Cleopatra 2525


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Released: 17 January 2000 Ended
Producted By: Renaissance Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Cleopatra 2525 is an American science fiction television series that aired in syndication for two seasons, from January 2000 to March 2001. It appeared as the first part of the Back2Back Action Hour, followed by Jack of All Trades.

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Renaissance Pictures


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Cleopatra 2525 Audience Reviews

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Lyceus Cleopatra 2525 is a very funny, entertaining show. You shouldn't take all the show seriously, but if you wanna have fun, that's your TV show. Being made by the producers of Xena is a quality guarantee, and Cleopatra 2525 isn't that different from Xena. The female warriors formula is brought to the future, where they don't have to fight warriors or gods, but dangerous robots which dwell in the surface, and the humans are forced to live underground. Along the two seasons of Cleopatra, they develop an interesting and funny underground world, and we get to know the three main characters: Cleopatra (Jennifer Sky), Hel (Gina Torres) and Sarge (Victoria Pratt). They all are different, but as a team, they work really well. The three main actresses appeared previously in Xena, like most of the regular/guest cast (there are some known faces from Hercules too, or from both shows). I specially liked the character played by Danielle Cormack (Ephiny in Xena), which is very different from any of her roles I previously knew. So if you liked Xena and Hercules, you'll love Cleopatra 2525. If you don't know them, try it: I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Shari A crazy spin-off for guest stars of Xena, so I watch. A stripper who's cryogenically frozen to the future? A little off, but I watched anyway. It really was a 1 hr show in 1/2 and hour and it crewed it up. They finally gave it an hour because Jack of all Trades was dumb. still liked it even though it was silly. It had potential. Someone said the things that controlled the surface's ship looked like the female repro system. I ad to admit it did and it's about time. Most of those things look like phallic symbols in other shows, what a shock. Jennifer Sky played Amarice on XENA, V. Pratt played Cyane, and Gina Torres played a variety of people on XENA and HERCULES. They deserved some air time, lol. It's cancelled now, but I liked it.
ParanoidAndroidMarvin In 2000, with Hercules and Xena winding down, two new shows were created in an attempt to fill the void. One was the Bruce Campbell vehicle, Jack of all Trades, the other was Cleopatra 2525. The shows didn't attract the viewers that their predecessors had, and were cancelled after the first and second seasons, respectively. I had never paid much attention to syndicated television shows. To me they had always been dumb, late night entertainment, something to watch when there's nothing to do, but you're not tired enough to go to bed yet. Then one day, while flipping through one dull show after another, I landed on Cleopatra 2525. I was hooked. But why? I was above this mindless entertainment, wasn't I? What led me enjoy a series by the same people who spawned Hercules and Xena? First of all, to be honest, the fact that the show revolved around women in form-fitting suits didn't hurt initially. Secondly, the show was basically Science Fiction, a genre I love, as opposed to Fantasy, which I'm less receptive to. In addition, I found that the very reasons I had avoided such shows might have been one of their greatest qualities. The fact that they're not taken seriously allows them to slip many things in ‘under-the-radar', and most don't pick up on it because the figure it's just brain dead entertainment.However, I didn't find it at brain dead all. There were, here and there, some wonderful and surprisingly original Sci-Fi elements and even, believe it or not, some good stories. Many of Cleo's writers have impressive resumes, and have worked shows such as ‘Buffy', ‘The Outer Limits', ‘The Pretender' and ‘Enterprise'. Remarkably well assembled for a syndicated show, I believe it had underlying themes and allusions that many failed to recognise. This is largely because they, as I had in the past, looked at these shows only superficially, not bothering to entertain the possibility that there was more going on.The basic premise of the show is very interesting. Consider the fact that all three of the leading characters are women. Their unseen guide ‘voice' is, in fact, that of a female. Mauser, the one male in our group of heroes, seldom leaves the base of operations, and attends to many of the ‘housekeeping' duties, such as repairing equipment, etc. Another interesting note on Mauser is that he was formerly a Betrayer, a being who aids in the enslavement of the humans. Hel's personal arch-nemesis, Creegan, is also a male. There are some intriguing implications made here, and one can draw their own conclusions upon watching the show. Needless to say, the show examines gender roles and stereotypes. All this serves as an example of the elements of the show that slip by, unnoticed by those who fail to examine the show beyond its surface. Cleo. 25 is very much a typical syndicated show superficially. Women in form fitting clothing, incessant comedic relief, and action strung along on a shoestring budget. Deceptively, under this lies some interesting concepts and enjoyable characters. The show does have it's fans, and you can running into them online is always a pleasure. Perhaps, by some strange twist of fate, we'll encounter Cleopatra 2525 again one day.
skeptic1222 Everyone I told about this show (especially females) was most skeptical of its quality (to say the least), but quality is one thing Cleopatra 2525 had in surplus. After watching an episode or two however they began to see that this was much more than simple "eye candy" for men, this show had depth. Women are shown to be intelligent, powerful, and excellent leaders in this show more than any Sci-Fi series at the time. This show should be seen by all women for its pure self-esteem boosting qualities (my wife loves Sarge), "girl power" is in full force here (apologies for the cliché). Many people that thought the show was silly or degrading to women probably only saw the commercials for it, or a few minutes of the actual show (if even that) and never gave it a chance. The show had a "pure Sci-Fi" storyline which never drifted into the paranormal (i.e. always had a science explanation without ghosts, esp, god, etc.) which was a breath of fresh air in the midst of the many idiotic shows of the time that turned to the Paranormal to explain their plot devices. As an example, when someone was "out of phase/invisible" and could walk through walls the writers went to great lengths to explain why they didn't fall through the floor to the center of the earth (ever hear another Sci-Fi or Paranormal show even try to explain that). All the villains had motives (known or unknown) and were never presented as simply `evil'. This show had great storylines, characters with depth, unique and creative set designs, gadgets, and special effects to die for. The means of transportation was a blast to witness (shaft travel) as well. The actresses were not just extremely attractive, but extremely talented as well. This was the ONLY show I made a point to record when I would be elsewhere, and I can proudly say I never missed an episode. My wife loves the show as well, although she can't stand the theme song and tries to make me mute it. The series unfolded in a way I have not seen since Babylon 5 (another great show, but a bit on the Paranormal side of Sci-Fi) another of my favorites. The entire series was building up to a spectacular revelation, but was cancelled for reasons unknown (after constantly being moved to increasingly inconvenient time slots that is). I can't help but wonder that if the PR for the show emphasized the Sci-Fi qualities more than the attractive women (and attractive though they are) they might not have given so many the misguided ideas that probably led to the changes in time slots, and ultimately cancellation. I give Cleopatra 2525 a 9 out of 10. Cleo, Hel, and Sarge, you will always hold a special place in my Sci-Fi heart. >