
2013 "Who's tracking you?"
6| 1h36m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 06 June 2013 Released
Producted By: The Collective
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Inside a darkened house looms a column of TVs littered with VHS tapes, a pagan shrine to forgotten analog gods. The screens crackle and pop endlessly with monochrome vistas of static white noise permeating the brain and fogging concentration. But you must fight the urge to relax: this is no mere movie night. Those obsolete spools contain more than just magnetic tape. They are imprinted with the very soul of evil.

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Timo Tjahjanto, Jason Eisener, Simon Barrett

Production Companies

The Collective


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V/H/S/2 Audience Reviews

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
will_jaros This movie is only about nudity and sexual assault. Disgusting, terrible and in no way okay. There are scenes of sexual assault and rape. It is seen that this movie is completely based around fully graphical nudity and assault and shouldn't be watched or supported by anyone.
TheMovieDoctorful The first "V/H/S" was the DEFINITION of a mixed bag. Some of the acting was fantastic, but some of it was terrible. Some of the shorts were brilliant and terrifying, but others were insulting and laughable. The atmosphere was nightmarish, but the characters were obnoxiously unlikable. I really hope that those disappointed by the first "V/H/S" film can find it in their hearts to give "V/H/S 2" a shot cause, as it turns out, it's not only vastly superior to the original film, but one Hell of a horror movie on its own merits. As an anthology flick, I'll be analyzing each of the shorts on their own.Phase #1: Clinical Trials~The admitted weakest of all the shorts, but still not bad. This one suffers from some VERY blatant plot holes (If Herman's artificial eye only allows him to see ghosts in his house, why is there a "scary noise" whenever they show up on screen?), but the jump scares, fairly cheap as they are, DO work and director Adam Wingard proves himself to be a solid actor. This short also boasts some impressive gore effects and gives a genius reason for why the camera is always rolling. 6/10 A Ride In The Park~So good that it's a shame it's not feature length. The zombies themselves are terrifying in both speech and appearance, the premise is creative, the gore effects are outstanding and used effectively, and the short gets in a surprisingly heavy emotional punch near the end. And must say, never thought I'd see a zombie film where the zombie has character development. 9/10Safe Haven~Definitely the most creative (And the most violent) of the shorts. The story is surprisingly complex for its runtime, the acting is incredibly realistic, the characters are likable, the wickedly dark comedy hits hard (Especially the ending), and the film does an excellent job using its unpredictability to shock and horrify you. This one also boasts the best creature effects of all the shorts. 8/10Slumber Party Alien Abduction~Saving the best for last. Many found footage films have attempted tackling the "alien abduction" sub- genre to varying degrees of success, but "V/H/S 2" does in less than 15 minutes what none of them accomplished at feature length. The acting is fantastic, the characters are likable, the effects are outstanding, the pacing is perfect and above all, it's scary. REALLY scary. The film shifts from casual home movie to nightmarish escape from malevolent aliens seamlessly, using its more lighthearted, "fun" tone as a disguise for what becomes arguably the most suspenseful and intense of the shorts (Something helped by the fact it is preceded by the darkest short in the movie) There is not a single moment in the entire short that is not entertaining, and it's proof that the alien abduction found footage sub-genre can do SO much better. 10/10Frame Narrative~Words cannot express how grateful I am that the characters are actually LIKABLE in this installment, not to mention very well acted. True, Larry and Ayesha have the chaotic, "rules are made to be broken" attitude to them that the characters in the first movie had, but they're still essentially good people, and their love for breaking the rules and generally pissing off people they don't particularly like comes off here as more of a "rogueish charm" that just makes them even MORE likable. The reasoning behind the collector's possession of the tapes is much more fascinating this time around, and the frame narrative contains some very subtle but truly horrifying visual scares. The 2 ending plot twists are brilliant, even if the final scare is something of a disappointment. 9/10 "V/H/S 2" is the perfect found footage movie for any adrenaline junkie, gore hound tired of the genre's relatively bloodless entries. That said, there is still much to love for fans who like their horror more subtle and suspenseful. Simply put, it's very diverse in the different ways it scares its audience. Scary, funny, well acted and with surprisingly likable characters "V/H/S 2" makes its mark as the undisputed pinnacle of the trilogy and definitely one of the better found footage films.
