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Released: 03 March 2006 Ended
Producted By: Wolf Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A fast-paced character-oriented story, focuses on the lives and loves of the young assistant district attorneys in New York, following their career paths as these passionate but naive ADAs are confronted with tough, emotional cases that challenge their limited experience – and force them to mature quickly or be overwhelmed.


Drama, Crime

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Conviction Audience Reviews

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
wil-95-615803 Apparently Dick Wolf finally decided that offering up the same vapid effluvium that passes as crime drama in most time slots was the ticket. I guess it's just a function of the times; we no longer can present cops or lawyers that look like folks we actually see in courtrooms or police stations; everyone has to look like they stepped out of a Victoria's Secret or A&F ad. I suspect that if anyone else produced this pablum it would have been deemed acceptable fair. However, folks expect better from the producer of L&O and its other progeny. This member of the "family" is the bastard step child that no one should speak of again. Bravo for NBC pulling the plug on it after one season; don't waste your time on a show that's more about boobs and adolescent hook ups than law and interesting plot twists.
KRican The show got off to a weak start. As a huge fan of Stephanie March and Eric Balfour, I hung in and I am really glad I did. The episodes became increasingly more interesting and I began caring about the characters by mid-season. What I need to say is - the season finale surpassed any by far that I've seen in a long time. I am addicted to SVU, Desperate Housewives and Close to Home had a great finale this year, but Conviction's 180.8 episode absolutely blew me away. The emotion, sense of panic and urgency, as well as the poignancy of what people mean to us in times of tragedy had me on the edge of my seat in shock, horror and tears for it's entirety. I cannot wait for next season!
lucasmom2007 Conviction has it's flaws and does fall back on the same old clichés. One cast member in particular stands out, however, and I am positive not even the producer who gave him the job recognizes the amazing strengths the actor and his character adds to the story line. I am sure "Billy Desmond" (aka J. August Richards) was written in with the intent of bringing the now much sought after (and definitely much needed) "Grey's Anatomy" diversity to the forefront of American television, especially by giving him some of the same cutting edge workaholic, misogynistic characteristics usually reserved for white characters. This kid has serious skill that should not be overlooked just because the show gets a little hacky. Young Mr. Richards has had the outrageous good fortune to have scenes written for him on this show that could have been written for any actor, not just "the" African-American, or in his case, the Panamanian-American, on the show. I have noticed that the latest two episodes will downplay his role to an almost nonexistent degree as opposed to the three episodes prior. Hopefully this will not be an ongoing trend. At any rate, I would suggest to anyone who hasn't seen the show to give it a try. Don't make the mistake of making comparisons; It's not as good as Law and Order- I'm a huge fan.The key to L&A's success is they never delve too far into the personal lives of the characters. It's about the cases. That's why it's been on so long, and yet we still love Elliot and Olivia, Gore and Aames. It's just the opposite with Conviction. Lotsa story line on the personal lives ... still, check it out and watch from the beginning if it doesn't get filled in with a summer replacement. Jaime August Richards is going to be a star.
strawberries_22 I think this show has potential, if NBC sticks to it. I must say, I had no idea about this show until the night of its debut when I came across it just as it was starting. I liked it well enough. As with most pilots however, you are busy trying to figure out the dynamics of each character so I wasn't overwhelmed or anything. But the second episode which just aired tonight was REALLY good. Most of the characters have good and bad in them, I think and over time, could develop a lot. I wasn't sure about Eric Balfour as a lawyer at first, but whoa the guy can act! :) Kind of reminds me of a young Sean Penn. You know how Grey's Anatomy is more about the characters rather than the cases? I think Conviction is similar (not the comedy part of it!) in that the character, and how they react/act/think, are the essence of the show. I hope they keep the show going for a while, allow people to catch on.