Zero Charisma

2013 "You can never take the game too seriously."
6.3| 1h26m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 11 October 2013 Released
Producted By: Magic Stone Productions
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An obsessive fantasy nerd gradually becomes unhinged when a charismatic hipster joins his role-playing game



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Katie Graham, Andrew Matthews

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Magic Stone Productions


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Zero Charisma Audience Reviews

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
sdipietro1 I really don't recall how I ran in to this movie late last year but it seemed interesting and I gave it a watch. Honestly, it was probably one of the smartest and realistic movies of 2013. Here's the thing, I know the real life versions of the characters portrayed in this film. The main character, is a guy who has relentless passion for the tabletop gaming lifestyle. It is his social life, his hobby, his job and even his family life to some degree. He invests almost 100% of his time into this activity. This of course causes problems since he tends to be overbearing, a control freak and even an a$$hole throughout the film. But the film even touches on the reasons for how he became this way. He is a man who is relatively young, overweight, balding, unattractive and was abandoned by his mother. So he is almost the tragic hero in a sense since he was an outcast in society and even in his family life. His circle of friends are basically in the same boat as him. While they all have different personalities, they all represent the classic "geek". They represent that oldschool fanboy that never gets laid, dresses sloppily, has poor social skills, possible bad hygiene and lives on a high sugar and fat diet.The group eventually meets a new gaming partner named Miles. Miles, in my opinion was fascinating because he was cast PERFECTLY. He represents the new type of nerd which is more mainstream, the HIPSTER NERD. He is the very typical tall, thin man who wears thick rimmed glasses, uses tight clothing, light facial hair and has a calm and more sociable demeanor. Now in the film, it was very interesting for me to see this since because we never had a film that really showed how both types of "NERDS" are similar yet so different. And the film is brutally honest about that fact that the more GEEKY nerds are still very much the social outcasts that they always were. While on the other hand, the new Hipster Nerds are basically the nerds that are more popular and accepted in society. And they tend to lead more eventful and interesting lives while having similar interests to the GEEKS.The ending to this film is not a happy one by any means. The main character shows a sense of jealousy toward the new guy who is cooler that him. But throughout the film, despite his jealousy, he senses that something is off and the new guy is not exactly what he seems. And towards the end of the film, he finds out that Miles throws a party at his house without inviting his tabletop gaming buddies, and it is indirectly revealed that even among nerds, the GEEKS are outcasts that are unpopular.But all in all, I really enjoyed this film very much because as a nerd (which type am I? lol), I found many elements portrayed to be very real. I have totally seen similar types of stories play out in my personal life regarding the GEEK NERD vs.HIPSTER NERD stigmas. The character studies on the main character and even some of the supporting characters were compelling and enjoyable to watch. And I am really interested in seeing what the directors come up with next...SEQUEL PLEASE!!
Jack Black This movie is raw truth! Pure emotion, overwhelming, distracting, painful, absolutely gut wrenching. I knew someone exactly like this, and it is as if Zero Charisma plucked him out of real life. Nothing I write can accurately describe the way this film and character made me feel. As if I was pulled back in time to high school experiencing the controlling menace of our local game master. Scott Weidemeyer represents more than some stereotype. This individual is complex, on so many levels. The scenes with his mother are horrific. I have an issue with a high level of empathy, and upon seeing a lot of these interactions like many, I cringe. On top of that I feel, not pity like some, but an overwhelming connection to a fellow human being isolated and alone. Everything about this movie, the soundtrack, the flow, the pacing, the scenery shot in Austin, TX. I loved it all! Scott experienced so much shame throughout his life. Being abandoned by his mother, embarrassed at every turn, his only positive interaction is his grandmother who doesn't relate to him at all, no role models, nothing except the steady growth of resentment. I recommend this to anyone interested in character driven stories that just so happen to involve board games. Only critique of the entire film though, *SPOILER ALERT*, no way could he drop him with a body shot.
maclaird1 I see that some people are offended by this film. I can only guess that it is just a bit too close to home for them. The main character is both unlikable and pitiable in many ways. Some of us grew up identifying with the character. His journey forward requiring him to examine who he is and what his friends mean to him is an interesting one. I liked the ending and found the last scene both poignant and eye opening with the character showing his true self. While this movie is not for everyone I think it is an interesting study in how other perceive gamers and how they perceive themselves. In the long run are they really any more pathetic than the hipsters, jocks, or popular kids?
bainst Whether you've grown up with table top role playing games (RPGs), or have only looked upon it with the eyes of an outsider (including those of you who've only played computerized RPGs), I think you'll find this movie very entertaining. The humor and pathos of ZERO CHARISMA are presented with loving and honest insight, so that even if your impulse is to laugh at the "pathetic losers", you will be hard pressed to not also find some resonance of the characters' actions and feelings in your own life.The respectful and subtle presentation of the character motivations and interactions is more akin to the geek/nerd trope presented in RUSHMORE or (the very excellent) WHITEBOYS, and not at all like the outsider's take in NAPOLEON DYNAMITE (though if you're a fan of that film, you'll find equally ridiculous behaviors and situations to guffaw over in this movie...they're just a little more layered).There's no need to go into the story in any depth, as the logline of this film is all you need to know going in. It's a good movie, although I may only think it's a 10 because I've played D&D for thirty years...and I recognize that this movie is celebrating that at the same time that it shines a light on the negative aspects of giving up Real Life for a fantasy world that we can control.