Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption

2011 "In a world where zombies outnumber humans 10,000 to one, it is impossible to tell the difference between men and the monsters."
3.2| 1h41m| R| en| More Info
Released: 31 March 2011 Released
Producted By: Phantasmal Pictures
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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At the end of civilization, zombies greatly outnumber humans and everyday is a fight to see tomorrow. Just when he is about to give up that fight, rugged wanderer John Knox winds up being saved by a ragtag group of survivors lead by a man named Moses. After initial suspicion, Knox proves his worth and slips into his new family in the wasteland, but one day a war party of maniacal raiders assaults the camp, killing or kidnapping everybody in sight. It's up to Knox and the few who escaped the attack to gather what resources they can (including zombies!) and launch an all-or-nothing attack on the raiders' home fortress.


Horror, Action

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Ryan Thompson

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Phantasmal Pictures


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Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption Audience Reviews

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
jkh-02537 Is this really a 7 star movie? Nah... probably not... It is certainly cheesy... but in terms of entertainment / fun value, I actually really enjoyed it...IMDB says the budget for this was $56k??? I find that really hard to believe... I mean, it's got Fred Williamson... he's done a TON of movies and TV shows... If the budget really was $56k? This movie deserves like 10+ stars...So... what to expect from this sort of Mad Max meets the zombie apocalypse? A whole bunch of cheesy lines and dialogue, but with some actual reasonable acting... Surprisingly decent special effects ( except for a couple CGI explosions, which could have used some help ) Some surprisingly good fight choreography & stunt work Pretty good camera work / lighting / audio A fast paced moving story with a moderate amount of suspense & plenty of action A fair amount of zombie gore as well as a pile of zombies and evil raider people ( another reason, why I'm floored at the low budget... they had a TON of extras in this movie... and quite a few with "o...k..." makeup... )----------One side note... The opening text was hilariously bad... looked like a 1980's computer font intro... and the soundtrack sounded like it was ripped off a 1990's action flick or something... hahaha...----------In any case... I don't believe this movie was meant to be a "serious" zombie flick... I actually thought this movie was a lot of fun to watch... sure, there are a lot better zombie flicks out there... but there are a TON of worse ones too... I'm sticking with 7 star...
Leofwine_draca ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE: REDEMPTION is no different to a hundred other zombie flicks made on an indie budget: it's cheap, drawn-out, and extremely fake-looking. The one ace up its sleeve that this film does have is the presence of the great cult star Fred Williamson in a supporting role and unsurprisingly he gives the only decent performance in the whole picture. The rest is a mess of military-themed action with OTT shoot-outs and the like. In the second half a horde of zombies arrive on the scene and chew up the badly-acting cast members.
pa-cacher Technically I don't think there are really any spoilers in here but just in case some of the material is borderline, I marked it.I like bad movies. I like good movies. I can be relatively easily entertained as it's easy for me to sink into a story. This movie was (is, since I'm technically still watching it) the most boring zombie movie I've ever seen. I can't imagine it's going to get any better. And for a zombie movie there aren't many zombies.... Oh wait, there's some. Ask and you shall receive? Wonder if that's it?Definitely lots of overacting. That's OK though. I generally find that amusing. Some of it is older 80s action style acting, all gruff, gravely voiced men, over the top bad guy. It was also full of ridiculously improbable action moments. And still managed to be boring.I think the movie and the premise had some potential. I haven't seen any post-apocalyptic zombie movies. (That isn't to say there aren't more; this is just my first) The others have all been more in the moment. As someone who has had many "surviving the zombie apocalypse" discussions I was intrigued by this idea. It definitely did not live up to my expectations.I don't know if it was my viewing medium (iPad mini) but some of the scenes looked blurred around the edges which was weird. Some of the effects were cartoonish as well.
chaosbaron Every time I begrudgingly click on a post 1980's zombie picture I somehow convince myself before hand that it will not use the same stupid traits that every other modern zombie film/show uses. Maybe all zombie fans like these traits? I will get to those in a second, first lets look at the general qualities of the film. The acting? Bad. The bad guys act like COBRA from GI Joe and the good guys just as forcefully silly. Bad acting can harm a compelling story, luckily this film doesn't have one. There are times the acting is so hammy you would think you were watching The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The setting is that of a post apocalyptic world taken over by zombies, complete with mad max style outfits. Combined with the acting this only pushes the ridiculousness of the film. The story doesn't really ever present itself or draw you in. If you were to ask me what the story is 30 minutes into the film I would say some guy is captured or rescued by a group of survivors, and there are a bunch of mad Max guys led by a guy who growls everything he says who wants him dead for some reason. Camera work and quality is not bad but nothing terribly attractive or innovative about it. So lets go on with the traits I mentioned earlier, you may call this knit picking but these things get to you when you see it time and time again like I have. Number one and the biggest issue is the screeching zombies. I absolutely hate that. I hate it when zombies make animal growls or screeches because it is really just unpleasant to hear. Why is it that every modern zombie film has to do this? Second is that although every ones clothes are made to look dirty or tattered, the actors and actresses themselves look like they have always just gotten out of a fresh shower and new haircut. Finally is that the zombies themselves just are not presented as a danger in this film. In about any modern zombie film the zombies are just background noise, hardly seen and certainly no threat to the main characters of the film. I only saw about 2 zombies the first 40 minutes of the film. Overall weak quality. It felt like a zombie fan fiction more than a actual film. 2/10 is the best I can offer. It didn't try anything new and was of all around bad quality.