A Young Doctor's Notebook


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7.8| TV-MA| en| More Info
Released: 06 December 2012 Ended
Producted By: Big Talk Productions
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.ovationtv.com/series/a-young-doctors-notebook

A young doctor who has graduated at the top of his class from the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry is thrust out into an isolated and impoverished country side as the village's only doctor. As he learns to adapt to his new lifestyle, he develops a morphine addiction to stay his sanity while realizing what being a doctor in the real world means.


Drama, Comedy

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Robert McKillop

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Big Talk Productions


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A Young Doctor's Notebook Audience Reviews

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Harriet Deltubbo It is a powerful film, but I doubt I will ever want to watch it again. In the early 20th century, a young doctor arrives in a small Russian village around the time of the Russian Revolution to work in the local hospital. The real centerpiece of the film is its acting. This is a story about a place most people might not be able to conceive. All the characters struggle against a system that has perpetuated falsehoods. OK, there are some flaws and I am not too naive to suggest this movie is worthy of an Oscar. My advice would be to watch this movie in full before you judge it. It shows how wrapped up we can become. It deserves its final rating of 7/10.
rrs0426 Not only is this series awash in absolutely needless and sadistic gore under the guise of "black humour", Hamm, who appears on screen with Radcliffe as his older self, is not only almost a foot taller, his attempt at an English accent is as bad as Keanu Reeves', Kevin Costner's and the midget on Game Of Thrones. The episodes are incredibly brief and the characters are meagerly developed in only the broadest and most cliché of strokes. Regardless, were there any brilliance in this show, Hamm's accent is so absolutely pathetic it would serve as such a tremendous distraction that any such brilliance would be difficult to notice. I found it painfully self-conscious in its attempts at humour and irony and a terrible waste of excellent actors.
kam-the-sage Based all on what I've seen of Series 1 only. What to say, eh? Writing this whilst I watch episode 4, again. That's my biggest endorsement of all. Each time watching adds to the depth of it all. And I want to watch it again. People will define this show by many non essential things, the accuracy to the texts its based off, the cast of English actors and of course that this series is defined by Daniel Radcliffe playing the main character. None of it matters for the show we get, as a stand alone, it stands high.The premise, in 1934 Moscow the Older Doctor is recounting his years as Young Doctor who, fresh out of his doctorate, is sent to run a hospital in the middle of nowhere. From here we see the doctor grow from his naïve book smarts into the stark reality of his situation.To start it's a comedy for sure, but it holds plenty of drama. Both come equally when needed and play off each other well, think a tragic comedy and you have the basic idea. The jokes range from the minor slapstick to the darkest laughter, and easily not for people who can't laugh at the tragedy that life holds. They're all there for a purpose, the laughter sets up and releases the tension creating a good pace throughout the episodes. The themes are extensive and deep, addiction, loneliness, life experiences, death, healthcare through doctors and patients, and of course medicine. And those are just the heavy themes, there are even themes of sexuality, nature vs artificiality, mentors, past mistakes and many more. It's well written, it shows a lot and doesn't tell you everything. Characters are well defined, each play their part in the narrative and the dialogue is very well done. Both of the Doctors grow over the series, where from the begin they are totally different by the end. There's a great retrospective segment in the last episode, and by this time we're shown the vast differences between the two. The production is great, you feel like you're there, in the cold, in the operating room, the locations are alive in their own way. The cast act their roles well enough, some characters don't have the breadth of depth as they might, but this is the doctors story and not theirs of course.I come away from A Young Doctor's Notebook thinking. How can I laugh at tragedy? These stories are based off the experience of the original author, Bulgakov, when he was a doctor himself and we can only imagine the horror of healthcare back then and how it relates to modern medicine. Nietzche says we humans laugh because we realise we are going to die. And here I am now, watching it again, realising that the best pain killer will always be laughter in the face of that horror.
alex239-545-53158 Despite only making it through one episode, I can confidently say this is one of the most woeful pieces of television I've ever watched. It's such a shame that the brilliant set, production and lighting were wasted on a program that is not only badly written but dreadfully acted.Daniel Radcliffe is again unnatural and wooden, with the rest of the cast ranging from serviceable to out-of-place to just bad. The humour is so predictable (the utter lack of timing and expression from Radcliffe barely helps), the dialogue is unrealistic and inconsistent. The entire setting is just wrong; a series set in Siberian Russia where the cast speak in English. It sets the wrong impression from the start. Why not just relocate the story to England/Scotland if you want to keep the actors, or better yet take a risk and produce it in Russian with subtitles.This looks stylish enough, but unfortunately the actual content is appalling.