nd World War, then you will feel as though you have wasted a little over 3 hours. But if you don't mind the occasional story considering WWII, then this is definitely not a waste of your time. A lot of care has been taken into strongly illustrating the goal of the rebellion Jews. It is clearly shown that they will stop at nothing to reach their ultimate objective, even if that means sacrificing their own life. Because the aspiration is not to survive, but to make a stand and fight back. The movie has been given a slight darker tint, which in some movies means that the overall mood is glum and tired, here it means ambitious fury, and a vicious will. Good acting, and a strong, progressive, head-strong plot.
jacques_05 Just 'cuz you can't do it, doesn't mean it wasn't / can't be done. Heck, *I* can do it. I can't do two at once, tho'...http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/gallery/p463.htm "Jews and Jewesses shot from two pistols at the same time...."I love reading about the resistance as in the Warsaw ghetto or Vilna, etc. This movie is very interesting... I'll have to ponder more.Part of the issue will be, I think, that this movie represents a double-edged blade... One the one hand, it's David against Goliath (or, to skip the biblical metaphor, a much weaker good-guy / underdog against a much stronger BAD GUY) -- you WANT the good guy to win. On the OTHER hand -- something that will probably be hard for lots of "politcally correct" people to take will be firearms. THEY'VE GOT GUNS and they're using them for GOOD! Some people will also have a hard time w/ religious aspects, but it's not prominent, it's more a "given and ignored".The only thing... I WANT the good guys to win -- for the Jews to triumph, for the Nazis to be over-thrown by the people that they tried to exterminate -- and it's not that way. Sometimes real life doesn't measure up to fantasy, eh?