The Andromeda Strain


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Released: 26 May 2008 Ended
Producted By: Scott Free Productions
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A U.S. satellite crash-lands near a small town in Utah, unleashing a deadly plague that kills virtually everyone except two survivors, who may provide clues to immunizing the population. As the military attempts to quarantine the area, a team of highly specialized scientists is assembled to find a cure and stop the spread of the alien pathogen, code-named Andromeda.

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Scott Free Productions


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The Andromeda Strain Audience Reviews

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
bmradux I know... some "elevated critics" out there will raise a brow in disgust and disbelief, and spit on those 10 stars I gave the movie. But look - sci-fi movies made in the 50s just are just übercorny. From every point of view. Dialogue, acting, visuals. I tried it a few times. I guess if You are nostalgic, some musicals from the "golden age" might still work, but we are talking sci-fi here. So... probably the novel behind this movie is absolutely awesome. But beside some minor flaws I give the crew for this movie an A+. I saw great care for details. Plot-holes described by some reviews here are not really there, but rather a rush for labeling them as such is present before consulting the better brain half. Plot and acting is great. I watched the two parts in the same bite, and boy, it was a treat! I was smiling wider and wider on the edge of my seat, because I finally found a good sci-fi I had not watched yet. One that keeps clichés to a minimum, is smart enough, and has none of those pesky moments glorifying the American army, or spirit, or way, or folk, or freakin dishwasher on the notes of some WWII triumph march song. I mean... yeah.. it has one.. but it's digestible. And I noticed only two product-placements. And it is not in 3D(=no useless gimmics). And this is as good as it gets these days.
james I would have given this entertaining movie 8 stars instead of 10, but I'm giving it 10 stars to "balance out" the reviewers who are giving it 1 star just because the scientists include minorities and a gay man. By the way, out of 3 hours, there is 7 seconds where we learn that one scientist is gay and then it is never mentioned again. And apparently some reviewers are shocked, SHOCKED that a Latino or an Asian-American or an African-American or a gay person could be a scientist. Of course, that says nothing about minorities, but says volumes about the intelligence of the bigoted reviewers. That said, the movie, while very entertaining, is about an hour too long. They could have left out the "CNN-type" reporter (played by a straight actor who used to play a gay character on a sitcom-----Oh No!!! Another "gay" connection! Horrors!). Almost all of his scenes were unnecessary and cutting those scenes would have made the movie better and only 2 hours.
johnslegers In spite of some minor flaws and differences from the original 1971 film, the first half of "The Andromeda Strain" was pretty decent. It wasn't anything too special, but it came off as a fairly interesting and well-executed bio-tech thriller to me.Unfortunately, all that fell apart during the second half. The most absurd plot holes or just plain absurdities followed one another at an increasing pace, which totally ruined the atmosphere built up during the first half. What started out as a fairly interesting film ended in a disaster.Adding to this, the annoying environmentalist, anti-corporate and anti-"military-industrial complex" message that's added to the story is very naive (almost childish) and doesn't mix well with the rest of the plot. It reminds me of "On Deadly Ground", where Steven Seagal takes a perfectly valid environmentalist message and turns it into an atrocious action film. Considering I actually agree with the idea that we must be aware of greedy corporations, corrupt politicians and the fragility of our environment, it really bothers me when Hollywood does such a bad job conveying that message.
ELOrocks17 After reading many reviews (about 100 of them) on this site, it seems like we have reached a consensus on this junky remake:1. Zero suspense 2. Rainbow cast 3. Ridiculous sub-plots 4. Nonsensical science 5. Shamefull ripoffI would agree with everything above. I too saw the original movie many years ago. It was masterfull in drawing you in to the confines of the plot. The suspense, the isolation, the last best hope of mankind to solve the riddle. Never once did my mind wander as to who theses "actors" were. They were so believable as Top scientists, you left the movie thinking they were real Doctors. The story did not require stupid lame subplots to fuel the movie, the main storyline was more than enough. The end result was a suspenseful, edge of your seat, clock ticking away type movie that left you exhausted at the conclusion, allowing yourself to finally swallow that lump in your throat that has been there the last hour. Bravo!Having said that, lets now examine the remake:This movie (if you can call it that) suffers from what most re-makes do. The times are changing. Gone are the thoughtfull, well made, movies that inspire viewers to use their imagination to think things out. Most movies today are about money, not about accomplishment. This crap is just another excuse to dip into that well of good movies to see if they can squeeze a few more dollars out of it. Instead of making a straight science-fiction movie, the producers no doubt formed a focus group of drunk and stoned college students to see what they want in a movie. Of course, Hollywood has to make sure it offends no one except white people, and of course make every opportunity to bash America. This movie succeeded very well on both counts. The result, more PC/anti-American garbage that plays well in foreign countries. Skip this junk unless you are the type that think SCI-FI original movies are good.