Not Safe for Work


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  • 1
7.3| NA| en| More Info
Released: 30 June 2015 Ended
Producted By: Clerkenwell Films
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Comedy drama series portraying a generation struggling with the realities of 21st Century working life and the camaraderie and friendships that bloom in times of difficulty.


Drama, Comedy

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Not Safe for Work Audience Reviews

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Benas Mcloughlin Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Sandy Morley Look, it's decent enough. It's interesting--it's cutting--but it's not funny. And isn't that the litmus test for a comedy?Every story is tragic, every character is tragic, every personality, quirk and inflection is tragic. Even the one-liners are laced with insecurity. The flimsy comedic packaging only serves to detract from what is otherwise a truly impactive tragedy. For that, I'd still give it an 8.But these are incredibly accomplished actors, capable of intensely gut-wrenching drama and seemingly effortless wit alike, yet the scenes in which they are high are no better performed than a particularly bad preteen's attempt in drama class. They are as convincing as the press release for a metal condom on the 1st of April. When portrayed well, drugs can be as everyday as a torn carrier bag or as frighteningly intense as the very best thrillers. If you're sucked out of the moment to ponder whether the actors have ever spent time with someone on drugs, or have been so wrecked themselves they only remember the glaringly obvious, it's just not done well. It's 'high' at the basest level. That's a point off.Another is removed for how blatantly political it is. The writer is painting a very clear picture of someone shouting "You ruined us! You ruined us!" with none of the accommodation of fallibility. She's right. They did ruin us, and it's a crying shame, but writing stories around an issue that all have the exact same moral doesn't give the issue any more depth. It actually does the opposite.Finally, I can't even remember smiling, much less actually laughing. Even Broadchurch gave us a couple of grins. If it's just going to make you depressed, can you really call it a comedy?
Peter_Jerome I have really enjoyed the first five episodes of this series, so much so that I have watched them all again, back to back.I largely agree with Andrew White's appraisal. I started watching because it was funny, but as the series has gone on, more and more unfunny, but deeply moving, things have happened. Characters who appeared to be quite flimsy at first become, when we know more about them, very credible people, damaged, perhaps, by what life has thrown at them, but doing their best to cope with the circumstances in which they find themselves. At the end of episode Five I am desperately keen to see the last episode - if only because there are at least two characters whose 'back stories' have not yet been disclosed.The writing both of the plot, and the dialogue, is first rate, and the timing and acting skills generally are wonderful. I would like to list my favourite characters and actors, but I cannot. This is ensemble work of the highest order - they are all excellent, and a very well balanced team.
Andrew White This is definitely a slow-burner but, wow, does it get good! I wasn't sure whether I'd stick with this after episode 1, but I did and I'm really glad. It is not what it initially seems to be. As the series goes on you get to know every character really well and find out why they are as they are. Each person is so realistically developed as it progresses. They actually speak and act like real people. That is so rare, and you start to really care about all of them. There are no villains or heroes, just like in true life, only people struggling to survive and to make sense of what sometimes seems like a pointless and ridiculous world. It is hysterically funny in places and genuinely moving too. The acting, writing and direction are second to none.
alistairc_2000 Well as a civil servant of 23 years I can tell you this is just what it is like. The blind leading the sighted. The great idea of decentralising to odd locations and filling them with clueless dullards.Pilot Episode plot. A woman is being divorced by her husband. She thinks life cannot get any worse. Then she finds she is being moved out into the sticks (Apologies to people from Northampton). She get there and nothing works. He ex junior is now running things. He spends his time getting drunk and playing games. Can she work out what is going on and save the day? Well I am sure we shall find out in future episodes.This is a dystopian version of the future which brings to mind Philip K Dicks Flow my tears. As we are all now trapped in this nightmare future of normalcy where nothing is normal any more.I was laughing all the way through it. It is well worth a watch.