barfmasta At first glance, the film seemed somewhat slightly clichéd - with the two people at the start investigating a trashed (ish) house, and the eerie sounds and atmosphere, i wasn't sure if I expected a twist in the blade kinda film where it all ridiculously escalated into a grim video slideshow of gore, guts and some boob or a lengthy shitty fail of a film that focused on shock thrill in a cheap and immature manner. The film is focused on a series of tapes that relate to each other in a variety of ways, so watching the whole thing properly is definitely a help. The angle technique is one of a 3d kind of view, shots of characters filming come in various angles throughout the film, with the stuttering and eventual distorted sound of the audio made for each sequence. The actual film is bizarre, gory, nasty and sometimes a little humorous (in a sick way) depending on your horror tolerance, so for a film in the genre of found footage horror and gore focused violence, it's really a perfect representation of what a modern horror of that kind should be like. It is artistic from an effects point of view, some of it like the minotaur style/whatever monster chasing the cameraman, is completely ridiculous but nevertheless very entertaining and varied throughout the vast majority of the picture.Rating this you have to remember it's a horror with strong elements of gory bloody violence, so on that front i'd give it a 7.5 for it's thoroughly entertaining and (at times) completely absurd violence, and for its variety of events managing to lock into each other toward the finish.
TdSmth5 An investigator and his partner are hired to find a college kid. They break into house at night and find a room with bunch of TV, VCRs and lots of tapes. The girl stays to look at the tapes. He looks around the house. But there's someone else there.The first tape the girl watches is about a guy who lost his eye in an accident. He gets an implant and can see again through his bionic eye. When he gets home he starts seeing ghosts appear and vanish. Next morning a girl who saw him at the clinic knocks on his door. She tells him that she has an ear implant and now she hears ghosts. And she says she knows how to make them go away. But the ghosts have a plan of their own. That forces the guy to make a tough decision.Tape 2 is of a guy biking somewhere in the woods. A woman screaming for help crosses his path. She starts vomiting, turns into a zombie and attacks him. He still has a camera on his helmet as he turns into a zombie and attacks a couple. There are bunch of zombies there and they all crash a girl's birthday party. But some of the guys there start defending themselves. When he gets a call from his girlfriend, whatever he has left of his humanity surfaces.In tape 3 some journalists interview some guy who talks about knowing the path to immortality and that he's almost there. The crew of 4 then visit his compound. There are children there and a girl hints at being abused. When the actual interview with the cult leader begins, the 4 end up separating but for good reasons. At some point the guy says that it has begun and attacks the camera guy. Alarms start sounding. All the kids start drinking something. In another room, men shoot themselves in the head. The female reporter is taken by the cultists. When her guy finds he she gives birth. Things get crazier from there.The final story involves some kids who get to spend some time by themselves at what looks like a vacation home by the lake when the parents leave. There is a group of teens and a group of pre-teens. They pull pranks on each other and have a good time. Right away at night the house starts shaking, there are lights, sounds. This happens a couple of times until finally aliens show up.At the end we find out what happens with the couple of investigators and the college guy they were looking for.V/H/S/2 is an improvement on part 1. It has better image and better stories and is much gorier. It's good to see though that The ABCs of Death had enough of an impact to make a name for some of directors there. The first story is nothing special unfortunately, it is watchable mainly thanks to the lovely Hannah Hughes. Things improve greatly with the second story, the success of which borrows from Unearthed from The ABCs of Death by showing us what happens from the perspective of the villain. Things get even better in the third story by Timo Tjahjanto. His story isn't just happy to give us the creepy Jim Jones-type cult leader but goes way beyond. It's wild and crazy, just as his short on ABCs was. This guy is currently the future of horror. Unfortunately, after this high point things go significantly downhill with the aliens segment. It doesn't set up the story right, we can't distinguish any important character, what could have been a surprise is given away way too early, and it doesn't offer anything interesting. Odd and unfortunate, since Eisener's short on ABCs was pretty good. If they manage to make a sequel excluding weak shorts, they might have something here.