Alphabet City

1984 "At 19, they gave him the streets. Tonight, they're going to take them back."
5.2| 1h25m| R| en| More Info
Released: 04 March 1984 Released
Producted By: Atlantic Releasing Corporation
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A New York City drug dealer decides to get out of the business, but has to flee from mobsters.


Drama, Action, Crime

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Amos Poe

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Atlantic Releasing Corporation


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Alphabet City Audience Reviews

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
bayardhiler Looking at film history, one can pick any decade and easily find a film that deals with the subject teen angst, crime, or juvenile delinquency. The 80's are no exception to that, as we can see with 1984's "Alphabet City". Taking place in the real life (and at the time troubled) neighborhood of New York City, it concerns the story of a young, punk street dealer named Johnny (Vincent Spano in his younger days). Johnny lives the life, has a hot girlfriend and young daughter, as well as a sweat ride. But he begins to have second thoughts about everything when he's ordered by his mob boss, Gino (a very effective Raymond Serra) to burn down the building where his mother and little sister are living. What follows next is a run for his life as Johnny does everything to collect old debts to get himself and his family out of dodge. Before I go on, let me be honest: The film won't win any academy awards. It is what is, a low budget teen crime drama. And yet the film is memorable, if not for its writing than for the look and feel of it. "Alphabet City" perfectly captures the time it was made in, the early eighties, be it the fashion (the bright colored "tights" girls used to wear in night clubs, Oh Yeah!) or the quasi disco/early 80's dance music that was happening at the time. One song called "Lady Luck" is especially memorable since they play it throughout much of the film. It might not be anything special, but after a while, it is pretty catchy. Another point that helps is the dedication the actors give to their roles, despite the film being as low budget as it is. Vincent Spano is fairly convincing as the drug dealer who grows a conscience, as is Michael Winslow as Lippy, Johnny's drug addicted partner in crime. In particular, Winslow makes you feel for Lippy, as he inspires feelings of hopelessness and despair with his crazy antics and street rhythms. Rounding out the cast is Kate Vernon as Angie, Johnny's girlfriend, and a very young and just starting out Jami Gertz as Johnny's sister Sophia. But above all, perhaps what makes "Alphabet City" so memorable is a genuine feeling of the price one might be required to pay when he enters the drug game (Another commenter on this site who admits to being involved in the drug trade during this time said the same thing. Luckily for him, he was able to get out of the game but not before seeing many of his friends being "retired" for good). And on that note, if you're in the mood for some 80's fun and decent teen story, check out "Alphabet City". Directed by Amos Poe.
Scott LeBrun Passable urban action / crime flick starring Vincent Spano as Johnny, a young thug who gets into big trouble when his mobster bosses order him to torch a building, and because this is the same building in which his mom (Zohra Lampert) and sister (Jami Gertz) reside, he stalls and then ultimately defies them. If anything, "Alphabet City" is certainly a very slick affair, and it's no surprise that the director, Amos Poe, had music video experience. On the plus side, it is incredibly fast paced, and stylish, but in the end it's quite unmemorable. It's just too hard to care very much about any of these characters. The acting is generally competent but the performers are all basically playing archetypes, existing in a pretty standard story of people trying to rise above their meagre surroundings. It IS a treat to see the interesting Ms. Lampert; cult horror fans will recognize her from the 1971 favourite "Let's Scare Jessica to Death". Spano exerts a respectable amount of "cool" in the lead, with amusing support from Michael Winslow, best known as Jones from the "Police Academy" franchise who does have some dramatic moments here but also the opportunity to do some more of the sound effects shtick for which he's famous. Gorgeous Kate Vernon (daughter of the legendary John Vernon) is pleasing to look at, if not terribly convincing, in her first major role, and the same goes for the young Gertz. Familiar folk in smaller roles include Raymond Serra as the mob boss Gino, Tom Mardirosian as Benny, Tom Wright as a chauffeur, Clifton Powell as Ramon, and Miguel Pinero, creator of the stage play "Short Eyes", as a dealer. The dated pop soundtrack is good for some amusement, if also rather repetitive; the main music score is by industry great Nile Rodgers. The NYC location filming is a big, big asset. The climactic action, however, ends up descending into silliness. Overall, a fairly entertaining melodramatic little flick. Five out of 10.
amos-27 i recently saw this flick after 20 odd years & while it is one that 'got away', its still pretty decent for the time... (what the producers wanted - was an "urban teen flick"... good luck!) it was my first 35mm, fully crewed production & shot in 20 nights & we did best under the circumstances, and we had a blast shooting it. editing was difficult to say the least. it was a huge, huge learning experience. i had a lot of support from oliver wood (DP), line-producers Ben Gruberg & Roberta Friedman, and Greg Heller, who wrote the story. Nord Haggerty and Anna Taylor did a a great job with production design and costumes under very limited budget. Nile's music sounds better than ever. i wish we'd have shot the real ending... (which was to "political" for the producers) i agree w/comments that there are cheesy segments & i'd like to see Vince act in more movies! Jamie & Michael Winslow still charm in their own ways... anyway, thanks for watching it on late nite TV!
bfaulguy Everyone gives this movie a bad rating, but it somehow managed to keep me entertained. However, I'm a car nut, so that of course plays into the level of enjoyment I had watching the film. In this movie, Johnny Chunga (Vincent Spano) plays a heroin dealer for the mob, and spends much of his time cruising the lower Manhattan area conducting this business. Why I like it: He drives a white 1983 Pontiac Trans Am "Pace Car". These cars were actually limited production firebirds (approximately 2500 built) that commemorated the 25th Daytona 500 race, and the 15th anniversary Firebird. They were loaded with all options to include smooth "aero" wheels, power everything, and Recaro seats. Johnny's even has a vintage cellphone! The car is on the video cover, so that's why I rented it. But I do like the early 80's soundtrack by Nile Rodgers, and would greatly appreciate any leads to find a copy of the soundtrack, or songs from it. The sound effects guy from Police Academy (Michael Winslow) is also in this movie doing what he does best. Thats about it. If you don't like "B" movies, don't watch it. If you're into Firebirds, it's worth renting.