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Released: 18 March 2015 Ended
Producted By: Cinétévé
Country: Belgium
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://lestemoins-laserie.com/

A young female detective is put in charge of a case and must delve into her partner's mysterious past in order to solve it.


Crime, Mystery

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Witnesses Audience Reviews

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Lawbolisted Powerful
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
moorek I have only seen Season 1 and watching it in French with French subtitles so I stop a lot to be sure I am following the story. Maybe because I am stopping so often I have noticed the very negative points.First the Positive. If you're used to North American series then I think you'll like the elements that make many European series interesting: actors you've never seen before; city and country settings that are fresh; a culture reflected in everything from road signs to the hundreds of European cars. It brings a fresh face even to a tired genera. In this particular case I love the setting even if it is always wet and grey. I do want to visit there.I found the editing stilted but at the same time liked that it moved the plot along quickly. One minute someone makes a comment, the next scene they are acting on it. Felt a little jerky but fast.I liked the two main subplots in general ignoring the glaring loopholes in both. Actually that is about all I can saw positive about it.Even with the editing, I felt there was still lots of filler. I think they should have jettisoned the subplot with the detective and her companion, kept the two main subplots and reduced it by an episode. The acting is just barely acceptable. At times the female lead (Marie Dompnier )can be captivating but it's all in small bits. Overall she comes across as dull, unconfident, poorly trained and on the verge of crying almost all the time. Clearly this is an actress that has not held a weapon before because you can't believe this person has had training. In a gunfight in a graveyard she is lucky she got a shot off; she doesn't stop one murderer from killing himself, in a scene with a wolf she slowly goes for her gun then freezes and then falls to the ground and in doing so lets the criminals get away, in the final scene she just blindly fires away all the rounds in her pistol. When she goes to investigate some houses at a golf course it looks like she just runs around the golf course hoping to see the villain instead of any type of logical approach to the houses. In fact we never actually see her approach a house as she is on the greens the whole time like the villain will be golfing. And this is a trained officer? The male lead was only a little better since his character was supposed to be stoic so being dull fit the role. I think the worse was the actress who I think was Dompnier's immediate supervisor. She had no personality and presence in the show. The worst part is the stupid way the police react. Even not knowing French police habits, I'm sure you don't go into crime sites without gloves and shoes. You don't remove evidence (key) and carry it around with you. You don't break into an apartment esp when the person you are looking for has not done any crimes against a person. And we think American police shows have gun happy police? In this series the police pull their guns whenever they have an opportunity. A suspect rushes out of his office onto a crowded ferry, 5-6 police give chase. They all pull their pistols out. There is no indication this man is armed or necessarily dangerous. At least some of the police keep their weapon by their side and almost out of site. Dompnier keeps her well out in front so that every passenger can see it. She rushes into the building above where she breaks into an apartment with her pistol out. But the woman she is going after has not apparently done anything wrong. In the golf course scene, she has her gun pulled the entire time she is running around the greens.And in typical police show fashion, one officer lets the villain have his way to not risk the possibility of never finding his kidnapped victims. Ignoring the fact that this man is a serial killer and has just killed several police officers. You'd shoot him or arrest him and then hope you find the victims. You could never risk having this man free in society again. (Same thing happened in Glace.)I will watch season 2 to help my French although the IMDB reviews are telling me that it is worse than season 1 and the flick act even worse. I hope I can get through all of season two.
canuckteach Another IMDb reviewer (daggersineyes?) liked season 1, but urged readers vigorously to 'pass' on Season 2. But Season 2 started with a bus full of dead frozen people and a pretty amnesiac trying to reconnect with her family. Compelling?! Yeah, I should have listened to dagger. I also enjoyed Season 1 with its mysterious piles of bodies turning up, implicating a high official in murder. But Season 2 fell off the tracks after a few sessions. I can only imagine that the writers thought they were doing a 4-episode offering, but then we're told to expand it to 8----& they went "huh? We have identified the killer & his cohorts and possible motive'(the guy's a loony-tune... What else would explain it?)... Why would we need 4 more episodes?" Seriously, the writers should have just insisted on writing a new 4-parter instead of producing this drivel. It was as bad as those C-westerns of the early 40's with Nazi war criminals... And trucks! Typically, an 8-session season might be 3 story-lines (4+2+2) or whatever... Anything but a dragged-out bit of nonsense over an entire season.I have seen 8-parters done in mystery series, but the scope was broader, of course. When you start with a bus full of dead people, you have to 'cut to the chase' fairly quickly . Oh well.. next time (I listen to 'dagger').Not belittling the performances here, but the story was disgraceful! Not something the writers want on their resumés, I can assure you (O, you wrote t-h-a-t? That the one where 2 villains commit suicide? Always wondered what you guys were thinking ... We'll call you - don't call us..)
Moacir Fuhr I only watch the first season, so the comment below only applies to that: The plot seems interesting at first, but the script is so bad that the series ends up falling in quality to each episode. There is no character development. Everyone is empty and boring, and it's hard to care about any of the characters. The relationship between the main characters, Sandra and Paul Maisonneuve, is simply ridiculous. The script tries to force a relationship that simply never happens. The two behave like strangers throughout the entire series and although a past story is quoted it has no ability to create a true relationship and the two characters spend the whole series being boring and distant. The script is very bad. There are no words to describe how bad it is. French police act like a bunch of retarded people in every episode and the way detectives make the discoveries is simply laughable. Most of the time they simply guess things without any evidence. The acting is very bad too. I just watch the series because I'm studying French and I wanted to have a greater contact with the language and the French culture. But I would never recommend this series to anyone. It's just bad.
stylemessiah Despite the tendency to compare it to recent offerings like The Bridge and The Tunnel etc, really you should forget those and seek to approach this with a clean slate.We're seeing it with a head start here in Australia, and episode 2 shows that the promise is there to live beyond the initial opening episode and what are always grand setups.Whats truly astonishing to me is that for the lead actress, Marie Dompnier, this is the first outing for her in front of a camera (i understand she is a seasoned theatre actor). She is transfixing, not only for her appealing appearance (i already have a crush, but will move beyond the superficial hereon in!), but for making her confident female detective character utterly believable. Its something of a triumph right there. She looks as though she has been acting on film for some time. I hope to see more of her in the future.As i said, im 2 episodes in and i cannot not follow through!

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